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LOFAR Key Science Project Cosmic Magnetism in the Nearby Universe (MKSP) LOFAR Key Science Project Cosmic Magnetism in the Nearby Universe (MKSP)

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Presentation on theme: "LOFAR Key Science Project Cosmic Magnetism in the Nearby Universe (MKSP) LOFAR Key Science Project Cosmic Magnetism in the Nearby Universe (MKSP)"— Presentation transcript:

1 LOFAR Key Science Project Cosmic Magnetism in the Nearby Universe (MKSP) LOFAR Key Science Project Cosmic Magnetism in the Nearby Universe (MKSP)

2 MKSP working groups Milky Way (Chair: M. Haverkorn) Milky Way (Chair: M. Haverkorn) (in cooperation with the Surveys KSP) (in cooperation with the Surveys KSP) Pulsar RMs (Chair: A. Noutsos) Pulsar RMs (Chair: A. Noutsos) (in cooperation with the Transients KSP) (in cooperation with the Transients KSP) Nearby galaxies (Chair: C. Chyzy/R. Beck) Nearby galaxies (Chair: C. Chyzy/R. Beck) (in cooperation with the Surveys KSP) (in cooperation with the Surveys KSP) Giant radio galaxies (Chair: G. de Bruyn) Giant radio galaxies (Chair: G. de Bruyn) (in cooperation with the Surveys KSP) (in cooperation with the Surveys KSP) Intergalactic filaments (Chair: P. Alexander) Intergalactic filaments (Chair: P. Alexander) (in cooperation with the Surveys and EoR KSPs) (in cooperation with the Surveys and EoR KSPs) Polarised stellar and AGN jets (Chair: J. Eislöffel) Polarised stellar and AGN jets (Chair: J. Eislöffel) (in cooperation with the Transients KSP) (in cooperation with the Transients KSP)

3 MKSP webpages WIKI page (internal): (Webmaster: Enno Middelberg) Public webpage: (Webmaster: Rainer Beck)

4 MKSP Documents Project Plan (Science Case) – see MKSP Website Project Plan (Science Case) – see MKSP Website Project Description for LOFAR Book – submitted Project Description for LOFAR Book – submitted MKSP Memo No. 1: MKSP Memo No. 1: Frequency Coverage Analysis – by George Heald Frequency Coverage Analysis – by George Heald MKSP Memo No. 2: MKSP Memo No. 2: Pulsar Studies of the Galactic Magnetic Field with LOFAR Pulsar Studies of the Galactic Magnetic Field with LOFAR - by Aris Noutsos - by Aris Noutsos

5 MKSP observation plan  Galaxy survey (60 galaxies, 180-210 MHz, 9 h per galaxy, (60 galaxies, 180-210 MHz, 9 h per galaxy, together with Surveys KSP) together with Surveys KSP)  Deep galaxy survey (10-20 galaxies, 120-180 MHz, 100h per galaxy) (10-20 galaxies, 120-180 MHz, 100h per galaxy)  Milky Way fields: piggyback with deep extragalactic fields  Radio galaxies (10 galaxies, 3 frequency bands, 5h per galaxy and band) (10 galaxies, 3 frequency bands, 5h per galaxy and band)  Stellar jets (5 objects, 120-180 MHz, 20h per object) (5 objects, 120-180 MHz, 20h per object)

6 MKSP: Nearby galaxies list (in cooperation with Surveys KSP) The two largest spiral galaxies in the sky: The two largest spiral galaxies in the sky: M31, M33 M31, M33 11 nearby spiral and barred galaxies: 11 nearby spiral and barred galaxies: M51, M81, M101, IC342, NGC2403, 2903, 3359, 3953, 4258, M51, M81, M101, IC342, NGC2403, 2903, 3359, 3953, 4258, 4736, 6946 4736, 6946 9 nearby almost edge-on galaxies: 9 nearby almost edge-on galaxies: M82, NGC891, 3079, 4217, 4565, 4631, 4666, 5775, 7331 M82, NGC891, 3079, 4217, 4565, 4631, 4666, 5775, 7331 9 interacting galaxies: 9 interacting galaxies: NGC3627, 4490/85, 4414, and selected Virgo members: NGC3627, 4490/85, 4414, and selected Virgo members: NGC4396, 4438, 4522, 4535, 4569, 4654 NGC4396, 4438, 4522, 4535, 4569, 4654 7 compact groups of galaxies: 7 compact groups of galaxies: HCG92 (Stephan’s Quintet), HGC15, 44, 57, 62, 97, HCG92 (Stephan’s Quintet), HGC15, 44, 57, 62, 97, Leo Triplet Leo Triplet 2 dwarf galaxies: 2 dwarf galaxies: NGC1569, 4449 NGC1569, 4449

7 LOFAR sensitivity (second revision) 100h: σ ≈ 15 μ Jy J. Anderson

8 LOFAR sensitivity (second revision) 100h: δΦ ≈ 0.1 rad m -2 for 75 μ Jy sources J. Anderson

9 Observation time Total observation time needed for the deep fields: Total observation time needed for the deep fields: ≈ 1000-2000 h ≈ 1000-2000 h Total time for all national LOFAR consortia within the first Total time for all national LOFAR consortia within the first 5 years 5 years (assuming 50% efficiency and 10 → 64% open time): (assuming 50% efficiency and 10 → 64% open time): ≈ 14000 h ≈ 14000 h The MKSP needs ≈ 10% of the available time ! The MKSP needs ≈ 10% of the available time !

