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FDZ-RV Research Data Centre of the German Pension Insurance Integration of Metadata in FDZ-RV 1 Integration of Metadata in FDZ-RV (Research Data Centre.

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Presentation on theme: "FDZ-RV Research Data Centre of the German Pension Insurance Integration of Metadata in FDZ-RV 1 Integration of Metadata in FDZ-RV (Research Data Centre."— Presentation transcript:

1 FDZ-RV Research Data Centre of the German Pension Insurance Integration of Metadata in FDZ-RV 1 Integration of Metadata in FDZ-RV (Research Data Centre of the German Pension Insurance) ODaF Europe 2008 regional meeting at the UK Data Archive on April 14-15

2 FDZ-RV Research Data Centre of the German Pension Insurance Integration of Metadata in FDZ-RV 2 FDZ-RV a service provider for research in social science Dataproducts are based on management data Empirical research on dataproducts needs well-found knowledge Set of knowledge documents – wide sense metadata Classification leads to categories – narrow sense metadata Integration of DDI metadata standard – narrow sense metadata Structure of searchable knowledge documents Szenario for managing and searching metadata Conclusion Structure of the presentation

3 FDZ-RV Research Data Centre of the German Pension Insurance Integration of Metadata in FDZ-RV 3 FDZ-RV (research data center of German Federal Pension Insurance) offers microdata in form of - Scientific Use Files - Public Use Files FDZ-RV a service provider for research in social science

4 FDZ-RV Research Data Centre of the German Pension Insurance Integration of Metadata in FDZ-RV 4 Dataproducts are based on management data Management Data Annual/monthly data report by dataowners data validation FDZ-RV Knowledge Documents - Codebook - Glossary - Wording of law - Users Reference Dataproducts - cross-sectional datasets - longitudinal datasets

5 FDZ-RV Research Data Centre of the German Pension Insurance Integration of Metadata in FDZ-RV 5 Empirical research on FDZ-RV dataproducts needs well-found knowledge pension law terms of pension law and their meaning changes in legislation population and subsamples anonymisation

6 FDZ-RV Research Data Centre of the German Pension Insurance Integration of Metadata in FDZ-RV 6 unorderd set of information different formats kind of information use Set of knowledge documents – wide sense metadata Description of original data Codeplan, Codebook Syntax Glossary Pension law Special notes Speech/Talk Statistical tabulation Description of variable Process worflow diagramm Article Proceeding Description of anoymisation doc, pdf doc html, doc, paper copy, doc, pdf, ppt doc, pdf vsd doc, pdf spss, stata, sas, java, c++

7 FDZ-RV Research Data Centre of the German Pension Insurance Integration of Metadata in FDZ-RV 7 Classification of knowledge documents leads to categories Datesetdescription Encyclopedia Explanation FAQ Puplication C A T E G O R I E S Ordered by the relation closer to the dataproduct DATA PRODUCT Graphic Statistical Evaluation Syntax

8 FDZ-RV Research Data Centre of the German Pension Insurance Integration of Metadata in FDZ-RV 8 Structure of searchable knowledge documents

9 FDZ-RV Research Data Centre of the German Pension Insurance Integration of Metadata in FDZ-RV 9 Szenario for storing and searching metadata FDZ-RV Institution FDZ-RV Web presentation xml knowledge documents xml capable database Search results xml documents formular for document search Search request xslt-transformation result presentation as html content, pdf document, link information

10 FDZ-RV Research Data Centre of the German Pension Insurance Integration of Metadata in FDZ-RV 10 realising searching and storing in production modus performance tests Coclusion

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