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Decision Support Technologies CIS 307 Spring 2006 Dr. Solomon Antony.

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Presentation on theme: "Decision Support Technologies CIS 307 Spring 2006 Dr. Solomon Antony."— Presentation transcript:

1 Decision Support Technologies CIS 307 Spring 2006 Dr. Solomon Antony

2 Introduction

3 Decision Support Systems Systems used by Analysts, Managers, Executives Facilitate Decision Making Now known as “Business Intelligence and Analytics” Some popular tools DSS Vendor list

4 DSS tools

5 Resources Textbooks –Decision Support Systems Hyperbook available from –Purchase the 4 month option at $15 –Problem solving cases in Microsoft Access and Excel by Brady and Monk Access and Excel

6 Components of Evaluation Two tests (15 points each) –Closed book, closed notes –Multiple choice, problem solving and essay type questions Six case projects (10 points each) –From the case book –To be completed individually Final exam (10 points) –On Excel and Access; In the lab

7 Course conduct In class –Lectures –Demo –In class exercises

8 Communication Website: aculty/solomon.antony/ Email: Phone: 270-762-6211 Netmeeting IP Address:

9 Schedule overview


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