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1 Richard Butgereit Information Management Section Head Florida Division of Emergency Management 850-413-9907 Agenda.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Richard Butgereit Information Management Section Head Florida Division of Emergency Management 850-413-9907 Agenda."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Richard Butgereit Information Management Section Head Florida Division of Emergency Management 850-413-9907 Agenda (Richard’s portion anyway) update on FLHUG outreach current version of HAZUS update of default databases for FL upcoming activities of the SERT GIS You must join the audio by phone: 1-888-670-3525x6171416843#

2 FLHUG Outreach is gone still exists no longer updated!forum/flhug HAZUS-User-Group-4310690 HAZUS-User-Group-4310690

3 Current version of HAZUS FDEM now using HAZUS 2.1 – with updated data – some of which is only updated to tract (so suitable for wind and surge models, but not flood nor earthquake)




7 Update of default databases As a component of the State Hazard Mitigation Plan update, statewide default databases updated Demographics Essential Facilities Aggregate Building Stock

8 Update based upon 2012 parcels 1.Crosswalk between DOR use codes and HAZUS land use types (LUT) created 2.RS Means used to derive estimated replacement cost (RPC) per square foot per land use type 3.Spatial view created to join, calculate – Sqft x RPC/sqft for LUT = Total RPC 4.Contents calculated as % of RPC

9 Aggregate Building Stock 5.Parcel centroids derived 6.Centroids spatially joined to tracts 7.Centroids summed for each tract 8.Resultant tables uploaded using CDMS

10 Download of data Please contact for credentials to access the FTP Use Windows Explorer or FTP client Don’t use Internet Explorer

11 Update of default databases BuildingInventory.gdb – geodatabase of parcel centroids FL folder – –EF.mdb –BndryGBS.mdb –other databases (not updated)

12 FEMA support National Exercise and Simulation Center –Sandia National Laboratory –SUMMIT –provides a state-of-the-art facility to serve the all-hazards preparedness and response mission through pooling resources, maximizing efficiency and providing sustained exercise and training support to all stakeholders Modeling Taskforce – MOTF –FEMA effort to support modeling during response




16 2013 Statewide Hurricane Exercise FDEM looks forward to a successful exercise Using HAZUS as an integral tool for exercise planning, response, and recovery Partnering with FEMA NESC and MOTF, particularly on HAZUS products Using updated data 2010 demographics Essential Facilities Aggregated Building Stock




20 § 143-215.56. – Delineation of flood hazard areas and 100-year floodplains; powers of Department; powers of local governments and of the Department. § 161-11.3. – Fees for floodplain mapping. Ten dollars ($10.00) of each fee collected by the register of deeds for registering or filing a deed of trust or mortgage pursuant t G.S. 161 – 10(a)(1a) must be forwarded by the register of deeds to the county finance offer, who must forward the funds to the Department of Public Safety to be credited to the Floodplain Mapping Fund established under G.S. 143-215.56A. The county finance officer must forward the funds to the Department on a monthly basis. § 143-215.56A. Floodplain Mapping Fund. The Floodplain Mapping Fund is established as a special revenue fund. The Fund consists of the fees created to it under G.S. 161-11.3. Revenues in the fund may be used only to offset the Department’s cost in preparing floodplain maps and performing its other duties under this Part. § 161 ‑ 11.5. Fees to be remitted to State Treasurer (Effective until July 1, 2013). Six dollars and twenty cents ($6.20) of each fee collected by the register of deeds under G.S. 161 ‑ 10(a)(1) and (a)(1a) shall be remitted by the register of deeds to the county finance officer, who shall remit the funds to the State Treasurer on a monthly basis to be credited as follows: 1)Fifty ‑ five percent (55%) to the Floodplain Mapping Fund established under G.S. 143 ‑ 215.56A. 2)Twenty percent (20%) to the General Fund as nontax revenue. 3)Twenty ‑ five percent (25%) to the Department of Cultural Resources to be used as provided in G.S. 121 ‑ 5(e). (2009 ‑ 451, s. 17.8(b); 2011 ‑ 296, s. 3.) Floodplain Mapping – Enabling Legislation and Funding

