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Doi> Handle System – developments in licensing IDF meeting Bologna 2005.

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1 doi> Handle System – developments in licensing IDF meeting Bologna 2005

2 doi> Handle System Public Licence Aim: CNRI encouraging wider use of the Handle System Revised public licensing scheme. Developed with input from Handle System Advisory Committee – includes IDF and CrossRef plus other communities Build on current position enjoyed by IDF RAs: the only current commercial holders of licensed Handle technology. Opportunity: use of Handles in GRID (shared network resources) computing

3 doi> New Handle System Public License (HSPL v6.1) and Service Agreement released 29 April, –in coordination with the GRID Globus Alliance –part of the Globus Toolkit release 4.0. Globus Toolkit: an open source software toolkit used for building grids. Being developed by the Globus Alliance and many others all over the world. More information at Handle System Public Licence

4 doi> Provides GRID users with nonexclusive worldwide royalty free permission to install, reproduce, modify, display and/or perform publicly and distribute HSPL 6.1 to the public, with or without modification, in source or binary form. Allows third-party developers to integrate the Handle System software into their own products and distribute the integrated product under their brand name. Conditions: e.g. infringement claims automatically terminate licence Parties that want to provide an identifier/resolution system are required to agree to the terms of the Handle System Service Agreement Service Agreement requires fee: $50 per prefix for a one-time registration fee and $50 per year per prefix. Service fee contributes to the cost of running the Global Handle Registration and continued improvement of the Handle System. This fee structure does not address those organizations that want a delegation of authority service agreement (which is the type of license/agreement that the IDF has e.g. 10.123) HSPL

5 doi> Globus Toolkit ( is a third party software package developed by Argonne National Lab. Considering making the Handle System available as an integral part of the Globus Toolkit. Under the new HSPL, they are allowed to make use of the HDL6.1 source code and change it to fit Grid computing. The combined product will still be called Globus Toolkit. Any party that deploys the Globus Toolkit and provides identifier/resolution services will be subject to the Handle System service agreement and be charged an annual service fee by CNRI. Example potential use

6 doi> IDF-CNRI licence remains unchanged. Benefits to IDF: –More software developers aware – stimulate developments –More awareness of functionality –More $ contribution to support of Handle infrastructure. Any IDF-like licences (with delegation) are still by negotiation with CNRI Relevance to IDF

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