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Recommendations Programme Advisory Committee for Condensed Matter Physics (33rd meeting, 27–28 January 2011) P. Alekseev 109th Session, of the JINR Scientific.

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Presentation on theme: "Recommendations Programme Advisory Committee for Condensed Matter Physics (33rd meeting, 27–28 January 2011) P. Alekseev 109th Session, of the JINR Scientific."— Presentation transcript:

1 Recommendations Programme Advisory Committee for Condensed Matter Physics (33rd meeting, 27–28 January 2011) P. Alekseev 109th Session, of the JINR Scientific Council Dubna,17–18 February 2011

2 JINR Directorate Information JINR Chief Scientific Secretary N. Russakovich informed the PAC about the Resolution of the 108th session of the JINR Scientific Council (September 2010), the decisions of the Committee of Plenipotentiaries (November 2010). The PAC is pleased to note that most of the recommendations of the previous PAC meeting concerning JINR research in the areas of condensed matter physics have been accepted by the JINR Scientific Council and Directorate.

3 Information on the physical start-up and first tests of the IBR-2 modernized reactor The PAC was informed by A. Vinogradov about completion of the modernization of the IBR-2 reactor, on the physical start-up of the reactor and about the main objectives for 2011. It notes with great satisfaction that the physical start-up of the IBR-2 modernized reactor was begun according to the schedule. Current status of the construction of a cold neutron source at the IBR-2 modernized reactor The PAC was informed by S. Kulikov about the current status of the construction of a cold neutron source at the IBR-2 modernized reactor.

4 The plan of the main activities in the framework of the theme in 2011 IBR-2M PlanComments Physical start-upCompletion - April First power at a power of up to 2 MW Completion - August-September First physical experiments will started at mean power of the reactor of 100 kW in June-July

5 The plan of the main activities in the framework of the theme in 2011 (continued) Cryogenic moderators PlanComments Investigations of temperature conditions and modes of transportation of mesitylene beads at the test stand of the CM 202 cryogenic moderator for beams 7-11 Completion – May - June Installation of the CM 202 cryogenic moderator at its regular place and carrying out of tests in the cryogenic mode with the reactor operating at power. Start of CM 202 operation IV quarter (after completion of the reactor first power and in a case of positive results of experiments at the stand)

6 Experimental cryogenic stand Cold moderators complex of IBR-2M

7 Recommendation 1. The PAC recommends concentration of efforts on further work for the physical and the power start-ups of the IBR-2 modernized reactor in 2011 and on the start of user operation in 2012. Recommendation 2. The PAC recommends active continuation of the work for a step-by-step construction of cold neutron source complex Development of the IBR-2M reactor with a complex of cryogenic neutron moderators

8 Directions of the development of the spectrometers complex and neutron scattering techniques at IBR-2 modernized reactor in 10-year prospective, in view of modern possibilities of the synchrotron radiation sources (D. Kozlenko) Recommendation 1. The PAC encourages consideration of possibilities for complementing application of neutron and synchrotron radiation scattering methods in realization of scientific research. Recommendation 2. The PAC recommends completion of the basic configuration of DN-6, GRAINS, EPSILON-MDS and SKAT at the beginning of 2011 and regards this work as a major task of the re-start of experimental studies in the field of neutron scattering. The PAC recommends monitoring the observance of the Topical Plan for JINR Research concerning the IBR-2 spectrometer complex.

9 GRAINS project The PAC was informed by M. Avdeev on the status of the GRAINS project on the construction of a new multifunctional reflectometer with horizontal sample plane at channel 10 of the IBR-2M reactor. Recommendation. The PAC approves the stage-by- stage realization of the project and expresses hope that the initial configuration of the instrument will start operation by the end of 2011.

10 The PAC took note of the report by Ch. Scheffzuek on the modernization of beam line 7A at the IBR-2 modernized reactor with two bent neutron guides and on the upgrade of the diffractometers EPSILON-MDS and SKAT. The report confirmed progress and suggested the installation of the neutron guide system to be completed in the second half of 2011. Recommendation. The PAC recommends that the installation of the neutron guide and the chopper system at beamline 7A, as well as the modernization of the instruments EPSILON-MDS and SKAT, be completed before the start-up of the IBR-2M reactor. EPSILON-MDS and SKAT diffractometers

11 EPSILON-diffractometer: sample rotation in pressure device

12 Diffractometer at the IBR-2 modernized reactor for real-time studies of irreversible processes (proposal for development: DN-2 → RTD) A. Balagurov informed the PAC about the possibility of developing a specialized neutron diffractometer at the IBR-2M reactor, designed for the real-time investigations of irreversible processes in condensed matter. The PAC considers the development of such a diffractometer to be important in view of the present- day trends in the use of neutron scattering. Recommendation. The PAC recommends working out the project of an RT-diffractometer and presenting it at the next PAC meeting.

