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Build Readiness Collect & Analyze Data Set Goals Based On Data Investigate Research Based Practices Make Action Plan Implement & Monitor Evaluate Effectiveness.

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2 Build Readiness Collect & Analyze Data Set Goals Based On Data Investigate Research Based Practices Make Action Plan Implement & Monitor Evaluate Effectiveness & Sustain Efforts Sustainable School Improvement Cycle* Graphic Developed by ODE and NWREL

3 Something To Ponder In the real world of the classroom, it’s CRITICAL MASS that matters. DEEP implementation of a FEW things beats superficial implementation of many things. Doug Reeves, April 27, 2007

4 The Leadership and Learning Matrix Lucky High results, low under- standing of antecedents. Replication of success unlikely. Leading High results, high under- standing of antecedents. Replication of success likely. Losing Low results, low under- standing of antecedents. Doh! Learning Low results, high under- standing of antecedents. Replication of mistakes unlikely. Effects / Results Data – Students Antecedents / Cause Data - Adults

5 What’s Needed To Be A Learning or a Leading Organization? Lucky 1.No Accountability Plan 2.Not Using Data to Make Resource & Instructional Decisions, and to Revise/Renew/Modify all SMART Goals 3.No Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum Leading 1.An Accountability Plan 2.Uses Data to Make Resource & Instructional Decisions, and to Revise/Renew/Modify all SMART Goals 3.Identifies Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum Losing 1.No Accountability Plan 2.Not Using Data to Make Resource & Instructional Decisions, and to Revise/Renew/Modify all SMART Goals 3.No Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum Learning 1.An Accountability Plan 2.Uses Data to Make Resource & Instructional Decisions, and to Revise/Renew/Modify all SMART Goals 3.Identifies Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum What’s Needed to be A Lucky or a Losing Organization?

6 Build Readiness Collect & Analyze Data Set Goals Based On Data Investigate Research Based Practices Make Action Plan Implement & Monitor Evaluate Effectiveness & Sustain Efforts & Sustain Efforts Sustainable School Improvement Cycle Graphic Developed by ODE and NWREL

7 Build Readiness What Works In Schools - Robert Marzano Factors That Impact Student Achievement Description of Factors From What Works in Schools School Guaranteed & Viable CurriculumEnsuring teachers address specific content, in specific course, at specific grade levels, and that the content can be taught in the time available Challenging Goals & Effective Feedback Setting academic goals for individual students and the school, monitoring progress toward those goals, and providing timely feedback on progress Safe & Orderly EnvironmentProtecting students from physical or psychological harm and maintaining order so learning can take place Parent & Community InvolvementEngaging parents in day-to-day activities of the school, decision making, and regular communication Collegiality & ProfessionalismDeveloping teachers’ subject-matter knowledge, pedagogical knowledge, and belief in their ability to effect change Teacher Classroom Curriculum DesignEffectively sequencing and pacing learning experiences that are under the classroom teacher’s control Effective Instructional StrategiesEnsuring teachers’ awareness of, and ability to apply, research- based strategies at appropriate times to maximize student learning Classroom ManagementEstablishing and enforcing rules and procedures, carrying out disciplinary actions, and maintaining effective teacher-student relationships Student Learned Intelligence & Background Knowledge Students’ prior, learned knowledge of facts, generalizations, and principles about a specific domain MotivationStudents’ efficacy, self-worth, emotions, and deeply seated needs and aspirations Home EnvironmentParents’ communication about school, supervision, and expectations, and parenting style

8 Build Readiness School Improvement Project –Making Standards Work Training With Staff Power Standards Identified to Focus Instruction Big Ideas and Essential Questions Developed To Guide Lesson Planning Performance Assessments, Engaging Scenarios and Scoring Guides to Assess Student Performance in Relation to Power Standards –Data-Driven Decision Making/Data Teams DDDM for Administrators to Develop Building Goals and Improvement Plans DT for teachers to set grade level and classroom Goals and Improvement Plans

9 Build Readiness Collect & Analyze Data Set Goals Based On Data Investigate Research Based Practices Make Action Plan Implement & Monitor Evaluate Effectiveness & Sustain Efforts & Sustain Efforts Sustainable School Improvement Cycle Graphic Developed by ODE and NWREL

