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Plan Pathway Portfolio Project Semi-independent study high school course for credit deficient students.

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Presentation on theme: "Plan Pathway Portfolio Project Semi-independent study high school course for credit deficient students."— Presentation transcript:

1 Plan Pathway Portfolio Project Semi-independent study high school course for credit deficient students

2 Curriculum guides credit deficient students to: Meet culminating project & portfolio requirements Understand how today’s decisions affect career and personal opportunities Emphasize value of persistence & build resiliency skills Experience flexibility in studying independently and with a mentor Work under supervision of a certificated teacher when course is undertaken in a formal credit recovery classroom …like your student!

3 Think creatively, integrating knowledge and experiences to: Plan for high school graduation, postsecondary success & contribution to America’s work force Assess strengths and qualities Develop an effective strategy to achieve a valued goal Students

4 Analyze alternative routes to achieve the dream Think critically & evaluate input from others Investigate and evaluate post-secondary education options & career possibilities Select a personal and educational path leading to a self-fulfilling career and lifestyle Write a compelling college application essay Students Identify a

5 Learn to market oneself effectively in a competitive world Demonstrate capacity for leadership & civic pride through community service Document skills, experiences & ability to interact and work effectively with others Create a professional resume Students develop a

6 Evaluate a possible career through independent research, conducting an information interview, and job shadowing Clearly and effectively write a paper describing the project for a selected audience Confidently present information in an oral presentation Students conduct a

7 The 4Ps course gives students in my district a unique opportunity to prepare for a successful future after high school. Through this PASS course, several of our students have developed a challenging career objective, and a realistic plan to achieve it. Artemio Madrigal, Sunnyside School District

8 Semester course earns.5 Carnegie credit Student can be enrolled in all, or just part, of the course High school credit awarded by a Washington school district FTEs retained by your school

9 Available to migrant students at no cost. See PASS Resource Tab for additional course cost and listing information. To learn more, contact: PASS Program (Migrant) Migrant Student Data and Recruitment 810-B East Custer Avenue Sunnyside, Washington 98944 800-274-6084 (phone) 509-836-8409 (fax) Or visit us at PASS Program (Non-Migrant) Sunnyside School District 810-C East Custer Avenue Sunnyside, Washington 98944 888-837-2169 (phone) 509-836-8410 (fax)

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