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DiSC Personal Profile System

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1 DiSC Personal Profile System
“I wonder… …if other people think the way I do?” …how am I going to find the time to do all this?” …how can I cope with all this change?” …why can’t this team get anything done?” …if my boss appreciates me?” …Can I make a difference?”

2 DiSC Personal Profile System Understanding Behavior
Focusing on behavior allows us to de-personalize differences and conflicts Eliminated misunderstanding before the conflict De-personalize the situation and replace the misunderstanding with acceptance “Lara just drives me crazy; I can’t stand her!” they are attacking Lara as a person. What could we say that would focus on Lara’s behavior and not a personal Attack? “Lara and I have different ways of approaching work, so she and I need to talk about how to get the task done.” Office / Cube Colleagues and the lunch department…Two employees sat in the next cube never asked the other one to lunch. They took the DiSC and both were I’s Sick leave and Manager’s reply. Manager was a D, employee was a S. S asked and got sick leave for his child, but feel cheep, like one of the many, because the manager never asked about the Child of the environment. D never thought to ask because he was a D Direct and to the point.

3 DiSC Personal Profile System Why do we want to Behavior Profile
Create an environment most conducive to our success Increase our understanding of other ways of behaving Minimize potential conflict with others Maximize our potential for success

4 DiSC Personal Profile System What is the Marston’s Model
William M. Marston 1920, Emotions of Normal People. Marston was interested in how normal people felt and behaved as they interacted with the world around them. Based on a four-dimensional model, divides behavior into four distinct dimensions: Dominance, influence, Steadiness and Conscientiousness (DiSC). What’s more important, the perception or the event. Our Knowledge is based on, What? Experience! Education! Not Born ! Relative on our Environment ! Truth ? The perception of our sincerity. Glass of water!

5 DiSC Personal Profile System Marston’s Model
Genetic Traits Genetic Traits - most basic part (What does this mean to you?)These are the traits you are born with, “Hard Wired” Core Personality - The interaction of those characteristics the person is born with and his or her environment. DiSC or Responses (Surface Traits) -Interaction of the person’s core personality with the environment, how that person responds to the environment is that person’s behavior. The Personal Profile System takes a look at your behavior or surface traits, not your core personality traits Environment

6 DiSC Personal Profile System Marston’s Model
Genetic Traits Genetic Traits - most basic part (What does this mean to you?)These are the traits you are born with, “Hard Wired” Core Personality - The interaction of those characteristics the person is born with and his or her environment. DiSC or Responses (Surface Traits) -Interaction of the person’s core personality with the environment, how that person responds to the environment is that person’s behavior. The Personal Profile System takes a look at your behavior or surface traits, not your core personality traits Environment

7 DiSC Personal Profile System Marston’s Model
Genetic Traits Genetic Traits - most basic part (What does this mean to you?)These are the traits you are born with, “Hard Wired” Core Personality - The interaction of those characteristics the person is born with and his or her environment. Forms fairly early in Childhood. DiSC or Responses (Surface Traits) -Interaction of the person’s Genetic & Core Personality with the environment, how that person responds to the environment is that person’s behavior. The Personal Profile System takes a look at your behavior or surface traits, not your core personality traits Core Personality Environment

8 DiSC Personal Profile System Marston’s Model
Core Personality Genetic Traits Genetic Traits - most basic part (What does this mean to you?)These are the traits you are born with, “Hard Wired” Core Personality - The interaction of those characteristics the person is born with and his or her environment. DiSC or Responses (Surface Traits) -Interaction of the person’s core personality with the environment, how that person responds to the environment is that person’s behavior. The Personal Profile System takes a look at your behavior or surface traits, not your core personality traits Environment

9 DiSC Personal Profile System Marston’s Model
DiSC & O Genetic Traits Genetic Traits - most basic part (What does this mean to you?)These are the traits you are born with, “Hard Wired” Core Personality - The interaction of those characteristics the person is born with and his or her environment. DiSC or Responses (Surface Traits) - Core Personality Responses (Surface Traits) Environment

10 DiSC Personal Profile System
Donald Sam Izzy Charles

11 DiSC Personal Profile System Dimensions of Behavior
Dominance Influence Conscientious Steadiness

12 DiSC Personal Profile System Dimensions of Behavior
Dominance Influence Fast Paced Self-Contained Task Oriented D I Open People Oriented C S Slow Paced Deliberate Conscientious Steadiness

13 DiSC Personal Profile System D-Dominance
Emphasizes: Shaping the environment by overcoming opposition and challenges. Tendencies: Getting immediate results, taking action, accepting challenges, making quick decisions. Motivated by: challenge, power and authority, direct answers, opportunities for individuals accomplishments freedom from direct control, new and varied activities. Fear: Loss of control in their environment; being taken advantage of. You will notice: Self-confidence decisiveness, and risk-taking. Limitations: Lack of concern for others, impatience, moving forward without considering outcomes

