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Whitman Middle School Monday, March 5, 2012 6:00 – 7:00 PM.

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Presentation on theme: "Whitman Middle School Monday, March 5, 2012 6:00 – 7:00 PM."— Presentation transcript:

1 Whitman Middle School Monday, March 5, 2012 6:00 – 7:00 PM

2 The Wauwatosa School District will transform the learning environment in order to ensure access to curriculum and personalized learning for all students, resulting in individuals who embrace 21st Century skills and who are lifelong learners.

3 MSTEM Vision Statement - At Wauwatosa STEM Middle School students will apply (LITERACY) Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics in contexts which will connect school, community, careers and the global economy.

4 Programs/Curriculum Elementary School 72 Students Middle School 233 Students High School 152 Students Extended Learning Elementary School 43 Students (3 schools) Middle School 86 (Robotics & DI) High School 32 (East & West)

5 K-6 families across the district 294 responses, 40% from LFMS and WMS Highest responses from 4 th, 5 th and 6 th grades 80% of respondents said the would consider enrolling their child, next year in a multi-aged middle school STEM focused program for 6 th and 7 th graders Trend remains the same when looking at 5 th and 6 th grade family responses, 85% and 77% respectively Favorable responses came from both middle schools, LFMS (73%) and WMS (76%)

6 Project-Based Instruction Brings relevancy to interconnections between subject areas Utilizes scientific inquiry to support learning of math concepts Focus on problem solving and solutions STEM Technology Science Engineering Math

7 Project Based Learning is a process. It’s a different way to learn material and content.

8 Students in rigorous, meaningful and effective Project Based learning: Ask questions and define problems Develop and use models Plan and carry out investigations Analyze and interpret data Use mathematical and computational thinking Construct explanations and design solutions Defend and justify theories based on evidence Obtain, evaluate and communicate information

9 Real World Inquiry - Ask - Observe - Experiment - Measure Social Interaction and Discourse Justify Critique Analyze Evaluate Knowledge Building Connect Data Investigate Test Solution Develop Theories and Models Imagine Reason Create Calculate Predict Communication Develop hypothesis & theories Develop explanations

10 Students will learn about the process of erosion Guiding Question: How can erosion affect people? Project: Develop a model (or presentation) that demonstrates the effects of soil erosion in some part of the world

11 Project: Develop a model (or presentation) that demonstrates the effects of soil erosion in some part of the world Science Standard 2: Understands Earth’s composition and structure SC6.2.1 Knows how landforms are changed through a combination of constructive and destructive process Math Standard 4: Understand, apply and communicate the concepts of measurement M.6.4.2 Estimate and measure the area and perimeter for regular and irregular figures Social Studies Standard 21: Understand the five themes of geography SS6.2.1.g.1 Identify what influences the climate of an area ELA Standard 7: Uses active reading skills and strategies to understand and interpret a variety of informational texts Understand how main idea and detail is organized in various print, media and internet sources (compare/contrast, cause/effect, sequence, explanatory/definition)

12 Project Based Learning is a natural structure for differentiated instruction Projects provide opportunities to scaffold instruction Provides “Voice and Choice” Open-ended Driving Question offers multiple ways for students to come up with solutions 21st century skill of collaboration (Students support each other) Teachers have more freedom to monitor, have one-to-one conversations, pull students or teams aside for mini-lessons, or direct students to technology or other resources for support

13 Middle School Science Pathways Wauwatosa Science Benchmarks Next Generation Science Emphasis Physical Science/ Life Science/ Earth & Space Science/ Engineering, Technology, & the Application of Science STEM Emphasis Project Based Learning STEM/Forestry/Environmental Emphasis Project Based Learning FEC Charter MS- STEM Regular Science Curriculum

14 LFMS & WMSMSTEM  Homogeneous Grouping  Traditional (Project Based Learning Extensions)  Liberal Arts Approach  District Driven Curriculum  District Driven ELA (English Language Arts)  Math: CMP/Accelerated/Compass  Foreign Language: 6 th grade Spanish, 7 th grade Choice  Full offering of Allied Arts- GTT  Science?  Bring Your Own Technology (BYOT)  District/State Assessments- MAPS, WKCE  Multi-aged Grouping (6 th and 7 th grades together)  Project Based Learning Emphasized  STEM Approach  District Driven Standards and Benchmarks  Integrated ELA (English Language Arts)  Math: CMP (Differentiated within)/Compass  Foreign Language: 6 th grade Spanish, 7 th grade Choice*  Full offering of Allied Arts- GTT Embedded/Stand Alone*  Science? Infused Cross Curricular  Bring Your Own Technology (BYOT)/ Virtual Learning  District/State Assessments- MAPS/WKCE  Domain/Content Experts * May look different after year one (* May look different after year one)

15 A STEM Student is: Observant Persistent Curious/Self-Starter A Risk Taker A Problem Solver A Questioner

16 Multi-aged house comprising of 6 th and 7 th grade students (minimum of 50 students) Located at both middle schools Flexible scheduling of day and courses based on instructional needs

17 Students would meet the District’s standards and align to District’s content area goals. Students will participate in District level assessments; teachers will develop project based performance assessments as part of teaching methodology

18 Whitman MSTEM Tentative Schedule Hour 1Hour 2Hour 3Hour 4Hour 5/LunchHour 6Hour 7Intervention Time7:50-8:40 8:45- 9:35 9:40- 10:30 10:35- 11:2511:30-12:45 12:50- 1:40 1:45- 2:352:40-3:10 6th GradeMATTI6th-AAMATMAT/lunchGLT6th-AAEEA 7th GradeMAT7th-AATIMATMAT/lunch7th-AAGLTEEA Longfellow MSTEM Tentative Schedule Hour 1Hour 2Hour 3Hour 4Hour 5/LunchHour 6Hour 7Intervention Time7:50-8:40 8:45- 9:35 9:40- 10:30 10:35- 11:2511:30-12:45 12:50- 1:40 1:45- 2:352:40-3:10 6th GradeTIMAT GLTlunch/MAT6th-AA EEA 7th Grade7th-AAMAT 7th-AAMAT/lunchGLTTIEEA Target Instruction TI Instruction based on student readiness in core content (intensive reading, Algebra, Accelerated ELA) Grade Level Time GLT STEM Project Based Instruction incorporating grade level standards and benchmarks MultiAge Time MAT STEM Project Based Instruction in collaborative groups Enrichment, Extension, Application EEA Flexible Allied Arts (Art,PE, Music, Adolescent Studies, etc.) AA Grade level specific

19 Order of selection: 1.Students currently enrolled in Wauwatosa STEM 2.Students who express interest 3.Application window for student enrollment March 5-March 23, 2012 4.Lottery for MSTEM March 26, 2012

20 Jason Zurawik, Longfellow Middle School 414-773-2411 April Greenman, Whitman Middle School 414-773-2611


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