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National Workshop on ANSN Capacity Building IT modules OAP, Thailand 25 th – 27 th June 2013 KUNJEER Sameer B e-Library proposal and further enhancements.

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Presentation on theme: "National Workshop on ANSN Capacity Building IT modules OAP, Thailand 25 th – 27 th June 2013 KUNJEER Sameer B e-Library proposal and further enhancements."— Presentation transcript:

1 National Workshop on ANSN Capacity Building IT modules OAP, Thailand 25 th – 27 th June 2013 KUNJEER Sameer B e-Library proposal and further enhancements

2 Salient features Taxonomy Discussions Presentation Outline

3 Salient Features e-Library is key element for Capacity Building. Purpose of e-Library is to share content in form of documents or knowledge among ANSN member states. Sharing is a bi-directional process and so accessing content is equally important to uploading content. Classification of documents Based on whether an ANSN activity document or general nuclear safety document (also whether in English or regional language) For ANSN activity documents, two level structure. First level is the “group” level, whereas second level is the “item” level. For general documents, pertaining to nuclear safety, only one level. i.e. item level.

4 4 Salient Features Attributes/metadata that can be used for “group”: * Attributes indicated in green would be automatically populated. AttributeStatus (M or O)Remarks TitleMCorresponds to group title or name DescriptionMCan contain following information: Objectives of material Intended audience Level of depth (beginners, intermediate, specialist) whether at group or item level? Topical groupMCorresponds to ANSN topical groups. In case of miscellaneous content, a separate category such as “Others” can be created. Thematic AreaOCorresponds to thematic areas within each topical group as per IAEA pre-defined categories. This list should be reviewed by Technical Officers. Access LevelOOnly applicable to ANSN activity documents, which are uploaded by IAEA ANSN management team. Issuing OrganizationMCorresponds to name of organization responsible for this group of documents. KeywordsMCorresponds to one or more keywords, separated by semi-colons. Keywords can be defined from the IAEA Safety Glossary. ContactMCorresponds to name of author or person responsible for this group. Date CreatedMPublishing date, grouping date or date when the particular activity was conducted. LanguageMOne of the pre-defined languages. If same material exists in several languages, it is suggested to have one item for each language and associate them all to the same document.

5 5 Salient features Attributes/metadata that can be used for “items”: * For general nuclear safety document, attributes for “group” can be merged with attributes of “item” to make it a flat or single level structure. *Attributes indicated in green would be automatically populated. AttributeStatus (M or O) Remarks TitleMCorresponds to item title or name File LocationMCorresponds to fully specified URL for files. Should be kept empty in case of manual distribution. Media FormatMOne of the pre-defined formats. File SizeMThe size of file in bytes; if size is unspecified, put 0 Date uploadedMDate on which file is uploaded.

6 6 Salient Features Taxonomy can be aligned to existing ANSN topical groups, instead of technical areas, activity areas and facility types. Within each topical group, thematic areas can be introduced in line with IAEA SSG-16 standards. Decision for same can be asked from IAEA Technical Officers as well as ANSN topical group coordinators. Indexing of the items can be based on unique numbers to facilitate faster retrieval. All items can be stored in centralized ANSN e-Library. ITSG members can coordinate for upload of items in regional languages to centralized ANSN library. IAEA staff in close coordination with TO and TG coordinators to continue uploading for ANSN activities. Keywords for each document can be pre-defined based on IAEA glossary. List of keywords should be kept simple as full-text search would be enabled for centralized ANSN e-Library.

7 7 Salient Features Almost most of the documents would be open for public. Documents pertaining to expert missions and specific ANSN activities would be available only to registered ANSN Level 2 users. Search of content will be based on keywords and/or full-text. Google search appliances can be leveraged to facilitate local language search of documents. Keyword based search should be at group level only, which implies that title or name of group should contain the necessary keywords. Migration of existing documents from national center websites to centralized ANSN e- Library to be discussed and appropriate approach to be decided. Discussion forums and versioning of documents should also be considered.

