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Penn Wood Middle School Enhancing Teaching Through Technology Grant Implementation Committee Meeting Thursday, April 8, 2010 1:00PM Agenda Overview of.

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Presentation on theme: "Penn Wood Middle School Enhancing Teaching Through Technology Grant Implementation Committee Meeting Thursday, April 8, 2010 1:00PM Agenda Overview of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Penn Wood Middle School Enhancing Teaching Through Technology Grant Implementation Committee Meeting Thursday, April 8, 2010 1:00PM Agenda Overview of the grant objectives Overview of the role of the Technology Coach Overview of professional development offerings Overview of EETT Trainer position LoTi Digital Age School – Dr. Chris Moersch

2 Grant Objectives  Change teacher practices to include technology resources embedded into curriculum  Utilize Promethean Planet resources  Utilize Web 2.0 tools Wikis Wall Wisher Blended Schools Ning Blogging Collaborating  Create activities that support higher order thinking (H.E.A.T)  Developing and /or participating in global projects  NETS-S; NETS-T  Student technology assessment  Professional development for teachers (online, blended and face to face models)

3 Project Plan  Use 21 st Century and traditional media to encourage and promote collective knowledge construction Teachers will use data from multiple sources to set goals; identify instructional materials and allocate instructional time

4 Project Plan  Teachers and students will be required to take a baseline assessment in September/early October (2010) and a benchmark assessment in May/early June (2011) We must report this data to PDE on or before October 30, 2010 and again October 30 2011(2011 will also include testing new 7 th and 8 th grade students and personnel.

5 Assessment  Student and personnel data will be collected via Simple Assessment, an online assessment tool. Students and personnel will then have the opportunity to participate in courses that will provide targeted instruction in the areas that are indicated as deficient.

6 Personnel Assessment  EETT Personnel Assessment EETT Personnel Assessment

7 Project Plan Students will have opportunities to define authentic problems; work in collaborative groups and identify solutions to problems/projects that have an impact on their lives (Digital Storytelling)  All teachers will create opportunities for students to design and implement classroom response unit lessons to demonstrate content mastery at least 2 times during each quarter

8 NETS-S Projects  NETS-S Projects for Students NETS-S Projects for Students

9 Project Plan  Technology Coach will provide job embedded professional development; just in time training and facilitate professional learning opportunities  Design authentic learning environments that promote creativity and collaboration Continuous use of promethean boards and resources

10 Promethean Planet

11 Project Plan  Provide long and short term professional growth opportunities Summer Learning opportunities  Web 2.0  Digital Storytelling  Promethean  Teachers will participate in WPSD Online University to access courses on technology integration

12 Online Professional Learning  WPSD EETT Online University WPSD EETT Online University

13 Project Plan  Teachers will participate in afterschool and/or Saturday professional development

14 Crafting the plan  Working in teams we will develop course offerings for the fall workshops

15 Deliverables  Manual – how to navigate or create product replete with instructions, screen shots, practice activities, and assessment project  Course description  Length of course  Number of sessions  Length of sessions

16 Q&A


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