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Location Based Speed Dating Mobile Service. Presentation Overview Project Description Aims and Objectives Progress to date Remaining Work.

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Presentation on theme: "Location Based Speed Dating Mobile Service. Presentation Overview Project Description Aims and Objectives Progress to date Remaining Work."— Presentation transcript:

1 Location Based Speed Dating Mobile Service

2 Presentation Overview Project Description Aims and Objectives Progress to date Remaining Work

3 Project Description Involves the development of a dating service, in which Subscribers to this service can interact with the application to obtain a list of other subscribers’ profiles who are active, and located within a prescribed radius of his/her current geographic location.

4 Aims and Objectives Develop a Mobile Application: Users can subscribe to this Application Enter their personal details Enter their personal details Locate these subscribers via mobile phones via mobile phones Return a list of compatible subscribers based on their location and personal details. based on their location and personal details. Subscribers communicate SMS/ MMS directly or via the Application SMS/ MMS directly or via the Application

5 General Overview

6 Progress to Date The project to date consists of three main components: Database Location Application Dating Application

7 The Database Created using MySQL Consists of a table Ten columns Ten columns Stores both Location and Subscriber information

8 The Database Structure

9 Location Application Written in Java Retrieves the position of three simulated mobile phones Operates in conjunction with Ericssons Mobile Positioning System Emulator

10 The Emulator Test tool Simulates a real mobile network Simulates three mobile phones moving in a fictitious route

11 Location Application cnt Screen Shot

12 Dating Application User enters MSISDN Cycles through the Database Cycles through the Database Returns the subscribers of the opposite gender to the user Screen Shot

13 Dating/Location Application

14 Work to be completed The Database Two tables Two tables More detail is required for the Dating Application Name, Age, gender, hobbies etc Name, Age, gender, hobbies etc Match subscribers based on their location gender, age etc Return Location Information on a map MapTool MapTool

15 Work to be completed Dating Application Run on a Servlet Run on a Servlet Home Page Allow users to log on Allow users to log on New users to subscribe New users to subscribe View locations on a map

16 Work to be completed Run Application on mobile phone Develop “where am I?” service with SMS interface NRG_SDK package NRG_SDK package Mobile phone GUI Mobile phone GUI Develop the dating application based on SMS/MMS interface

17 Project Timeline 20/01/07 → 25/02/07 Run the Application on a Servlet Improve and add detail to these Applications Improve and add detail to these Applications 26/02/07 → 10/03/07 Modify the Application for a mobile phone 11/03/07 → 31/03/07 Develop the Application based on an SMS/MMS interface

18 Questions?

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