13 Principles of user policy for realization of scientific experiments at the spectrometer complex of the IBR-2M reactor (D. Kozlenko) The PAC considers the realization of the user policy to be one of the most important activities not only for FLNP but also for the whole Institute. Recommendation 1. The PAC expects that the re-start of the IBR-2M reactor in 2011 and the implementation of the user policy at the spectrometer complex should promote further development and extension of competitive research in nanoscale physics and nanomaterials and other frontier fields of scientific research. Recommendation 2. The PAC recommends launching the first call for experimental proposals in November 2011.

14 The PAC mentioned that the heavy-ion beams of the Nuclotron-M are unique tools for modeling biological effects of space radiation, for testing microelectronic devices for space programmes, and for the medical use (cancer therapy). Information on the special beam channel at the Nuclotron-M for medical and radiobiological experiments (S. Tyutyunnikov) Recommendation. The PAC recommends continuation of the VBLHEP efforts for the creation of a special beam channel at the Nuclotron-M for medical and radiobiological experiments, in particular development of technical specifications and logistics.

15 Reports and recommendations on the projects and themes to be completed in 2011 and consideration of new proposals and themes The PAC took note of the report presented by P. Apel on the concluding theme “Radiation Effects and Physical Basis of Nanotechnology, Radioanalytical and Radioisotope Investigations at the FLNR Accelerators” and the proposal for its extension for the period 2012–2014. Recommendation. The PAC appreciated the high quality of the accomplished studies under this theme and recommends its continuation in 2012– 2014.

16 The PAC noted with interest the report presented by V. Duginov on the new results obtained in the project “Investigation of the interaction of polarized muons with matter” (MUON) during the last three years. The PAC highly appreciates the high quality of the research and activity in this area, in particular the new results in magnetism and solids. Recommendation. The PAC recommends approval of the MUON project. Reports and recommendations on the projects and themes to be completed in 2011 and consideration of new proposals and themes

17 Scientific reports The PAC heard with interest the following scientific reports on various fields of condensed matter physics : 1.“Problems of Earth-based modeling human exposure to radiation during an interplanetary flight” (V. Petrov); 2.“Studies of nanostructured optically active materials by neutron scattering – cooperation with Belarus” (S. Kichanov); 3.“Radiation stability of nanocrystalline ZrN irradiated with 1.2 MeV/amu Xe ions” (A. Sohatsky); 4.“Stochastic particle models of non-equilibrium statistical mechanics” (A. Povolotsky). The PAC notes the high level of the presented reports and appreciates the quality of research at JINR.

18 Status of the JINR Grid activities and Grid environment of JINR Member States The PAC took note of the report by V. Korenkov on the current status and results of the activities in the field of Grid technologies at JINR. Recommendation. The PAC recommends continuation of these activities at JINR in close cooperation with Member States.

19 Educational programme at JINR The PAC took note of the report by S. Pakuliak about the recent developments in the educational programme at JINR. Recommendation. The PAC recommends further regular holding of international summer schools and student practical courses at JINR and of scientific schools for teachers of physics at JINR and CERN.

20 May 17 – June 6: Arabic Republic of Egypt (15 participants) ‏July 6 - 25: Czech Republic, Poland, Bulgaria, Slovak Republic, Romania, Belorussia (70 participants) September 6 - 25: South Africa (29 participants) During the Practice students work on small research-educational projects


22 In collaboration with CERN the UC is organizing the scientific schools for the teachers from the JINR Member States. First and third schools held at CERN on November 2009 and 2010. Second scientific school for the teachers held at JINR on July 2010. 44 teachers from Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Belorussia, Russia and Ukraine took participation in the school.

23 Scientific meetings The PAC heard with interest the information about the 2 nd Round Table Italy–Russia in Dubna on “Space Physics and Biology” (19–23 December 2010, Dubna). The PAC was impressed by the high level of this meeting and especially appreciates its results which reflected the present status and ample opportunities for Italy-Russia collaboration in astrophysics and biology. The PAC was informed on the International Conference on Theoretical Physics “Dubna-Nano 2010” (5–10 July 2010, Dubna). The PAC emphasizes a number of top world standard contributions presented there which covered the vivid areas of nanoscale physics.