10 Some LOFAR Politics Total observation time for GLOW in 5 years: 2600 h Total observation time for GLOW in 5 years: 2600 h The MKSP needs ≈60% of the time available for GLOW The MKSP needs ≈60% of the time available for GLOW 5 German stations, wide interests: realistically only 20% 5 German stations, wide interests: realistically only 20% International support needed ! International support needed !

11 New: 2 M€ Funding by DFG Research network on observing magnetism with LOFAR: Magnetization of Interstellar and Intergalactic Media - The Prospects of Low-Frequency Radio Observations Speaker: Uli Klein, Univ. Bonn Vice Speaker: Rainer Beck, MPIfR Bonn Further project leaders: D. Bomans, M. Brüggen, R.-J. Dettmar, D. Elstner, T. Enßlin, M. Hoeft, Harald Lesch, W. Reich D. Elstner, T. Enßlin, M. Hoeft, Harald Lesch, W. Reich Available positions: 11 PhD, 2 postdocs (not yet filled) Start: June 2010 Funding: 3+ years Kickoff workshop: October 2010

12 DFG Research Unit

13 RM Synthesis RM synthesis works on observed Q,U cubes in wavelength to produce a cube of the complex Faraday dispersion function (pol. amplitude and intrinsic angle) in Faraday depth Φ: QU FrFrFrFr FiFiFiFi RM Synthesis λ2λ2λ2λ2 λ2λ2λ2λ2 ΦΦ

14 Example Background radio galaxy GalaxyclusterMilkyWay Faraday dispersion function: 0 F 100-100 Φ

15 RM Synthesis RM Synthesis pipeline: RM Synthesis pipeline: Under construction, ready until start of MSSS Under construction, ready until start of MSSS (Th. Riller, MPA Garching) (Th. Riller, MPA Garching) Offline tools (RM Synthesis++): Offline tools (RM Synthesis++): Wiener Filter (S. Duscha, Th. Riller & Th. Enßlin, MPA Garching), Wiener Filter (S. Duscha, Th. Riller & Th. Enßlin, MPA Garching), Wavelet RM Synthesis (R. Stepanov & P. Frick, ICMM Perm) Wavelet RM Synthesis (R. Stepanov & P. Frick, ICMM Perm)

16 Wavelet-based RM Synthesis (1) Frick et al. 2010 Perfect observation: complete wavelength range

17 Wavelet-based RM Synthesis (2) Frick et al. 2010 385 – 500 MHz Gaussian component hardly visible

18 Wavelet-based RM Synthesis (3) Frick et al. 2010 120 – 500 MHz Gaussian component not visible with classical RM Synthesis, box component visible as two horns

19 Plans Commissioning observations (2010): Commissioning observations (2010): Develop and test software for pol calibration, Develop and test software for pol calibration, RM Synthesis and source finding, … RM Synthesis and source finding, … (see next talk by James) (see next talk by James) Million Source Shallow Survey (MSSS, 2010): Million Source Shallow Survey (MSSS, 2010): find polarization calibrators find polarization calibrators Magnetism Early Experiment Exploration (MEEE, 2011): Magnetism Early Experiment Exploration (MEEE, 2011): Calibration techniques, extended sources, deep test fields Calibration techniques, extended sources, deep test fields

20 ASKAP (Australian SKA Pathfinder) ASKAP: 36 antennas of 12m diameter, max. baseline 6km, frequency range 0.7 -1.8 GHz POSSUM: POlarization Survey of the Universe´s Magnetism  All-sky polarized continuum at 1.4 GHz  Rotation measures for ≈ 1.5 million sources ( ≈ 50 RMs/deg 2 )  Recognize large-scale fields in Milky Way, nearby galaxies and clusters

21 MeerKATMeerQUITTENS: MeerKAT QU Investigation To Trace Extragalactic Nonthermal Sources Deep imaging of synchrotron pol & RM grid of nearby spiral and dwarf galaxies, galaxy groups and clusters Deep imaging of synchrotron pol & RM grid of nearby spiral and dwarf galaxies, galaxy groups and clusters 900-1750 MHz and 8-10 GHz 900-1750 MHz and 8-10 GHz Ideal complement to LOFAR Ideal complement to LOFAR

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