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Turboveg An out-of-the-box, easy to install and easy to use Windows program for managing vegetation data.

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Presentation on theme: "Turboveg An out-of-the-box, easy to install and easy to use Windows program for managing vegetation data."— Presentation transcript:

1 Turboveg An out-of-the-box, easy to install and easy to use Windows program for managing vegetation data.

2 A comprehensive local database management system for storing, selecting and exporting vegetation plot data. Storage: Single relevés, vegetation tables (manual input), import of Cornell condensed files, Excel tables, various XML files. Selection: Selection on (any combination of) databases attributes, including species combination. Export: many export filters are included, like MS Access database, Excel files, XML files (!), Cornell condensed files, Shape files, Google Earth, and more. Classification. Time series analysis And more…


4 Since 2006 also available for PDA (data entry only) Turboveg Compact Edition supports GPS/GIS and has a seamless data exchange with TurbovegPC

5 Database structure (1) Simple Extendable Three dBase files and corresponding index file compose a database header data species data remarks Turboveg can handle multiple databases Connected to the databases a set of lookup tables; the species list is one of them.

6 Database structure (2) Turboveg has not a XML schema, but something called a ‘database dictionary’. The dictionary describes the structure of all the tables used in the system (including the lookup tables). The dictionary also contains the validation rules for the different fields (attributes) used in the database.

7 Who are the end-users? Basically anybody who is dealing with vegetation plot data. (PhD) students, ecologist, universities, locale and national governments, nature conservation organizations, etc.

8 How many users are there currently? World wide about 1500. Most of them are Europeans.

9 In which countries is Turboveg in use? In almost every European country. Outside Europe: South-Africa, Japan, South-Korea, USA, Russia, China, Argentina, Brazil, and some more.

10 How many relevés (plots) are stored in Turboveg databases. For Europe the estimation is 1,5 million (the Netherlands with 0,5 million takes the biggest portion). World wide not so much more.

11 Future goals (1) Finalizing the export to ESVeg (VegBank) compatible XML file. Including an import function for an ESVEG compatible (VegBank?) XML file. Solving, in some way, the problem with the species taxonomy. Improving the quality of the data. Validation tools required. Version control on records. And more…

12 Future goals (2) Storing the Dutch Turboveg data in a national (geo) database (PostGIS). Along with the species data from NGO’s and the usage of geographical maps (soil, water regime, geomorphology, etc.) creating the possibility to support impact studies.

13 Future goals (3) Storing the European Turboveg data in a European (geo) database (PostGIS), called EURODAT. EURODAT operates through an application called SynBioSys Europe, which is an information system that operates on the level of species, vegetation and landscape.

14 Future goals (3) Storing the European Turboveg data in a European (geo) database (PostGIS), called EURODAT. EURODAT operates through an application called SynBioSys Europe, which is an information system that operates on the level of species, vegetation and landscape.

15 Future goals (3) Storing the European Turboveg data in a European (geo) database (PostGIS), called EURODAT. EURODAT operates through an application called SynBioSys Europe, which is an information system that operates on the level of species, vegetation and landscape.

16 Future goals (4) Making the (al least the Dutch) Turboveg data available through the VegetWeb and VegBank portals.

17 So, nothing is wrong with Turboveg, right??

18 Not quite! Turboveg does not support The taxon concept. Only interpreted names are stored. In the best scenario one can add synonyms to the species list. As a result of it’s flexibility Turboveg data from different users are sometimes difficult to combine. There is no common ontology. Not necessarily a problem, but Turboveg does not distinguish between a Plot and an Observation.

19 That’s it for the moment! Thank you listening.

20 Export to ESVeg compatible XML GUID’s needed to ensure uniqueness of data sets. Ontology's (units of measurement) for user defined fields. Fix lists in the ESVeg schema needs to removed. ….

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