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Review Game Eureeka! Get a board, marker, wipey thing, and partner.

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2 Review Game Eureeka! Get a board, marker, wipey thing, and partner

3 1. Draw a model molecule and label: Protons, Neutrons, Electrons Quarks (up and down) The actual Molecule An Atom

4 2. Rutherford did an experiment to prove that atoms were actually made of what? EMPTY SPACE

5 3. According to the Rutherford model of the atom what does an atomic nucleus contain?

6 Compared to a proton, what is the mass and charge of an alpha particle? Charge = +2 Mass = 4-amu

7 When an electron changes from a higher energy to a lower energy state within an atom, what happens?

8 A hydrogen atom in the ground state receives 10.2 eV of energy. To which energy level will this become excited?

9 Using your Ref. Table What is the minimum energy required to excite a mercury atom initially in the ground state? Find the difference in energy between the ground state and the first level ( - 10.38)- ( - 5.74) = - 4.64 eV

10 What series involved electrons jumping to the first energy level?

11 A hydrogen atom emits a 2.55-eV photon as its electron changes from one energy level to another 11.Express the energy emitted in Joules 12.Determine the frequency of the emitted photon. 13.What was the energy level change for the electron? 4.08 x 10 -19 Joules 6.154 x 10 14 Hertz It jumps from 4 to 2

12 Which of the two groups of elementary particles are made of quarks?

13 What is the most massive hadron?

14 All elementary particles have a corresponding anti-particle. What is an antiparticle?

15 Which type of neutrino has no charge?

16 How many quarks are needed to make a meson?

17 If a neutron is neutral, which is the correct make-up of its quarks? 1.uud 2.ssu 3.ddu 4.sct

18 a  -meson has an electrical charge of +1 and a quark combination: su (with a line over the u) ds (with a line over the s) dc (with a line over the c) ud (with a line over the d) The line indicates the antiparticle

19 16. Calculate the energy equivalent of the electron in eV. 8.199 x 10 -14 J = 512437.5 eV

20 21. If the mass defect is 0.053364 x 10 -21 kg What is the binding energy? 4.80276 x 10 -6 Joules




24 25. Quarks are made of little mathematical ________ that allow for their different characteristics

25 26. Although string theory does explain everything, it is not a proven law because.... It cannot be tested

26 27. Einstein’s Law of special relativity says: As something approaches the speed of light, its mass _________ As something approaches the speed of light, relative to an outside observer, time _________

27 28. What are three products of a fission reaction? 1.Possibly radioactive elements 2.Neutrons that cause a chain reaction

28 29. What are the products of a Fusion reaction? 1.Alpha particles (Helium nuclei) 2.ENERGY

29 30. We use fission reaction to make nuclear reactors Reenact how this is done, using your body parts and the McDonald’s bouncy balls

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