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Sociedade Portuguesa de Inovação ChinaFrontier: China’s Realities from a Frontier Research Perspective Database of Key Chinese Stakeholders June, 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Sociedade Portuguesa de Inovação ChinaFrontier: China’s Realities from a Frontier Research Perspective Database of Key Chinese Stakeholders June, 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sociedade Portuguesa de Inovação ChinaFrontier: China’s Realities from a Frontier Research Perspective Database of Key Chinese Stakeholders June, 2006 - Beijing, P.R. China

2 1,6/1,6 cm ChinaFrontier: China’s Realities from a Frontier Research Perspective Beijing, June 22 nd - 23 rd, 2006 Presentation Structure Index   Objectives (General and Specific)   Database Contents   Database Access   Login   Logical Structure   Registration Details   Members Area and Members Area Functionalities

3 1,6/1,6 cm ChinaFrontier: China’s Realities from a Frontier Research Perspective Beijing, June 22 nd - 23 rd, 2006 General Objectives   Promote greater cross-border collaborations in support of research activities truly addressing the frontiers of research   Foster the exchange of experiences in frontier research   Contribute to the development of new partnerships

4 1,6/1,6 cm ChinaFrontier: China’s Realities from a Frontier Research Perspective Beijing, June 22 nd - 23 rd, 2006 Specific Objectives   Collect information on Chinese frontier research leading organisations and researchers.   Collect information on frontier research areas of interest for European Researchers.   Facilitate contacts among European and Chinese frontier research stakeholders.

5 1,6/1,6 cm ChinaFrontier: China’s Realities from a Frontier Research Perspective Beijing, June 22 nd - 23 rd, 2006 Database Contents Description of frontier research areas of the listed organisations;   Contacts of Chinese frontier researchers within the listed organisations;   12.30 – 14.00: Lunch.

6 1,6/1,6 cm ChinaFrontier: China’s Realities from a Frontier Research Perspective Beijing, June 22 nd - 23 rd, 2006   The database can be accessed through the Chinafrontier Website: Database Access Click the Database button to enter the database

7 1,6/1,6 cm ChinaFrontier: China’s Realities from a Frontier Research Perspective Beijing, June 22 nd - 23 rd, 2006 Members can access the database by entering their Username and Password New users must click on the “Register here” button to create a Username and Password Login

8 1,6/1,6 cm ChinaFrontier: China’s Realities from a Frontier Research Perspective Beijing, June 22 nd - 23 rd, 2006 Registration Details   At registration, the user is asked for personal and organisation details in the first half of the form   Details marked with * are mandatory   Nationality, organisation type and status are drop down lists.

9 1,6/1,6 cm ChinaFrontier: China’s Realities from a Frontier Research Perspective Beijing, June 22 nd - 23 rd, 2006 Registration Details   At registration, the user is also asked for details of their interactions with other researchers   Check boxes are used for marking the user’s choice   The R&D area of interest is asked for and is split into the thematic areas of EU programmes.

10 1,6/1,6 cm ChinaFrontier: China’s Realities from a Frontier Research Perspective Beijing, June 22 nd - 23 rd, 2006   The final part of the registration form asks about the user’s R&D activities and international collaborations   Up to 5 countries may be selected from drop down menus.   The user is also required to select a username and password. Registration Details

11 1,6/1,6 cm ChinaFrontier: China’s Realities from a Frontier Research Perspective Beijing, June 22 nd - 23 rd, 2006 Members Area   Registered users can access all the services on the website and are allowed to access 4 different sections in the members area such as: Search Database; Download Database; R&D Interests; Account Overview.

12 1,6/1,6 cm ChinaFrontier: China’s Realities from a Frontier Research Perspective Beijing, June 22 nd - 23 rd, 2006 Members Area functionalities Members Area Search Stakeholders Download Database R&D Interests Account Overview Search for stakeholders through a series of criteria (e.g. Stakeholders Name, Stakeholders R&D Field, and Stakeholders Nationality). Download the complete stakeholders database (Excel file). Update R&D information, which will be associated with the stakeholders personal information. SectionsFunctionalities Consult and update account settings (e.g. personal details, contacts and login settings).

13 1,6/1,6 cm ChinaFrontier: China’s Realities from a Frontier Research Perspective Beijing, June 22 nd - 23 rd, 2006 Members Area functionalities: Search   Members can search for stakeholders through a series of criteria First Name Last Name Organisation Nationality R&D Interests

14 1,6/1,6 cm ChinaFrontier: China’s Realities from a Frontier Research Perspective Beijing, June 22 nd - 23 rd, 2006   Members can Update their personal R&D information including:   R&D Areas of Interest   R&D Activities description   International Collaboration details Members Area functionalities: R&D Interests

15 1,6/1,6 cm ChinaFrontier: China’s Realities from a Frontier Research Perspective Beijing, June 22 nd - 23 rd, 2006   Members can consult and update account settings including:   Personal details   Contacts   Organisation details   Interaction with researchers   Login settings. Members Area functionalities: Account Overview

16 ChinaFrontier: China’s Realities from a Frontier Research Perspective Beijing, June 22 nd - 23 rd, 2006 SPI Contacts EUA

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