14 DiSC Personal Profile System C-Conscientiousness
Emphasizes: Working within circumstances to ensure quality and accuracy. Tendencies: Attention to standards and details, analytical thinking, accuracy, diplomacy, and indirect approaches to conflict Motivated by: Clearly defined performance expectations, quality and accuracy being valued, atmosphere is reserved and business-like and articulated standards. Fear: Criticism of their work, slipshod methods, situations emotionally out of control You will notice: Behavior that is cautious, precise, diplomatic, restrained, perfectionist, and factual Limitations: Overly critical of self and others, indecision because of desire to collect and analyze data, creativity hampered by need to follow rules.

15 DiSC Personal Profile System S-Steadiness
Emphasizes: Achieving stability, accomplishing task by cooperating with other. Tendencies: Calm, patient, loyal, good listeners. Motivated by: Infrequent change, stability, sincere appreciation, cooperation, using traditional methods. Fear: Loss of stability, the unknown, change, unpredictability. You will notice: Patience, a team player, stability, methodical approach, calm, easy-going nature, concern for the group. Limitations: Overly willing to give, putting their needs last, resistance to positive change.

16 DiSC Personal Profile System i-influence
Emphasizes: Shaping the environment by persuading. Tendencies: Involvement with people, making a favorable impression, enthusiasm, entertaining, group participation. Motivated by: Social recognition, group activities, relationships,freedom of expression, freedom from control and details. Fear: Social rejection, disapproval, loss of influence. You will notice: Enthusiasm, charm, sociability, persuasiveness expression of emotion. Limitations: Impulsiveness, disorganization, and lack of follow through

17 DiSC Personal Profile System Behavior is:
Let’s think of an Example: Say you have been assigned to a new team at work. You’re in your first team meeting and you think, “I am not sure I can trust these people or if I can work with them.” How will that thought influence your behavior? Behavior has all these characteristics, learning our behavior and knowing about other people’s behavior will help us read the situation more accurately, respond to them more effectively and enjoy more success and satisfaction in what we do

18 DiSC Personal Profile System Humor
Getting on a busy elevator D’s walk up, gets on the elevator, pushes the button that closes the door. S’s will wait in line, moving from one line to another, appearing unable to make a decision. C’s will get on the elevator. If it’s crowed, the C will count the number of people and, if the number is over the limit will make someone get off. I’s lets other in, says, “Always room for one more!”

19 DiSC Personal Profile System Humor
Ask for something on their desk: The D has a messy desk. They say, “It’s there somewhere-you look for it.” The S has everything filed in alphabetical order or by color code. The C says, “It’s the third thing down in that pile.” the desk may be messy, but they know where everything is. The I says, “I’m busy right now. Give me a few minutes and I’ll get back with you.” Has no idea where the thing is located, but won’t admit it..

20 DiSC Personal Profile System Humor
Shopping for groceries The D is the impulse shopper, No list The S is prepared, has a list and gets it done efficiently The C wouldn’t think of going shopping without coupons and a calculator The I tells you where everything is in the store, whether you ask or not

21 DiSC Personal Profile System Humor
Reading the Newspaper The D mainly reads the headline and scatters the sections in the process. The S looks over the entire paper. They clip interesting articles. The C calls the newspaper if a word is incorrectly spelled. The I will read the obituaries first to see if they know anyone

22 DiSC Personal Profile System Humor
Seeing a movie in a theater The D comes late and makes everyone stand while they take a middle seat The S gets there 15 minutes early. Then stays to see the entire credits at the end of the movie The C reads the reviews before attending The I attends in groups. They are the ones doing all the applauding and talking.

23 DiSC Personal Profile System Summary
The Personal Profile System is designed to help individual accomplish the following: Identify and Understand their DiSC Dimension of Behavior Learn how their behavior impacts their effectiveness Discover their behavioral strengths Value differences in others Explore ways to adapt their behavior to meet the needs of the situation

24 DiSC Personal Profile System Summary
The Personal Profile System is designed to help individual accomplish the following: Enhance individual performance and performance Develop willingness to accept others and adapt to their needs Reduce conflict and stress Improve communication skills

25 DiSC Personal Profile System Test
The world would be a better place if people were more alike? False Human behavior remains the same in every situation? People with high D Dimension of behavior tend to make the best managers?

26 DiSC Personal Profile System Test
Description found in the Classical Patterns are called “tendencies rather than absolutes? True The Personal Profile System provides a complete picture of who someone is deep down inside? False The main purpose of the Personal Profile System is to predict behavior?

27 DiSC Personal Profile System
Thank you for attending! I hope you have learned as much as I have during this session.

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