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Imagine - children programming for beginners Janka Ondrišková KZVI FMFI UK.

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Presentation on theme: "Imagine - children programming for beginners Janka Ondrišková KZVI FMFI UK."— Presentation transcript:

1 Imagine - children programming for beginners Janka Ondrišková KZVI FMFI UK

2 Virtual University, Bratislava 2005 Contents Introduction of the course About IMAGINE programming Design of the course Illustration tasks Realization and troubleshooting

3 Virtual University, Bratislava 2005 The course Imagine for beginners Pilotný projekt vzdelávania učiteľov, školských inšpektorov a študentov v oblasti IKT, profesných a komunikačných zručností The VECIT centre has gained the disposable tribute from European Social Fund Project is co-financed by European Union The partner of the project is Bratislavský samosprávny kraj

4 Virtual University, Bratislava 2005 Imagine Logo - ‘speech‘ of the turtle-robot turtle used as the graphic pen Imagine enables creating turtle families parallel processes reaction on the events

5 Virtual University, Bratislava 2005 Design of the course

6 Virtual University, Bratislava 2005 Structure of the lesson Education material (print, hypertext) Chapter 8 Tasks of various types Chapter 9 Pre-programmed activities discussion Homework

7 Virtual University, Bratislava 2005 Illustration tasks The ability to read and understand the code E1. Fill in the command opakuj _ [sipka _] E2. Complete the program k1'opakuj _ [schod] pre _ [bod 180 nechfp "biela bod 80]

8 Virtual University, Bratislava 2005 Illustration tasks The ability to write simple program E3. Create own desktop.E4. Own planetarium

9 Virtual University, Bratislava 2005 Projects raise motivation Motivation projects Polygon Labyrinth Pre-programmed activities Frogs Colouring-book

10 Virtual University, Bratislava 2005 Feedback for the students Answering the questions Checking and discussing the solutions Tests Suggesting improvements Gallery of the works Support of creative students

11 Virtual University, Bratislava 2005 Feedback for the tutors Self-assessment Assessment of the tasks Questionnaire

12 Virtual University, Bratislava 2005 Communication and team work

13 Virtual University, Bratislava 2005 Communication - suggestions Web-game for two players Team task Inclusion of communication into assessment

14 Thanks for your attention Janka Ondrišková KZVI FMFI UK

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