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PSYCHOLOGY CHAPTER ONE Essential question: What is psychology?

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Presentation on theme: "PSYCHOLOGY CHAPTER ONE Essential question: What is psychology?"— Presentation transcript:

1 PSYCHOLOGY CHAPTER ONE Essential question: What is psychology?

2 Psychology provides the tools to help you gain insight into your own behavior, as well as your relationships with others Behavior has two components observable behavior unobservable behavior

3 Psychology is a Science Psychology is connected to the social sciences i.e. history and economics As a social science psychology explores the influences of society on individual behavior and group relationships.

4 Psychology is connected to the natural sciences i.e. biology and chemistry As a natural science psychology looks for biological explanations for human behavior

5 Ask the question, “Why do teenagers participate in risky behavior? Social science would look at the behavior as it is influenced by society. Family structure, economics, locations Natural science would look at brain development. Brain development

6 Predict Rank in order the progression of drug use then share with the person next to you. 1. Pot 2. Cigarettes 3. Alcohol 4. Heroin 5. Prescription drugs 6. Ecstasy 7. Cocaine 8. LSD 9. Mushrooms

7 Goals of Psychology DESCRIBE- psychologist describe or gather information about the behavior being studied and to present what is known. EXPLAIN- psychologist seek to explain why their study subjects (people or animals) behave they way they do. These explanations can be called psychological principles. Psychological principles are generally valid ideas about behavior

8 PREDICT- psychologist try to predict, as a result of accumulated knowledge, gathered through research, how people or animals will behave. INFLUENCE- some psychologist will seek to influence behavior, hopefully for the better

9 Steve's Behavior Humans are complex! Steve ignored physiological needs – physical needs (sleep hunger) Engaged in this behavior for cognitive (private unobservable mental) reasons unknown to us thinking, feeling, attitudes AVOIDANCE?????

10 PSYCHOLOGY is the SCIENTIFIC (in accord with the rules or methods of science) SYSTEMATIC (follow a plan, methodical, orderly) STUDY of behavior and mental processes in organisms.

11 Why ???? - to reduce the possibility or errors - to reduce the possibility or errors and bias…. and bias…. Hmmmm.. let’ s look at that predict list again Did you by chance rank these according to your personal experience???

12 The Scientific Basis of Psychology Psychologists working in basic science are conducting studies TO EXPLAIN more human or animal behavior (research) Psychologists working in applied science use what is already known to solve more immediate problems. EX: Finding ways to alter/fix the behaviors of addicts. Is that you??? behaviors of addicts. Is that you???

13 Psychology as a Science Studies done in psychology MUST use the scientific method. (to reduce the possibility or errors and bias)…. 1. QUESTION or PROBLEM 2. HYPOTHESIS- educated guess 3. COLLECT DATA- experiments, surveys and case studies case studies 4. ANALYIZE DATA 5. DRAW CONCLUSIONS 6. THEORY …

14 William Wundt set up the first psychology lab to study sensation and feelings. Technique was known as introspection

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