21 G.S. 166A-19.12 Powers of the Division of Emergency Management. (14) Serving as the lead State agency for the coordination of information and resources for hazard risk management, which shall include the following responsibilities: a)Coordinating with other State agencies and county governments in conducting hazard risk analysis. To the extent another State agency has primary responsibility for the adoption of hazard mitigation standards, those standards shall be applied in conducting a hazard risk analysis. b)Establishing and maintaining a hazard risk management information system and tools to display natural hazards and vulnerabilities and conducting risk assessment. c)Acquiring and leveraging all natural hazard data generated or maintained by State agencies and county governments. d)Acquiring and leveraging all vulnerability data generated or maintained by State agencies and county governments. e)Maintaining a clearinghouse for methodologies and metrics for calculating and communicating hazard probability and loss estimation. Integrated Hazard Risk Management – Enabling Legislation

22 FFE = $ 17.00 – 21.00 / per building For Comparison: Crossing Survey > $1,000 / bridge or culvert Cross-section Survey ~ $1,000 / per Or roughly 45 FFEs for the cost of a Cross-section 20May%202013%20mtg/NC%20Presentation%20John%20Dorman.pptx


24 The NCFMP will provide the FDEM with the following recurring services: Host all Florida flood data, models, and maps incorporated in the FLOOD database and associated with flood hazard identification, vulnerabilities and risk through the North Carolina Floodplain Mapping geospatial web application; Upload and manage all FEMA approved Florida flood hazard data, models, and maps into the North Carolina Floodplain Mapping FLOOD database; Respond to all agency technical issues / concerns associated with the conversion, searching, downloading, and displaying of Florida flood hazard data and maps within one business day; Convene, at a minimum, two meetings yearly with FDEM to discuss possible changes to the web application as well as to resolve any technical or programmatic issues that exist; Advise FDEM regarding any significant changes to the Floodplain Mapping database and/or web application that would impact FDEM ability to display and disseminate its flood data, models and maps; and Completion of the tasks and services as outlined in the document entitled “State of Florida Flood Geodatabase Integration into the North Carolina Flood Risk Information System (FRIS)” dated July 25, 2013, attached as Exhibit A and incorporated by referenced herein, except “Remedies/Financial Consequences” listed on page 7 and except the failure to pay or delay in payment terms listed on page 6. FDEM’s failure to pay or significant delay in payment shall constitute a breach of this MOA.

25 No later than six months of receiving data from the FDEM, the NCFMP will provide the FDEM with the following one-time services: Modify the existing Geospatial Technology Management Office (GTMO) --Floodplain Mapping geospatial web application to enable the hosting, search, download and display of all Florida flood data, models, and maps associated with flood hazard identification, vulnerabilities and risk incorporated in the FLOOD database; Develop a translation tool to convert effective FEMA Florida flood hazard data to the Floodplain Mapping FLOOD database format; Establish / utilize a base map layer for Florida to be viewed on the web application. This will include, but not be limited to: roads, jurisdictional boundaries, hospitals, airports, state parks, hydrography, and imagery; and Convert and import all effective Florida flood hazard data, models and Digital Flood Insurance Rate Map (DFIRMs) into the NC Floodplain Mapping FLOOD database.

26 The FDEM agrees to provide NCFMP with the following: A copy of all existing, and future, FEMA approved Florida flood hazard data, models, and DFIRM maps; Timely input and feedback regarding possible web application modifications, data download, and search functionalities; A program and technical point of contact; and Completion of the tasks and services as outlined in the document entitled “State of Florida Flood Geodatabase Integration into the North Carolina Flood Risk Information System (FRIS)” dated July 25, 2013, attached as Exhibit A and incorporated by referenced herein, except “Remedies/Financial Consequences” listed on page 7 and except the failure to pay or delay in payment terms listed on page 6. FDEM’s failure to pay or significant delay in payment shall constitute a breach of this MOA.









35 35 What is a Critical Facility? Critical Facility - structures from which essential services and functions for victim survival, continuation of public safety actions, and disaster recovery are performed or provided.

36 Critical facility model 13 feature classes are spread across 4 feature datasets, representing emergency management branches – Emergency Services – Human Services – Operations Branch – Infrastructure Branch

37 Master site model 1 feature class name, address, city, zip lat/long, USNG flood, storm surge, evac 9 lookup tables (currently) as close to source data as possible



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