24 Scientific meetings The PAC noted with interest information on –All-Russian School for young Russian Scientists “Instruments and methods of experimental nuclear physics. Electronics and automatics of experimental facilities” (11–13 November, 2010) and –All-Russian scientific school for young researchers “Modern neutron diffraction: fundamental and applied researches of functional and nanostructured materials” (25 October – 2 November, 2010, Dubna). The PAC highlighted a number of key topics in the fields of nanomaterials, nanotechnology, condensed matter physics and related areas which were covered by these schools. Recommendation. The PAC recommends further regular holding of mentioned scientific meetings.

25 Poster presentations The PAC was pleased with the poster presentations by young scientists of the UC and DLNP. The best poster: –“A system for measurement of a therapeutic proton beam dose distribution” (by A. Agapov) The PAC also noted two other high-quality posters: –“High pressure effects on the crystal and magnetic structure of Pr 0.7 Ca 0.3 MnO 3 ” (by T. Tran) and –“Peculiarities of phase dynamics of coupled Josephson junctions in CCJJ and CCJJ+DC models” (by I. Rahmonov) The authors of these presentations will be awarded at the next PAC meeting.

26 JINR + Youth = A 3 Attract Accept Assimilate

27 Next meeting of the PAC The next meeting of the PAC for Condensed Matter Physics will be held on 27–28 June 2011. Its tentative agenda will include: Information by the PAC Chairperson on the report at the JINR Scientific Council session, and the implementation of the recommendations of the current PAC meeting Information by the JINR Directorate on the sessions of the Scientific Council (February 2011) and of the Committee of Plenipotentiaries (March 2011) Reports and recommendations on the projects and themes to be completed in 2011 and proposals for new themes Information by FLNP on the physical start-up of the IBR-2 modernized reactor Status reports on the modernization of FLNP instruments Draft scientific programme for investigations of consequences of space exposure and possible damages of biological objects and for estimating human health risks Scientific reports Poster session.



30 Physical start-up of the IBR-2 reactor was begun on December 17, 2010 in accordance with the schedule Loading of first fuel assembly into the active zone JINR Directorate members at the reactor hall

31 Current state of fuel loading in the active zone (on January 25, 2011) Loading of the AZ is carried out in accordance with the plan red cells - with FA green cells - empty inverse multiplication curve extrapolated value of criticality on delayed neutrons (k eff = 1)

32 Part of the complex of moderators installed onto a trolley

33 Experimental area LHEP JINR Intensity (Particles per cycle) Пучок В настоящее время Планируется p,d10 10 - 10 11 10 13 4 He10 910 12 C10 9 7 · 10 9 24 Mg10 8 3 · 10 8 56 Fe10 6 10 7 84 Kr10 4 2 · 10 7 Main beams of Nuclotron-M and their parameters Information on the special beam channel at the Nuclotron-M for medical and radiobiological experiments

34 Plan-schedule: starting configuration (liquid reflectometer with partial polarization analysis) GRAINS project

35 Background chopper Current state Vacuum tests and preparation for transportation 1 =0.5 Å  =19.5 Å  =0.55 Å  R =40.951   ch =0.480 m f ch =2.5 Hz Absorber: Bor-polyethylene + Cd L ch =9.5 m 2 =20.0 Å    0 0.5 1.0 wave length Transmission 1 2 Spetsproekt Ltd., S.Peterburg PNPI, Gatchina GRAINS project

36 Fulfilled: - manufacturing of the basal construction - manufacturing of required technical tools (detector holders, adjustment tools etc.) - purchase of a set of high resolution collimators Planned: - by 02 / 2011 installation of equipment and initial adjustments (without neutrons) - by 06 / 2011 final adjustments in the neutron beam, testing - from 07 / 2011 regular operation SKAT geometry and schedule for upgrading by K. Ullemeyer

37 GÉANT3 Pan-European Backbone Consortium of 34 NRENs TEIN3: The Research and Education Network for Asia-Pacific INCREASE of the JINR - Moscow data link: 20 Gbps in 2009 800 Gbps in 2016 Connectivity of JINR Member States Ukraine, Belarus, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Moldova, Bulgaria, Czech, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia Vietnam

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