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Chapter 2 review Mrs. Siedentop-Wing. PRODUCERS AND CONSUMERS PPPProducers use energy from the ? to make their own food? SSSSome producers in.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 2 review Mrs. Siedentop-Wing. PRODUCERS AND CONSUMERS PPPProducers use energy from the ? to make their own food? SSSSome producers in."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 2 review Mrs. Siedentop-Wing

2 PRODUCERS AND CONSUMERS PPPProducers use energy from the ? to make their own food? SSSSome producers in lakes are ? OOOOrganisms that eat the remains of dead animals are ? OOOOrganisms that eat only producers are ? Consumers SSSSecondary consumers are eaten by ?

3 Answers to slide 2  Sun  Phytoplankton and algae  Scavengers  Primary consumers  Tertiary consumers  Q: Producers use energy from the ? to make their own food?  Some producers in lakes are ?  Organisms that eat the remains of dead animals are ?  Organisms that eat only producers are ? Consumers  Secondary consumers are eaten by ?

4 Food Web and Food Chains  What type of organism is always the first link in a food chain?  What do arrows show in a food chain  Why is there less energy at the end of a food chain  What is a food web  What organisms eat seaweed?

5 Answers to slide 4  Producer  The direction that food and energy move along the chain  Each consumer loses energy through activities, such as searching for food or escaping from predators  A way of showing how food chains are related  Sea urchins and mussels.  Q: What type of organism is always the first link in a food chain?  What do arrows show in a food chain  Why is there less energy at the end of a food chain  What is a food web  What organisms eat seaweed?

6 Energy pyraminds WWWWhat is an energy pyramid AAAApproximately what % of energy is transferred to each level in an energy pyramid? WWWWhich level of an energy pyramid has the most energy WWWWhich level of consumers is on the top of the energy pyramid WWWWhere does all the energy in an energy pyramid come from HHHHow are a food chain and an energy pyramid related?

7 Answers to slide 6 AAAA way of showing how energy moves through a food chain AAAAbout 10 % TTTThe producer level TTTTertiary consumers TTTThe sun QQQQ: An energy pyramid shows how energy moves through a food chain WWWWhat is an energy pyramid AAAApproximately what % of energy is transferred to each level in an energy pyramid? WWWWhich level of an energy pyramid has the most energy WWWWhich level of consumers is on the top of the energy pyramid WWWWhere does all the energy in an energy pyramid come from HHHHow are a food chain and an energy pyramid related?

8 Living things interact  What is competition  For what do animals compete  For what do plants compete  What is predation  What is symbiosis

9 Answers to slide 8 SSSStruggle among organisms for resources in an ecosystem FFFFood, water, shelter, territory, and mates SSSSunlight, water, soil, and growing space AAAA relationship in which an organism kills and eats another organism AAAA close relationship between two organisms from different species that may help or harm the organisms QQQQ: WWWWhat is competition FFFFor what do animals compete FFFFor what do plants compete WWWWhat is predation WWWWhat is symbiosis

10 Symbiotic relationships  What are the 3 types of symbiotic relationships?  What is a lichen  What is commensalism  What is parasitism

11 Answers to slide 10  Mutualism, commensalism, and parasitism  A fungus and an alga in a symbiotic relationship  Relationship between 2 different kinds of organisms in which one benefits and the other is unaffected  Relationship between 2 different kinds of organisms in which 1 lives on or in another organism and causes it harm  Q: What are the 3 types of symbiotic relationships?  What is a lichen  What is commensalism  What is parasitism

12 Adaptations  What is an adaptation  To what kind of environment is a catus adapted  Why is your thumb an adaptation  What is protective covering  How do animals use warning coloration?  What are 4 types of adaptations that protect organisms from predators?

13 Answers to slide 13  Any trait of an organism that helps the organism live in its environment  A dry desert environment  Possible answers: an opposable thumb helps you write, draw, hold tools…  Covering that guards the organism from predators  To warn possible predators that eating them might be dangerous  Camouflage, protective covering, warning coloration, and mimicry  Q: What is an adaptation  To what kind of environment is a catus adapted  Why is your thumb an adaptation  What is protective covering  How do animals use warning coloration?  What are 4 types of adaptations that protect organisms from predators

14 Water cycle  T T T The earth has a limited amount of water. That water keeps going around and around and around and around and (well, you get the idea) in what we call the "Water Cycle". TTTThis cycle is made up of a few main parts: eeeevaporation (and transpiration) ccccondensation pppprecipitation ccccollection

15 Photo of a water cycle  Can you label your water cycle ?:

16 Evaporation:  Evaporation: Evaporation is when the sun heats up water in rivers or lakes or the ocean and turns it into vapor or steam. The water vapor or steam leaves the river, lake or ocean and goes into the air.    Do plants sweat?  Well, sort of.... people perspire (sweat) and plants transpire. Transpiration is the process by which plants lose water out of their leaves. Transpiration gives evaporation a bit of a hand in getting the water vapor back up into the air.

17 condensation  Water vapor in the air gets cold and changes back into liquid, forming clouds. This is called condensation.  You can see the same sort of thing at home... pour a glass of cold water on a hot day and watch what happens. Water forms on the outside of the glass. That water didn't somehow leak through the glass! It actually came from the air. Water vapor in the warm air, turns back into liquid when it touches the cold glass.

18 Precipitation PPPPrecipitation: Precipitation occurs when so much water has condensed that the air cannot hold it anymore. The clouds get heavy and water falls back to the earth in the form of rain, hail, sleet or snow.

19 Collection  When water falls back to earth as precipitation, it may fall back in the oceans, lakes or rivers or it may end up on land. When it ends up on land, it will either soak into the earth and become part of the “ground water” that plants and animals use to drink or it may run over the soil and collect in the oceans, lakes or rivers where the cycle starts

20 Carbon Cycle  What are the 3 types of fossil fuels?  answers: oil, coal, and natural gas

21 What is the carbon cycle?  The repeated movement of carbon between Earth’s atmosphere and organisms.  True or False: carbon is found in the atmosphere in the form of CO 2.

22 Nitrogen Cycle

23 Nitrogen cycle  The process of combining nitrogen with other elements to make usable compunds is called?  Most nitrogen is transformed into usable forms of compounds by nitrogen-fixing ?  Some nitrogen-fixing bacteria live in special swellings on the roots of  Plants and animals need nitrogen to make?

24 Answers to slide 23  Nitrogen fixation  Bacteria  Legume plants  proteins

25 Balance in an ecosystem  Changes in the balance of an environment can be ___ to organisms that live there  A volcano is an example of an __ disturbance  A species that is in danger of dying out is said to be ___ disturbances caused by ___ may be permanent  The addition of harmful substances to the environment results in ____

26 Answers to slide 25  Harmful  Natural  Endangered  People or natural events  pollution

27 homework  Make sure you have all the key terms in your notes  Study, study, study

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