8 8 Existing Taxonomy Since 2006, taxonomy for classification of ANSN documents has been developed and evolved. Prior to this, the classification was limited only for the “Education and Training” documents. Later, it was necessary to improve taxonomy and rules to adapt to the thematic expansion of ANSN. Classification was needed about “documents” and “items”. Also the mandatory rule to select a topic each category (activity areas, technical areas and facility types) was not very productive. Therefore, the current taxonomy evolved. Database was designed in a hierarchical structure consisting of following: Documents: Basic entity to be entered into database. May consist of single physical items or multiple items. But a document has typically a single group of authors and deals with a single subject. A document doesn’t necessarily belong to a group, but may belong to several groups. Groups: Corresponds to a set or collection of documents, which are individually entered as documents as described above, and then made part of group. Items: Corresponds to final physical entity. Can exist in any form such as.pdf,.doc,.ppt, etc. Also can exist in multiple languages.

9 9 Existing Taxonomy Technical Areas: 1) Basic Nuclear Technology & Engineering Nuclear Fundamentals Nuclear physics Neutronics, reactor physics and kinetics Thermal hydraulics and heat transfer Nuclear engineering principles Nuclear terminology Radiation and radiology Radiation protection and health physics 2) Materials Technology Structural materials Corrosion, erosion, SCC 3) Nuclear Facility Planning & Design Siting and plant planning Design requirements Pre-design engineering Conceptual, basic and detailed design systems System and component design (fuel & core, reactor systems, BOP systems, I&C, electrical systems) Building & layout design Safety design (safety significance classifications, seismic design, shielding design) Design calculations (Structural analysis) Special design considerations (fire protection, external events) Computer code development and verification Criticality safety

10 10 Existing Taxonomy Technical Areas: 4) Safety Analysis & Assessment Safety principles and philosophy Probabilistic safety assessment Deterministic safety analysis (transient analysis, accident analysis, seismic analysis) Severe accident and accident management Radiological exposure evaluation Computer code development and verification Safety of experiments case 5) Facility Construction & Commissioning Construction schedule and management Construction / installation methods Project management System /component testing and inspection Preoperational and commissioning tests 6) Facility Operation & Maintenance Plant Maintenance, inspection, repair and modification Operational management (organization, safety management, quality management) Plant performance evaluation Operational experience feedback Events, incidents and accidents Ageing management Radiation / exposure control Personnel education, training and qualification Environmental monitoring Fuel management Operational limits and conditions

11 11 Existing Taxonomy Technical Areas: 7) Fuel Technology Fuel materials Fuel design Irradiation tests Reprocessing 8) Spent Fuel & Radioactive Waste Management On-site spent fuel and radioactive waste management Transportation of spent fuel, radioactive waste and radioactive materials Discharges of radioactive substances Predisposal Disposal Long term management 9) Safe Shutdown & Decommissioning Planning Decommissioning technologies Facility decommissioning 10) Others Nuclear terminology Nuclear technology general General technical evaluation General technical trends and statistics

12 12 Existing Taxonomy Technical Areas: 11) Site evaluation External natural events Human induced events Potential effects of the nuclear installation in the region Monitoring of hazards Radiological assessment 12) Ageing Management of ageing structure Periodic Safety Review Life extension 13) Radiation Application Nuclear Medicine Radiation therapy Industrial applications Food and agriculture Water resources

13 13 Existing Taxonomy Activity Areas: 1) Legal Framework for Safety & Governmental Infrastructure Laws & regulations Regulatory Organization of the regulatory body Regulatory activities during construction, commissioning, operation Review and assessment Inspection and enforcement Authorization (licensing, registration) 2) Regulatory Processes and Practices Regulatory activities during facility construction and commissioning Safety Codes and Guides Safety review and assessment Safety regulation of operating facilities (event reporting, periodical inspection, safety inspection, in-service inspection, periodical safety review, licensing of plant modification, personnel qualification) Licensing processes Safety Research 3) Quality Assurance & Management Quality management for regulatory activities Quality assurance for plant life-time Quality assurance programme Implementation of quality assurance programme Quality management and quality control

