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Cmpt 275 – Assignment 1 :Project Plan By Team iCan. (Kevin Kang, Negar Shojaian, Matthew Akkerman)

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Presentation on theme: "Cmpt 275 – Assignment 1 :Project Plan By Team iCan. (Kevin Kang, Negar Shojaian, Matthew Akkerman)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cmpt 275 – Assignment 1 :Project Plan By Team iCan. (Kevin Kang, Negar Shojaian, Matthew Akkerman)

2  Kevin Kang : External/ Internal communications, website, general programmer.  Negar Shojaian : web programmer. Schedule planner.  Matthew Akkerman : general programmer, software design, documentation.

3  problem : In these days, people are so used about using scheduler, but often time people overestimate their ability or underestimate the amount of time needed for their task. So here it is, the scheduler that actually considers the situation and gives the best advising.  Basic idea : Just like a normal scheduler, user can enter tasks with their prefer time and length, or the user can just enter the length and the scheduler will deicide a time for the task. The special thing about this intelligent scheduler is that it arrange the tasks not just by the time and length, time for transportation but also the users' tiredness, stress and task type(work, leisure, priority, etc...).

4 Way to do it : The first the user use this software, he/she will be asked a series questions so the software can figure out how much physical tiredness and stress the user can endure. When user enter a task, the user will enter the task's name, length, prefer time, due time, level of physical tiredness, and mental tiredness (tiredness). The scheduler will now star to arrange the tasks by the level of trimness of each tasks and the level the user can endure. In the end of week, user will be asked to give feedback to the scheduler about how they feel about the schedule(too tired, too easy, etc...). The scheduler will change the level of endure of the user by the user feedback. Stakeholder : That will be almost everybody. People with bad time management may feel specially helpful with this software User : People with BTMS (Bad Time Management Syndrome), want to make more efficient use of their time, and have more flexible working/school scheduler.

5 Project Design



8 Risk Analysis RiskChances of it happeningSeverityResolution Team member leaves permanently LowHigh Divide that member’s work among the rest Team member leaves temporarily Medium Assign them work for when they’re away or divide the work among team Project too difficult to implement MediumHigh Make some revisions and cut some features out Disagreements within team HighLow Compromise or see the boss if an agreement cannot be found Not enough timeMediumHighBuy lots of Red Bull and be prepared for some sleepless nights

9 VersionStatusRevision DateBy 1.0Created, contains the basic features of a scheduler N/ATeam iCan 2.0Auto arrangement of tasks are implemented in this version N/ATeam iCan 3.0Auto arrangement will be using priority control. Advising system and online- sharing system Implemented N/ATeam iCan Revision History(expected)

10  Date : May 16, 2009  Time : 5:00 pm ~ 7:00 pm  Location : SFU Downtown  Decide everybody's role for this assignment.  General design of our software.  Time : May 18, 2009  Time : 11:00 am ~7:00 pm  Location : Starbuck  combine every member's work,  going through the details.  Integration and finalize assignment 1.

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