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Review for Midterm 2
What we have discussed after midterm I
The global water cycle Dew, frost and fogs How do the clouds form? Why does it rain on us? Formation of snow and hails Lightning Thunderstorms Twisters Mesoscale convective systems Downbursts and dust storms
The most common atmospheric circulation structure
Radiation Convection Cooling or No Heating Heating Latent/Sensible Conduction H L Imbalance of heating Imbalance of temperature Imbalance of pressure Wind
Standard units of measurement SI (System International)
Quantity Name Units Symbol Length meter m m Mass kilogram kg kg Time second s s Temperature Kelvin K K Density kilogram kg/m3 kg/m3 per cubic meter Speed meter per m/s m/s second Force newton N Pressure pascal N/m2 Pa Energy joule N.m J Power watt J/s W
Components of global water cycle
Ocean water Land soil moisture, rivers, snow cover, ice sheet and glaciers Sea ice Atmosphere water vapor, clouds, precipitation Water in biosphere (including human beings)
The magic of water on earth
A significant fraction of the human body is water (~75%)
Every 16 days nearly 100% of the water in a human body is exchanged. The remaining: fat, protein, carbonhydrate, other solids
Dew, frost and fogs Water Vapor Basics (names of different phase changes, associated latent heat release or consumption) Humidity indices (there are 6 total). Saturation vapor pressure increases with temperature, i.e., warmer air can hold more water vapor Two methods of achieving saturation and condensation (diabatic vs. adiabatic processes). Different types of condensation - dew, frost, fog (radiation, advection, upslope, precipitation, steam), clouds.
Water (H2O ) is unique on earth because it can exist in all 3 states (phases)
An H2O molecule 3 states (gas, liquid, solid) depending on how the molecules are connected together Can change from any state to any other state. Latent heat is consumed or released in a phase change e.g. Evaporation -> liberation of water molecules, requires energy Saturation: equilibrium between evaporation and condensation Saturation vapor pressure depends only on temperature and increases non-linearly with temperature
Methods to achieve saturation and condensation: Cooling down the temperature or add water vapor
Diabatic processes – add/remove heat Conduction (e.g. movement of air mass over a cold surface): dew, frost, advection fog Radiation (e.g. cooling of boundary layer air by longwave radiation): radiation fog Adiabatic processes - no addition/removal of heat Add water vapor to air (precipitation fog) Cooling of air parcel when it rises (because air parcel expands when it rises, like a balloon): upslope fog, clouds
Different types of fog found throughout the U.S.
Clouds 3 cloud properties, 9 ISCCP cloud types
Why do clouds constitute a wildcard for climate change? Competition between greenhouse effect and albedo effect Formation by convection: 3 types of stability. Two factors limiting the height of clouds
ISCCP Cloud Classification
3 cloud properties: Cloud top height/ pressure Cloud thickness Cloud amount
Why do clouds constitute a wildcard for climate change?
Clouds are both good reflectors of solar radiation (cooling effect) and good absorbers of earth emitted longwave radiation (warming effect). The net effect (cooling or warming) depends on the type of cloud In a changing climate, increases in some types of clouds would promote warming, while increases in others would cause cooling Climate models have difficulties in simulating clouds Conclusion: Clouds cause the largest uncertainty in model simulations of future climate. Stronger warming effect Stronger cooling effect
Lifting by local convection
Most clouds form as air parcels are lifted and cooled to saturation. The air parcels could be lifted by mountains, meeting of different air masses, surface convergence, and local convection Static stability – refers to atmosphere’s susceptibility to being displaced Stability related to buoyancy function of temperature When an air parcel rises, the cooling rate of the parcel (adiabatic lapse rate or ALR) relative to the cooling rate of surrounding atmosphere (environmental lapse rate or ELR) determines the “stability” of a parcel. When comparing the parcel temperature and environmental temperature, there are 3 possible outcomes: absolutely unstable air absolutely stable air conditionally unstable air
The three types of stability
Environment Parcel Parcel Parcel Environment Environment Absolutely Unstable Absolutely Stable Conditionally Unstable
What stops ‘unstable’ air masses from rising indefinitely ?
