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EF3461 The Economies of Mainland China and Hong Kong Tutorial 1 Course Description City University of Hong Kong Dr. Isabel Yan.

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Presentation on theme: "EF3461 The Economies of Mainland China and Hong Kong Tutorial 1 Course Description City University of Hong Kong Dr. Isabel Yan."— Presentation transcript:

1 EF3461 The Economies of Mainland China and Hong Kong Tutorial 1 Course Description City University of Hong Kong Dr. Isabel Yan

2 1. Course Structure Lecture (2 hrs/week): by Dr. Kui-Wai Li Tutorial (1 hr/week): by Dr. Isabel Yan e-mail: Tel: 2788-7315 Office: P7421 Office hours: Mon 4:30-6:20p.m. Wed 4:30-6:20p.m. Wed 4:30-6:20p.m. Teaching materials can be found in: Readings for the tutorials can be found on WebCT.

3 2. Aims and Objectives 1. To provide students with a sound and contemporary knowledge on the economies of Mainland China and Hong Kong 2. To understand and learn the development process of the two economies 3. To use economic models and theories to analyze the interaction between the two economies

4 3. Course Outline The topics covered in this course fall into 3 major sections:  The Hong Kong economy  The Mainland China  The economic relationship between HK and the Mainland China

5 The Hong Kong Economy 1. Economic performance in transition years 2. The business environment, the productivity and competitiveness 3. The fiscal and monetary policies 4. Trade, industrial and technology sectors 5. The real estate and property sector The Chinese Economy 1. The economic reform 2. The development of the financial sector 3. Trade sector and WTO accession 4. The state-owned enterprise reform 5. China’s economic policies

6 The economic relationship between the Mainland China and Hong Kong 1. The Hong Kong- Mainland integration 2. Guangdong and Southern China development

7 Examination: 50% (a 2 hr final exam) Coursework: 50% tutorial attendance & assignments(10%) final project (40%) 4. Course Assessment

8 The final project is divided into 5 phases: 1. Week of Jan 27: Form groups and chose the title of the project 2. Week of Feb 20: Hand in a half-page proposal (5%) 3. Week of March 10: Hand in a list of the references (5%) 4. Week of April 7:Hand in the data (10%) 5. Week of April 25:Hand in the final draft of the project (20%) 5. The Final Project

9 The Final Project : 1.Week of January 27: Form groups of 2-3 students and hand in the name list of your group Select the topic of the project. The topic must be related to at least one of the areas covered in this course e.g. “Understanding the causes of the current fiscal deficit in HK” “The economic impacts of China’s accession to WTO” 2.Week of February 10: Write a 200 words proposal on the specific issues/questions that you would like to examine in the project (5%) e.g. “We will examine whether the large fiscal deficit in Hong Kong is due to a decline in the revenue from tax and land sale or an increase in expenditure due to the increasing claims of the unemployment benefits. Also, we will investigate whether the deficit is caused by cyclical downturn or structural change in HK’s economy. We will collect data on the fiscal budget of HK and examine its components as well as time trend….”

10 3.Week of March 10: Hand in a list of the references of your project. The list should include the names of the articles (from newspapers, magazines, journals), books, data sources that you will refer to in your project. Your list should consist of at least 5 items. (5%) e.g. “ Dodsworth, John and Dubravko Mihaljek(1997), HK, China: Growth: Structural Change and Economic Stability During the Transition, Washington: IMF, August, Chapter IV”, “ Report about Chief Executive Tung Chee-hwa’s policy address in 2003”, “Data on the fiscal budget is from Hong Kong Census and Statistics Department’s website: ” 4.Week of April 7: Hand in the data that you have collected for the project. (10%) 5.Week of April 25: Hand in the final project. The project should be at least 10 pages long not including all the graphs and tables. (20%)

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