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Children’s Multicultural Book Collection

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1 Children’s Multicultural Book Collection
Aftyn Branch Ivy Tech Community College

2 INTASC STANDARD #2: Learning Differences The teacher uses understanding of individual differences and diverse cultures and communities to ensure inclusive learning environments that enable each learner to meet high standards. Name of Artifact: Children’s Multicultural Book Collection Date: April 1, 2015  Course: Education 255: Multicultural Teaching  Brief Description: This is a PowerPoint that reflects the content in children’s books and highlights their multicultural qualities. Rationale: To document my understanding of Learning Differences, I have selected to include my Children’s Multicultural Book Collection PowerPoint because it shows how I am able to see the cultural “norms” and gender, religious, or racial stereotypes found in children’s books to understand the social roles children are subconsciously being advertised.

3 Children’s Book Titles:
Henry In Love by Peter McCarty Blackout by John Rocco The Frazzles Family Finds a Way by Ann Bonwill

4 Henry in Love By: Peter McCarty
Summary: Henry in Love is a book that focuses on the kindness of a young male who goes to school and wishes to capture the attention of a young female, Chloe, that he likes. Despite what Henry’s friend, Sancho, thinks, Henry shares his blueberry muffin with Chloe to show his kindness towards her. In return, Chloe shares her carrot with Henry. Multicultural? This book can be viewed as multicultural because it reflects the importance of generosity towards people of different genders and ages.

5 +/- Factors of Henry In Love
Positive Factors (+) Negative Factors (-) The main character, Henry, shows the importance of being different and not allowing gender stereotyping, or peer pressure to hinder his friendships. The book emphasizes significance of sharing. Children may misunderstand the meaning of being “in love” compared to liking someone.

6 Character Count/Roles
Male Characters Female Characters There are 3 male characters introduced into the story: Henry (Main character) Tim (Henry’s Brother) Sancho (Henry’s best friend) Roles Male Characters are depicted either in clothing with plain colors and no design, a simple stripe design, or jersey/sports affiliated clothing. Main character’s room is a gender neutral color (brown), but has baseball inspired memorabilia that is normally associated with males. s There are 3 female characters introduced into the story: Chloe Abby (Chloe’s friend) Henry’s Mother Roles Female Characters are depicted to have either plain clothes with “frilly” collars or bows, or they had designs on their clothes (such as spirals, flowers, etc. ).

7 Blackout By: John Rocco
Summary: In a busy, urban city, believed to be New York, a family is also busy doing their own individual hobbies/work. Everything changes once the entire city experiences a temporary blackout. The blackout brings the community and main family closer together as everyone is forced to depend on each other for consolation and entertainment, instead of distracting phone calls, technology, video games, etc. Multicultural? The book is most definitely multicultural. Not only are the illustrations of a diverse, urban city in New York, the main family represents interracial blends. Also, the book defies gender stereotyping when showing the mother busy on the computer while the father appears to be cooking dinner in the kitchen.

8 +/- Factors of Blackout
Positive Factors (+) Negative Factors (-) The book depicts an assumed- to-be-interracial family. The illustrations show diversity in the community (race, genders, ages, etc.). The importance of spending time with family is shown. Parents are always present. Stereotypes are “broken.” There is not much dialogue between the characters.

9 Character Count/Roles
Male Characters Female Characters Two male characters introduced in to story (through illustration) Son (?)* Father Roles: * Young character who is depicted as main character is not given a name, or confirmed gender. The pictures, however, illustrate a difference in clothing (shorts, a shirt, and sneakers). The only reference toward a possibility of male gender is in the illustrated dialogue when the dad calls the main character “buddy.” Character could be a young girl wearing shorts and a shirt. There are 2 female characters introduced into the story: Mother Daughter Roles: When children receive ice cream cones in one of the illustrations, the daughter appears to have pink ice cream, and the son has green. The colors are considerably stereotypical toward gender of children.

10 The Frazzle Family Finds a Way by: Ann Bonwill
Summary: The Frazzle Family Finds A Way is a story of a family that is accustomed to being forgetful and confused. Mrs. Frazzle invites Aunt Rosemary to come help them with their problem, but when Aunt Rosemary arrive, it seems not much of her ideas help change the Frazzle Family. In fact, Aunt Rosemary appears to be just as “frazzled” as the rest of the family. It is not until the daughter, Annie, realizes the effectiveness of using musical association, that she can help the Frazzle family remember the things they usually forget. Multicultural? The book is not as multicultural as it could be. The members of the family are the only characters depicted in the book, and they are an all-white family. Although there is little-to-no stereotyping, the book does not make reference to other cultures, traditions, or races. The book, however, is a fun book to read with good principles of organization and encouragement.

11 +/- Factors of Frazzles Find a Way
Positive Factors (+) Negative Factors (-) Very little gender stereotyping. Shows that all family members can make mistakes (and not just children or elderly). Shows the differences in learning styles for individuals to retain information. Shows the difference between constructive and negative criticism. Not multicultural One race of people No reference to other cultures Not much idea of the community/setting

12 Character Count/Roles
Male Characters Female Characters There are 3 male characters introduced into story: Dad Son “Ben” Grandpa Roles: In the illustrations, father appears to stand taller than the mother, which could be a symbolism of the father being the “head of house.” There are 3 female characters introduced into the story: Mother Daughter “Annie” Aunt Rosemary Roles: The genders appear to be grouped when the mother and daughter are both drawn to have red hair and the men both have black hair.

13 References Bonwill, Ann The Frazzle Family Finds a Way. Holiday House. New York, NY. McCarty, Peter Henry In Love. HarperCollins Publishers. New York, NY. Rocco, John Blackout. Disney Book Group. New York, NY.

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