1) Entrainment Turbulent mixing of ambient air into parcel Leads to evaporation along cloud boundaries Evaporation uses latent heat, cooling the cloud reduces buoyancy Courtesy Russ Dickerson, U. Maryland 2) Encountering a layer of stable air (inversion) a rising parcel may reach a stable upper air environment the parcel cooling rate will exceed that of the ambient air the parcel will slowly cease ascension and come to rest at some equal temperature level three types: radiation, frontal, subsidence
Precipitation Forces acting on a cloud/rain droplet. How does the terminal velocity change with cloud drop radius? Growth mechanisms for rain and snow (Warm clouds, cool clouds, cold clouds) Formation of rain: coalescence process (the collector is larger than the cloud droplets but not too large) Bergeron process: happens with coexistence of ice and super-cooled water. Key: Saturation vapor pressure of ice < that of super-cooled water at the same temperature. Further growth of ice crystals (riming and aggregation)
Precipitation formation - cloud drop growth
Not all clouds precipitate due to their small sizes and slow fall rates Balance between gravity and frictional drag eventually become equal to achieve terminal velocity VT, which is proportional to the square root of cloud drop radius VT=c r0.5 ,where r is drop radius and c is a constant. For a cloud drop to fall, its terminal velocity must exceed the vertical velocity of the upward-moving air parcel. Otherwise it will be carried up. Cloud drop growth is required for precipitation to form Fgravity Fdrag
Mechanisms for cloud drops to grow larger
Collision Coalescence (warm clouds, T > 0 C, form rain) Bergeron Process (cool/cold clouds, T < 0 C, form snow) Cold Clouds Cool Clouds
Summary of Precipitation processes:
Condensation Warm clouds Cool/cold clouds Collision- coalescence Bergeron Process Riming/ Aggregation Riming = liquid water freezing onto ice crystals Aggregation = the joining of ice crystals through the bonding of surface water Collector is larger than other droplets but not too large Rain Snow (can change to rain, sleet, or any other type of precipitation depending on underlying atmosphere
Different precipitation
Snow Rain Sleet Freezing rain Graupel/hail
Lightning Two types of lightning (cloud-to-cloud 80%, cloud-to-ground 20%) 4 steps of lightning development. How fast does thunder travel? Use the time lag between lightning and thunder to estimate the distance of the storm Climate impacts of lightning: nitrogen cycle, ozone, wildfire Lightning safety
Processes of Lightning Formation
1. Charge separation. Charge layers in the cloud are formed by the transfer of positive ions from warmer graupel to colder ice crystal when they collide with each other. 2. Stepped leader. When the negative charge near the bottom of the cloud is large enough to overcome the air's resistance, a stepped leader forms. 3. Return stroke. A region of positive ions move from the ground toward this charge, which then forms a return stroke into the cloud. 4. Dart leader. Not all of the first stroke neutralizes the negatively charged ions and results in another leader in 1/10 of a second
Thunder Charge differences between the thunderstorm and ground can cause lightning strokes of 30,000°C, and this rapid heating of air will creates an explosive shock wave called thunder. It takes about 3 seconds for thunder to travel 1 kilometer (5 sec per mile). A lag in lightning strike and thunder occurs due to sound traveling slower than light. When thunder is farther away, the echoing of sound waves off of objects (like buildings and hills) causes thunder to sound rumbling.
Thunderstorms The general size and lifetime of mesoscale convective systems, thunderstorms and tornadoes 3 types of thunderstorms. 3 stages of the ordinary thunderstorms. Downdraft and falling precipitation cut off the updraft. Formation of multi-cell thunderstorms. Downdrafts initiate new thunderstorms in nearby regions. 3 stages of the supercell thunderstorms. Winds aloft push downdraft/precipitation away and the updraft is not weakened.
