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Status on the Mapping of Metadata Standards

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1 Status on the Mapping of Metadata Standards
ISO/IEC 11179, SDMX, and Others Arofan Gregory, Executive Manager Open Data Foundation, Inc. METIS Meeting, Luxembourg, April 9-11, 2008

2 Overview Introduction The Mapping Challenge Status of the Mappings
On-Going Work Summary

3 Introduction METIS 2006: Several presentations were given addressing some standards mappings Many side-discussions among attendees Standards of note included: ISO/IEC 11179 Statistical Data and Metadata Exchange (SDMX) Data Documentation Initiative (DDI) ISO (geographic metadata) Dublin Core Extensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL)

4 General Update There has been informal work to describe the mappings between these standards among individuals from many organizations Progress is generally good, however… Very labor-intensive Not mission-critical for most organizations

5 Initial Approach After METIS 2006, a general approach for moving forward was identified: Map all standards against ISO/IEC 11179, so it acts as a pivot This approach has been largely successful Not always sufficient for all purposes Some standards address issues which ISO/IEC does not cover Pivot approach has been supplemented with some direct mappings

6 The Mapping Challenge There are many ways to map different standards
As with many technology applications, the criteria for success lies in the answer to the question: “What am I trying to achieve?” Much work has been done in defining use cases which can serve as the basis for producing mappings between standards

7 High-Level Vision – Standards Mappings
Federated Registries (Based on SDMX, ebXML, web services) ISO 11179 Semantic definitions Aggregated Data/Metadata (SDMX) registered Organized using References to source data METS Packaging XBRL Business Reports DDI Microdata Sets Standard classifications Dublin Core Citations Used in ISO 19115 Geographies

8 Use Cases The preceding picture embodies several use cases:
Register microdata sets and their metadata (XBRL, DDI, etc.) Query for microdata/metadata Capture ISO/IEC metadata for SDMX/DDI/XBRL objects (concepts, codes, etc.) Query for ISO/IEC metadata on an SDMX object Link from SDMX aggregates to DDI/XBRL sources Etc.

9 What Does This Look Like?
Demo of DDI – SDMX Integration

10 Starting Point: Mappings
Five mappings have been identified as a good starting point: SDMX – ISO/IEC 11179 DDI – ISO/IEC 11179 XBRL – ISO/IEC 11179 SDMX – DDI XBRL - SDMX

11 SDMX – ISO/IEC 11179 Many false starts – this is a difficult one!
Emphasis is on integration of SDMX mechanisms and ISO/IEC metadata SDMX does not cover the same detail as ISO/IEC 11179, but provides points of contact (eg, code lists and other representations, classifications, concepts) This mapping is important to the ISO acceptance of SDMX version 2.0 Technical Specifications A detailed draft is currently being developed

12 SDMX and ISO/IEC 11179 SDMX Structure Definition
SDMX Structure Components SDMX Representation Value Domain Dimension Attribute permissible content Measure permissible content enumerated or non enumerated values takes semantic from a concept link to Permissible Value link to SDMX Concept ISO/IEC Concept enumerated domains have value meaning SDMX Code List ISO/IEC Data Element Concept ISO/IEC Data Element Value Meaning 12

13 Prototype There is an on-going prototype describing the ISO/IEC model as an SDMX Reference Metadata Structure This will greatly simplify the integration of SDMX and ISO/IEC systems The SDMX Registry could serve as a basic ISO/IEC Registry implementation

14 DDI – ISO/IEC 11179 DDI has always been oriented toward the ISO/IEC model Concepts, codes/representations, categories, etc. are similar The version 3.0 release of DDI is in final voting stages It can act as an XML-syntax implementation of ISO/IEC for concept banks This is not mandatory, but it is possible A detailed draft is being developed

15 DDI 3.0 and ISO/IEC 11179

16 SDMX - DDI DDI and SDMX have some degree of overlap
Both describe multi-dimensional data cubes Both have code lists and concepts, etc. Both provide XML formats for the data and metadata DDI is oriented toward micro-data, SDMX is oriented toward aggregates The correspondences based on ISO/IEC cover much of the mapping (codes, concepts, etc.) Higher-level use of concepts and codes/representations in data and metadata structures requires a dedicated mapping A detailed draft is being prepared

17 Prototyping An on-going prototype is being developed to derive SDMX data structure definitions from DDI metadata This will allow for both aggregates and micro-data documented in DDI to be automatically expressed as SDMX Micro-data has limited dimensionality SDMX tools for data visualization, etc., could directly leverage DDI-documented data sets based on a standard transformation Still in early stages

18 SDMX – XBRL SDMX and XBRL have different applications
XBRL is for individual business reports SDMX is for aggregates Both cover multi-dimensional data SDMX Sponsors and XBRL International have agreed to define a standard mapping Work is progressing well, and further meetings are expected in 2008 To follow progress, see

19 XBRL – ISO/IEC 11179 Theoretically, an XBRL taxonomy could be described according to the ISO/IEC model, but… No progress has been made in this area

20 Other Mappings/Notes Dublin Core and ISO can be described in SDMX as a reference metadata structure These are both integrated into the DDI 3.0 design Native Dublin Core XML is supported Links to ISO compliant shape files are supported More work is needed here But not highest priority

21 On-Going Work 4 of 5 mappings should emerge in 2008 as drafts for review: ISO/IEC – SDMX ISO/IEC – DDI SDMX – DDI SDMX – XBRL Interesting protoypes/examples are being developed This includes some prototype tools for performing cross-walks

22 Support and Interest Generally, support and interest has been very good Many individuals/organizations have participated informally: METIS, SDMX Sponsors, XBRL International, ISO committees (Open Forum for Metadata Registries), Open Data Foundation, DDI Alliance, NSOs Standards organizations understand the need to provide alignments and mappings, to support their users

23 Summary Overall progress has been good METIS can help this work
By providing critical feedback on published drafts By providing visibility and credibility to the results through inclusion in the metadata framework

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