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T: 0845 643 9001 E: W:

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Presentation on theme: "T: 0845 643 9001 E: W:"— Presentation transcript:

1 T: 0845 643 9001 E: W:

2 Skills for Employability Lesley Hurst – Semta Business Partner 25 th September 2013

3 Perception is everything...

4 How things have changed...

5 Global Competition Recover our position from 12 th to the TOP 10 12 th to the TOP 10


7 Licensed to Skill

8 Nurturing future talent We need 96,300 Engineers, Scientists and Technologists…. …. just to replace retirements to 2016! (Source: Semta IER) Does your workforce have the skills to make your business grow?

9 Nurturing future talent Apprenticeships Higher Apprenticeships Undergraduates Graduates Career Advancement Existing Employees

10 T: 0845 643 Employer Investment Fund – Apprenticeships Only 11% of Employers offer apprentices Barriers for SMEs is bureaucracy, funding and headcount restraints Target is to double the amount of employers who offer apprentices to 20% = 4,000

11 T: 0845 643 Employer Investment Fund – Graduates Only 15% of SMEs engage with Higher Education Barriers are lack of understanding on how to Engage with SMEs, how to recruit, train and Develop a graduate and what to pay them The target is to support 500 SMEs to recruit a STEM graduate by March 2014

12 T: 0845 643 Employer Investment Fund - Supply Chain UK Target – 2,200 assessments to be completed UK Actual – 1,448 assessments completed as of 24/09/2013

13 Human vs. Machine Your Move... 0845 643 9001

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