14 14 Existing Taxonomy Activity Areas: 4) Emergency Preparedness Emergency response plan and organizations (on-site, off-site) Emergency response support systems Emergency drill / exercise 5) Physical Protection & Security Physical protection Vital area assessment for nuclear facilities Security of radioactive materials 6) Personnel Training & Qualification Training Programmes Training materials Assessment of competence needed Simulators Licence for operators 7) Research & Development Safety Research and Development International Research and Development Programmes 8) International Co-operation IAEA Safety Standards International conventions and agreements International organizations Other International Safety Documents

15 15 Existing Taxonomy Activity Areas: 9) Safety Culture Practices Stages of development Self-assessment 10) Public Communication Public Information Documents Public Information Meetings Communication with society / public Information Systems Seminars 11) Safety Documentation SAR Operational Documents Environmental Reports 12) Other Activity Areas 13) Radiation Protection Occupational radiation protection Exposure to natural radiation Medical exposure Public exposure from man-made sources Radiation protection of the environment Exposure assessment Environmental monitoring

16 16 Existing Taxonomy Activity Areas: 14) Transport of radioactive material Transport of nuclear materials and fuel Transport of radiation sources Transport of radioactive waste Packaging Facility Types: 1) Power Reactors Nuclear Power Plants Light water reactors facilities Non-light water reactors Future power reactors 2) Nuclear Fuel Cycle Facilities Fuel mining, milling and refining facilities Fuel fabrication facilities Transportation of nuclear fuel and radioactive materials Off-site spent fuel storage facilities Off-site radioactive waste management and disposal facilities 3) Research Reactors Research and test reactors Reactors for RI production, irradiation and Neutron flux utilization 4) Other Nuclear Facilities Radioisotope facilities Radiation source facilities

17 17 Existing Taxonomy Facility Types: 5) Radiation Related Facilities RI production facilities Irradiation / source facilities 6) Waste management Facilities Waste processing facilities Storage facilities Disposal facilities 7) Miscellaneous Facilities Critical assembly Accelerators

18 18 Proposed Taxonomy Topical group nameThematic area Governmental Regulatory InfrastructureTo be defined Education and TrainingDecommissioning Emergency Preparedness Legal and Governmental Infrastructure Nuclear Facility Planning & Design Nuclear Fundamentals Operation & Maintenance Physical Protection & Security Public Communication Quality Assurance & Management Radiation Application Radiation Protection Safety Analysis & Assessment Safety Culture Training & Qualification

19 19 Proposed Taxonomy Topical group nameThematic area Safety Analysis Ageing Construction & Commissioning Decommissioning Operation & Maintenance Planning & Design Quality Assurance & Management Radiation Protection Safety Analysis & Assessment Safety Culture Site Evaluation Training & Qualification Safety management of Research Reactors Ageing Construction & Commissioning Decommissioning Operation & Maintenance Planning & Design Quality Assurance & Management Radiation Protection Safety Analysis & Assessment Safety Culture Site Evaluation Training & Qualification

20 20 Proposed Taxonomy Topical group nameThematic area SitingTo be decided Operational SafetyTo be decided Emergency Preparedness and ResponseTo be decided Radioactive Waste ManagementTo be decided Communication for interested partiesTo be decided Leadership and management for regulatory bodiesTo be decided

21 21 Considerations for TG members Should we have separate repositories of content/documents?  Regional language (maintained by individual national center website)  Centralized e-Library (maintained by IAEA) Location of centralized e-Library? (based on above criteria) Search interface customized according to above criteria (options to search locally based on language or centralized repository) How existing documents can be re-classified as per proposed taxonomy (manually or programmatically)? Any constraints involved in migration of documents (in English) from national center websites to centralized ANSN e-Library ? Security of e-Library?


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