10 Collect and Analyze Data

11 School Improvement Project –Data Driven Decision Making (Administrators) Collect Cause & Effect Data –Cause (adult) data: professional practices, curriculum availability, leadership decisions, etc. –Effect (student) data: test data, attendance, student safety, etc. Analyze data to see what is needed within the building/district Prioritize needs –Data Teams (Staff) Collect Cause & Effect Data –Cause (adult) data: professional practices, curriculum availability, leadership decisions, etc. –Effect (student) data: test data, attendance, student safety, etc Analyze data to see what is specifically needed by their students Prioritize Needs

12 Why Collect & Analyze Data? “Until you have data as a backup, you’re just another person with an opinion.” Dr. Perry Gluckman

13 Build Readiness Collect & Analyze Data Set Goals Based On Data Investigate Research Based Practices Make Action Plan Implement & Monitor Evaluate Effectiveness & Sustain Efforts & Sustain Efforts Sustainable School Improvement Cycle Graphic Developed by ODE and NWREL

14 Set Goals Based On Data School Improvement Project –Data-Driven Decision Making Set SMART* Goals –*Strategic, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Timely –Data Teams Set SMART* Goals –*Strategic, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Timely –Goal template: _________% of ___________ (grade level or group) students will be proficient or above in ___________ (content area) as measured by ____________(measurement tool/assessment) by_______(window of assessment process or specific date). Currently reality:__________________(the current, actual % of students who are proficient).

15 Build Readiness Collect & Analyze Data Set Goals Based On Data Investigate Research Based Practices Make Action Plan Implement & Monitor Evaluate Effectiveness & Sustain Efforts & Sustain Efforts Sustainable School Improvement Cycle Graphic Developed by ODE and NWREL

16 Investigate Research-based Practices School Improvement Project –Data-Driven Decision Making Create a menu of research-based strategies Identify indicators that will measure the impact of the use of strategies –Data Teams Create a menu of research-based strategies Identify indicators that will measure the impact of the use of strategies

17 Build Readiness Collect & Analyze Data Set Goals Based On Data Investigate Research Based Practices Make Action Plan Implement & Monitor Evaluate Effectiveness & Sustain Efforts & Sustain Efforts Sustainable School Improvement Cycle Graphic Developed by ODE and NWREL

18 Make An Action Plan School Improvement Project –Data-Driven Decision Making Strategies are classroom actions that lead to the attainment of the goal Strategies need to be: –Action-Oriented –Measurable/Accountable –Specific –What the teacher, principal, parents will do –What training is needed and indicators of its implementation –Data Teams Strategies are classroom actions that lead to the attainment of the goal Strategies need to be: –Action-Oriented –Measurable/Accountable –Specific –What the teachers/team will do –What training is needed and indicators of its implementation

19 Build Readiness Collect & Analyze Data Set Goals Based On Data Investigate Research Based Practices Make Action Plan Implement & Monitor Evaluate Effectiveness & Sustain Efforts & Sustain Efforts Sustainable School Improvement Cycle Graphic Developed by ODE and NWREL

20 Implement and Monitor School Improvement Project –Data-Driven Decision Making Explicit steps for monitoring SMART goals Key people identified and types of data to be collected and analyzed Includes process for reporting –To building leadership from Data Teams –From the building to the Superintendent and Building Parents (School Leadership) –To the Board and Community (Superintendent) Outlines a process for midcourse correction and reporting –Data Teams Explicit steps for monitoring SMART goals Key people identified and types of data to be collected and analyzed Includes process for reporting –To building leadership from Data Teams Outlines a process for midcourse correction and reporting

21 Build Readiness Collect & Analyze Data Set Goals Based On Data Investigate Research Based Practices Make Action Plan Implement & Monitor Evaluate Effectiveness & Sustain Efforts & Sustain Efforts Sustainable School Improvement Cycle Graphic Developed by ODE and NWREL

22 Evaluate Effectiveness & Sustain Efforts School Improvement Project –Data-Driven Decision Making Planned results compared with achieved outcomes Report made by building leadership to staff, parents and superintendent about what was learned and what will continue to apply to the next improvement plan Report made by superintendent to staff, parents, board and community about what were results, what was learned and what will continue to apply to the next improvement plan –Data Teams Planned results compared with achieved outcomes Report made to building leadership about what was learned and what will continue to apply to the next improvement plan Report used building leadership to inform staff, parents and superintendent about what was learned and what will continue to apply to the next improvement plan


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