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Better Reading Partnership Workshop February 5 th and 6 th 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Better Reading Partnership Workshop February 5 th and 6 th 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Better Reading Partnership Workshop February 5 th and 6 th 2014

2 Aims of Better Reading Partnership (BRP) To increase confidence and self esteem when reading To enable children to become better readers To build on what children already know To help them use a range of strategies to further develop their reading skills

3 Who benefits from BRP? Any child who is a developing reader!

4 The 4 Basic Principles of BRP 1.Look at new illustrations 2. Locate new vocabulary 3.Read the book and then retell 4.Read again with fluency and success at home

5 How do the stages work? 1.Children tell the story from the illustrations Be aware of any vocabulary you need to introduce orally Sometimes it is worth not talking about the last page until the child has a chance to predict what might happen

6 2. Locate New Vocabulary Together identify any words the child might find difficult. Encourage them to use different strategies to decode these words What sound/cluster does the word begin with Look at the illustration- does it help? Are there any words within words? Leave the unknown word and read on, what would be a good substitute?

7 3. Read the book. Then retell The most successful teaching occurs when we build on the strengths and achievements of learners

8 What are the 3 P’s? Pause- Give the child time Prompt- Encourage but not tell Praise- This needs to be specific I like the way you looked at the illustrations to help You looked at the words carefully Well done for using your sounds

9 And Finally Let’s recap Look at the pictures Locate new vocabulary Read the book- retell Most important of all.........


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