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Main research topic Urbanization and the structure of regional differentiation (Lower Yangtz Basin Area) Mapping socio-economic inequality in metropolitan.

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Presentation on theme: "Main research topic Urbanization and the structure of regional differentiation (Lower Yangtz Basin Area) Mapping socio-economic inequality in metropolitan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Main research topic Urbanization and the structure of regional differentiation (Lower Yangtz Basin Area) Mapping socio-economic inequality in metropolitan Shanghai.

2 Empirical background ---- The distribution of population and cities in China

3 Empirical background ---- The differentiation of regions by GDP per capita in China 1980, 1990, 2000

4 An emerging new mega city: Lower Yangtz Basin Area with a population of about 80 million, and an area of 110,000 square kilometers, including 15 cities

5 Empirical background ---- Social dimension in China Complied according to the data from Qiang Li, About the Investigation of Social Structure, Sociology Studies, 1996, Beijing. Gini index of income in 1986: 0.23 Gini index of income in 1996: 0.40 (Source: Human Development Report, United Nations, 1998)

6 The very understanding of the study on socio-spatial stratification stratification Social justice Substance language & time-space language

7 Conceptual Frame work Residential stratification ----As a process of spatial reconfiguration reflecting the institutional and political transformation. Ideology Political and institutional transformation Mode of production Residential Pattern -- Social groups -- Spatial structure Residential stratification ----As a urban form / urban residential pattern in several specific time spots -- Social groups are defined as three key variables Occupation Education Age -- Real income in the city is defined as the accessibility to urban facilities and housing qualities Educational facilities Cultural and entertainment facilities Health care facilities Housing types and qualities

8 Conceptual Frame work Residential stratification ----As a urban form / urban residential pattern in several specific time spots -- The geographical distribution of social groups in 1982 in 1990 in 2000 -- The geographical differentiation of urban physical attributes Accessibilities to urban resources Housing types and qualities -- The relationship between the above two aspects Major method : Agglomerative cluster analysis of districts of Shanghai combined with GIS

9 Demographic variables

10 Accessibility analysis

11 Agglomerative cluster analysis of districts by accessibility in 1998


13 Sale price of newly built housing estate in 2000 (CNY/SM)



16 Further Questions: –What are the social and spatial implications of city in a rapidly transformed society, with the third-world nature, and in contemporary world? –Compared to the traditional model of competition over material urban resources, whether or not the new urban elites shift their interest to more invisible cultural resources as they relieved from the time and spatial limitation? Is the urban spatial structure becoming more unstable and more fluid? What are the roles of the emerging urban middle class and their life styles upon the urban form? –In the state still with relatively powerful governmental control over private domain, what’s the appropriate public intervention upon the negative geographical differentiation?

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