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September 23 rd, 2014 Ms. Angela Pacheco Trimble County HS Science Department.

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Presentation on theme: "September 23 rd, 2014 Ms. Angela Pacheco Trimble County HS Science Department."— Presentation transcript:

1 September 23 rd, 2014 Ms. Angela Pacheco Trimble County HS Science Department

2 1 st period Astronomy Starter: get out SW/APOD sheet SW/APOD Today’s learning target focus: 6-8 Continue new unit: The Moon

3 2 nd Period Chemistry Starter: get out lab packet Today’s learning targets: 8 and 9 New due dates: – 2-4 Notes: tomorrow – 2-3 R/R: Thursday – 2-5 Notes: Friday 2 nd Chance opportunity for learning check #1 – Tues or Thur – must sign up today!

4 Conceptual Physics Starter: get out notebook, textbook and writing utensil Today’s learning targets: 5-6 Scientist partner questions, pg. 40 (11-14, 29-33) 2 nd Chance opportunity for learning check #1 – Tues or Thur – must sign up today!

5 ACT Prep Welcome! Which subject are you MOST wanting to work on for this ACT prep? Diagnostic tests: Math: pg. 1 English: pg. 40 Reading: pg. 144 Science Reasoning: pg. 229

6 4 th Period Astronomy Starter: get out SW/APOD sheet SW/APOD Today’s learning target focus: 6-8 Continue new unit: The Moon

7 Advanced Physics Starter: get out book for group work (answer key will be available at the front of the room) Today’s learning targets: 9, 12, 13 pg. 74 (11-14) Pg. 79 (26-31) You can come to the lab to ask me a question…just put on goggles! 2 nd Chance opportunity for learning check #1 – Tues or Thur – must sign up today! Unit 2, part 1 Exam: Thursday

8 Adv Phy Unit 2 Groups 12345678 Emily TMegan W AmberDanielleMorgan C SidneyTanyaZack Emily ABretMorgan K DaltonKatieDavidRavenLogan BrennanTailorBradyMegan TCourtneyMilaEliMadelyn CollinAlexMichaelNickMiranda

9 AP Chemistry Starter: write the net-ionic reaction for the following: Solutions of silver nitrate and sodium chloride are mixed. Lecture 17: Entropy Video clip Wkst 17 Due Friday: – Calorimetry lab post-lab work – Corrections/analysis for front side of 2 nd Chance exam

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