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Edward Pentz Executive Director CrossRef Update 2001 October 10 th, 2001.

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1 Edward Pentz Executive Director CrossRef Update 2001 October 10 th, 2001

2 2 What does CrossRef do? Uses DOI system to make linking to full text scholarly journal articles efficient, manageable, and reliable –Links are between online journals, from secondary database records and from library pages –Outbound links: add end-user utility to content –Inbound links: bring more users to content –Mission: to be the complete citation linking backbone for all scholarly literature in electronic form

3 3 Who is CrossRef? CrossRef is a collaborative, non-profit, independent membership organization that employs open standards Members: Any publisher of original scholarly material in electronic form Libraries: Enrich online catalogues with outgoing links to full text, and increase use of digital archives with incoming links. Affiliates and agents: Secondary publishers and journal hosting services are enhancing their products with DOI-based citation links.

4 4 Is it working? YES! More than 80% of the publishers are currently depositing and a growing number retrieving More than 5,000 journals in the system Over 3.5 million articles registered 968,576 DOI resolutions in July 83 member publishers, and 20 library or other affiliates 500,000 – 1 million articles per year

5 5 Why is it Working? Community of interest w/defined goals Legal framework (Trust) –Non-profit corporation – structure and process –Membership Agreement –Rules and guidelines Business Model (Fairness/Cost Recovery) –Loans to get started –Transaction fees ( No charge to end users) 80% members (mostly deposit), 20% non-members

6 6 Rules A member must deposit all their online content A member cannot retrieve DOIs unless they are depositing content on a regular basis –Articles from a journal are to be deposited before DOIs for references from those articles can be retrieved Affirmative obligation to link – quid pro quo

7 7 Rules DOIs can be cached (retrieval fee is one-time lookup fee) – encourage DOIs everywhere DOIs must resolve to a response page with complete bibliographic information. Access to abstracts and full text is controlled by publishers The copyright owner of a journal has the sole authority to designate resolution URL

8 8 Standards and Infrastructure IDF framework –Technical: Handle System and CNRI –Basic Policy: DOI Syntax/ work vs. manifestation –Metadata – indecs –DOI-X sponsorship Enabled rapid start up RAWG – escrow, software licenses, contingency plans

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14 14 What are the benefits? For publishers Improved services to authors, readers and library customers Simple reciprocal access Elimination of need for multitude of individual bilateral arrangements Persistence of in-bound and out-bound links Tool to create other added-value services

15 15 What are the benefits? Researchers Seamless access across various publisher platforms For authors, outbound-linking adds value to the article and inbound-linking increases readership and citations Improved efficiency in the research process

16 16 What are the benefits? For libraries Increased value from electronic subscriptions (inward and outward links) Ability to enrich locally-mounted databases with full text links Improved patron efficiency and satisfaction Addresses the appropriate copy problem

17 17 Next Steps Expansion of content types –conference proceedings and reference works –enable citation linking and drive traffic to, and sales of, proceedings papers and book chapters. Parameter Passing –a key is sent along with a DOI link (e.g., Journal X sent me here) –(1) track originating journal (2) customize response pages (3) add return buttons, (4) institute special trading rules

18 18 Multiple resolution What: A single DOI associated with many possible actions What for: Could include (1) multiple URLs for dispersed mirror sites, (2) pointer to a metadata record, (3) access to sub-parts of an article, such as abstract or references only, (4) email address, (5) different versions (get html or get pdf), (5) author bio, (6) rights information, etc…

19 19 Multiple Resolution for Journals and Conference Proceedings


21 21 OpenURL Terminology OpenURL framework - a concept and architecture for linking, enabling context- sensitive, or localized, resolution of links OpenURL - a syntax for transporting metadata and identifiers within URLs SFX – a commercial implementation by Ex Libris of a local linking server using the OpenURL framework

22 22 OpenURL aware References DOI Proxy Server DOI link DOI OpenURL Metadata DOI Handle Server DOI LANL LinkSeeker (Local Service) Appropriate Links OpenURL model for Alternative/Local resolution of CrossRef/DOI

23 23 the central source for reference linking dont be the missing link Ed Pentz

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