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Creating the Leased Site database This will be a database that has: Leased Site ID Parent Parcel ID Township Range Section Etc. Some Counties have the.

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2 Creating the Leased Site database This will be a database that has: Leased Site ID Parent Parcel ID Township Range Section Etc. Some Counties have the Leased Sites associated with there Parcel GIS Database so you can do an export in ArcMap to create this database. This is something you would want your local district to do for you

3 Example of Leased Site Database *Most counties will have parcels that have multiple lease sites associated with the parent parcel. *This is the reason why a Leased site database comes in handy so you can easily find where each site is located at within your county

4 Leased Site to ArcMap Create a GIS File(Geodatabase / Shapefile) Ryan will be going over this tomorrow Once GIS File is created you are now ready to start editing your Leased Site Database in ArcMap. You will take your Excel File that has all your lease sites and start adding points to your ArcMap ArcMap Example

5 Open Lease Site Project  Add Data  Start Editing  Leased Site

6 Create Features Window (Editor)

7 Creating Leased Site Features Highlight Leased Site within Create Features box…Once Lease Site is highlighted you then navigate over to your ArcMap and create the point of where the lease site is located (Building, Trailer, House, Etc.) Left Click on Mouse to create the point

8 Populating Lease Site Information Now that you created the Lease Site point in ArcMap you will then need to populate it with the Lease Site ID, Parent Parcel, etc. Click in empty box to populate the information

9 Once Populated you go to next leased Site… This is a process that repeats until all lease sites are created. Editor  Start Editing  Create Feature  Populate Create Feature  Populate Etc. It’s a simple process once you know the steps.

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