Convective systems Tornadoes: about 100-600 m, last 1 minute to 1 hour
Thunderstorms: about 10 Km, last 10 minutes to a couple of hours. 3 types: ordinary, multicell, supercell Mesoscale convective systems (MCSs): A cloud system that occurs in connection with an ensemble of thunderstorms and produces a contiguous precipitation area on the order of 100 Km or more in at least one direction, and often last for several hours to a couple of days.
Thunderstorms I. Ordinary Storms
Three stages have been identified in ordinary thunderstorms: DEVELOPING: unstable atmosphere, vertical updrafts keep precipitation suspended MATURE: entrainment of dry air that causes cooler air from evaporation, triggering downdrafts and falling precipitation and gust fronts DISSIPATING: weakening updrafts and loss of the fuel source after minutes.
Thunderstorms II. Multicell Storm
Cool downdrafts leaving a mature and dissipating storm may offer relief from summer heat, but they may also force surrounding, low-level moist air upward. Hence, dying storms often trigger new storms, and the successive stages may be viewed in the sky.
Formation of supercell thunderstorms
1. Horizontal vortex tube. Before thunderstorms develop, a change in wind direction and an increase in wind speed with increasing height creates an invisible, horizontal spinning effect in the lower atmosphere. 2. Updraft and Mesocyclone. Spinning horizontal vortex tubes created by surface wind shear may be tilted and forced in a vertical path by updrafts. This rising, spinning, and often stretching rotating air may then turn into a mesocyclone. Winds aloft push the rain and downdraft away and the updraft is not weakened 3. Tornado. Most strong and violent tornadoes form within this area of strong rotation.
Tornadoes 3 stages of supercell tornado formation.
Tornado outbreak (number>6) Tornado damage: Enhanced Fujita Scale (EF mph, EF-5 >200 mph) Tornado occurrence: Global and U.S.. Which country has the largest number of tornadoes in the world? Which state has the largest number of tornadoes per unit area in U.S.? Tornado season in U.S. (March-July)
Tornado Occurrence (global)
Tornado Occurrence (U.S.)
Tornadoes from T-storms in hurricanes Tornadoes from all 50 states of the U.S. add up to more than 1000 tornadoes annually, but the highest frequency is observed in tornado alley of the Central Plains. Great setting for potent mixing of air masses.
Mesoscale convective systems
2 types of mesoscale convective systems (mesoscale convective complex, squall line) Structure of MCCs Structure of squall lines: four components Derechos. Definition (swath wider than 240 miles, wind speed>57 mph). 4 types (serial, progressive, hybrid, low dewpoint). Which state has the largest annual number of derecho events? Most derechos happen in the three months of May, June and July
2 types of Mesoscale Convective Systems
I. Mesoscale Convective Complex An organized mass, or collection, of thunderstorms that extends across a large region up to 1000 x larger than individual storms. Last for upwards of 12 hours and may bring hail, tornadoes, and flash floods. II. Squall line May contain several severe thunderstorms, some possibly supercells, extending for more than 1000 kilometers. Always contains a convective precipitation region and a trailing stratiform precipitation region.
Vertical structure of a squall line
Convective updrafts (controlled by lower troposphere temperature and moisture) Mesoscale updrafts Mesoscale downdrafts Convective downdrafts Zipser (1977), modified by Houze (1993)
Downbursts and dust storms
3 types of downbursts (derechos, haboobs, microbursts) 3 types of microbursts (wet, dry, hybrid). 4 causes of atmospheric turbulence. Haboobs (dust storms). Global desertification. Drying of global soil moisture
Downbursts: Introduction
Downbursts are gusts of wind that can reach speeds in excess of 270km/hr (165mph), and are potentially deadly. Three common types: Derechos (1000 km) Haboobs ( km) Microbursts (1 km)
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