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Wikipedia: Measuring Stability Matthew C. Skinner Sewanee: University of the South Sewanee, Tennessee #0353637.

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Presentation on theme: "Wikipedia: Measuring Stability Matthew C. Skinner Sewanee: University of the South Sewanee, Tennessee #0353637."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wikipedia: Measuring Stability Matthew C. Skinner Sewanee: University of the South Sewanee, Tennessee #0353637

2 Outline - Introduction -What is C redibility - Measuring Credibility - Stability - Measurement - Concluding Remarks

3 Introduction: What is Credibility?

4 1. The quality, capability, or power to elicit belief. 2. A capacity for belief: a story that strained our credibility. Taken from

5 Introduction: What is Credibility? believability, chance, integrity, likelihood, plausibility, possibility, probability, prospect, reliability, satisfactoriness, solidity, solidness, soundness, tenability, trustworthiness, validity Taken from

6 Introduction: What is Credibility? - Not Concrete - Not Defined - Why?

7 Introduction: What is Credibility? Credibility is a perceived notion. Credibility is a quale.

8 Introduction: What is Credibility? Credibility is a perceived notion. Credibility is a perceived quale. What is a quale? Each person has their own conceptual framework.


10 Introduction: What are Qualia? Formal Definition by Daniel Dennett: 1.) ineffable; that is, they cannot be communicated, or apprehended by any other means than direct experience. Pulled from ttp://

11 Introduction: What are Qualia? 2.) intrinsic; that is, they are non-relational properties, which do not change depending on the experience's relation to other things. Pulled from ttp://

12 Introduction: What are Qualia? 3.) private; that is, all interpersonal comparisons of qualia are systematically impossible. Pulled from ttp://

13 Introduction: What are Qualia? 4.) directly or immediately apprehensible in consciousness; that is, to experience a quale is to know one experiences a quale, and to know all there is to know about that quale. Pulled from ttp://

14 Introduction: What is Credibility? Credibility is a perceived notion. Credibility is a quale of reality How do we make sense of credibility ?

15 Background: Dividing Credibility Trustworthiness and Expertise – a matter of degree.

16 Background: Dividing Credibility Trustworthiness and Expertise – a matter of degree. Trustworthiness- how truthful and unbiased a source is.

17 Background: Dividing Credibility Expertise - the degree of competence and knowledgeability of a source. The the more trustworthy and more expert a source is the more credible it becomes.

18 Background: Dividing Credibility - Presumed - Reputed - Surface - Experience

19 Measuring Credibility: Internet Two methods: Manual – human assessment Automatic – computer assisted

20 Measuring Credibility: Manual - Ease of information verification - Brick and Mortar - Credentials - Personable - Ease of contact

21 Measuring Credibility: Manual - Site Design - Ease of use - Recent content - Little or no ads; no pop-ups - No typos, or typographical errors

22 Measuring Credibility: Automatic - Quantify and measure the criteria for a credible website. - Use metadata to determine the overall condition of the document.

23 Measuring Credibility: Wikipedia - Each article has a history page describing the date, time, and identity of the editor. - The identity is either a username or an IP address.


25 Measuring Stability: Wikipedia - The frequency of edits help determine an article’s stability. - Stability is how much an article changes over time. - Stability alone does not determine an article’s credibility.

26 Measuring Stability: Wikipedia Assumption: the more stable an article the more credible the article is.

27 Measuring Stability: Wikipedia Assumption: the more stable an article the more credible the article is. What is a stable article?

28 Measuring Stability: Wikipedia What is a stable article? - Not a simple answer. - External Influences - Temporal

29 Measuring Stability: Wikipedia Protection: Semi or Full


31 Measuring Stability: Wikipedia Real World Events - Natural Disasters - Web Links - Mainstream media




35 Measuring Stability: Wikipedia Articles tend to increase on the number of edits over time. Possible Reasons: - Wikipedia has gained popularity - The article has gained more interest



38 Concluding Remarks - Credibility is a perceived notion and a quale. - Measuring credibility- humans or computer - Stability is how much an article changes over time. - Improvement: include content change

39 Acknowledgements I appreciate the following for their help: - Carolina Eastman - John Bowles - Libby Alford - Roxanne Spray - Chaitanya Evani I also thank NSF for their funding

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