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The Expansive Realm of Islam Islam – Submission to the will of God Muslim – One who submits Mosque – Muslim house of worship.

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Presentation on theme: "The Expansive Realm of Islam Islam – Submission to the will of God Muslim – One who submits Mosque – Muslim house of worship."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Expansive Realm of Islam Islam – Submission to the will of God Muslim – One who submits Mosque – Muslim house of worship

2 World Muslims 1.2 billion, Muslims represent between 19.2% and 22% of the world's population. 1.2 billion, Muslims represent between 19.2% and 22% of the world's population. One of every five humans in the world is a Muslim One of every five humans in the world is a Muslim Second largest religion in the world Second largest religion in the world Fastest growing including Europe and America Fastest growing including Europe and America

3 World Distribution of Muslims Africa308,660,00027.4% Asia778,362,00069.1% Europe32,032,0002.8% Latin America1,356,0000.1% North America5,530,0000.5% World1,126,325,000100%


5 Islam  An Abrahamic Religion  Muslims are strict monotheists.  They believe in the Judeo- Christian God, which they call Allah.  Muslims believe that the Torah and the Bible, like the Qur’an, is the word of God. Peoples of the Book

6 Abraham’s Genealogy ABRAHAM SARAH HAGAR Isaac Esau Jacob 12 Tribes of Israel Ishmael 12 Arabian Tribes

7 The Prophetic Tradition Adam Noah Abraham Moses Jesus Muhammad

8 Muhammad Descendant of Ishmael, the first son of Abraham. Descendant of Ishmael, the first son of Abraham. Born in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, in the year 570 C.E. to a merchant family Born in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, in the year 570 C.E. to a merchant family Marries wealthy widow 595, works as a merchant Marries wealthy widow 595, works as a merchant Familiarity with paganism, Christianity and Judaism as practiced in Arabian peninsula Familiarity with paganism, Christianity and Judaism as practiced in Arabian peninsula Received first revelation at the age 40 through angel Gabriel. Received first revelation at the age 40 through angel Gabriel. Died in the year 632 C.E, after preaching Islam for 23 years. Died in the year 632 C.E, after preaching Islam for 23 years.

9 Origins of the Qur’an  Muhammad received his first revelation from the angel Gabriel in the Cave of Hira in 610.  622  Hijrah  Muhammad flees Mecca for Medina. * The beginning of the Muslim calendar (year 1)  Muhammad’s revelations were compiled into the Qur’an after his death.

10 Quran: The Holy Book Original intact as given by the Prophet in Arabic Original intact as given by the Prophet in Arabic 23 Years of Revelations (610 - 632 C.E.) 23 Years of Revelations (610 - 632 C.E.)

11 The Ka’ba



14 The Holy Mosque – Mecca, Saudi Arabia

15 The 5 Pillars of Faith in Islam 1. Must acknowledge Allah as the only God and Muhammad as his prophet 1. Must acknowledge Allah as the only God and Muhammad as his prophet 2. Must pray daily facing Mecca 2. Must pray daily facing Mecca 3. Must fast during daylight hours of Ramadan 3. Must fast during daylight hours of Ramadan 4. Contribute alms (charity) for the poor 4. Contribute alms (charity) for the poor 5. Undertake the Hajj (like Muhammad did) and make one pilgrimage to Mecca in your lifetime 5. Undertake the Hajj (like Muhammad did) and make one pilgrimage to Mecca in your lifetime

16 1. Profession of Faith All Muslims must profess their faith at least once in their lives All Muslims must profess their faith at least once in their lives Generally do this each time they pray Generally do this each time they pray “There is no God but Allah and Mohammad is his Prophet.” “There is no God but Allah and Mohammad is his Prophet.”

17 2. Prayers (Salah) Five Daily Prayers from Dawn to Late Evening regulate a Muslim’s day Five Daily Prayers from Dawn to Late Evening regulate a Muslim’s day Prayers involve ablution, standing, bowing, prostrating, sitting postures Prayers involve ablution, standing, bowing, prostrating, sitting postures Face Ka’ba, prayers in Arabic as taught by the Prophet. Face Ka’ba, prayers in Arabic as taught by the Prophet. Additional Prayers optional Additional Prayers optional

18 3. Charity (The Zakat) 3 3  Almsgiving (charitable donations).  Muslims believe that all things belong to God.  Zakat means both “purification” and “growth.”  About 2.5% of your income.

19 4. Fasting (During Ramadan) 002.183 O ye who believe! Fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you, that ye may (learn) self-restraint. (The Quran) 002.183 O ye who believe! Fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you, that ye may (learn) self-restraint. (The Quran) Ramadan is 9th month in Islamic Lunar calendar Ramadan is 9th month in Islamic Lunar calendar Daily dawn to sunset fast for 29/30 days (no food or drink) Daily dawn to sunset fast for 29/30 days (no food or drink) Eidul-Fitr Holiday at the end Eidul-Fitr Holiday at the end

20 5. The Hajj 5 5  The pilgrimage to Mecca.  Must be done at least once in a Muslim’s lifetime.  2-3 million Muslims make the pilgrimage every year.

21 Muslims at Prayer

22 The Mosque  The Muslim place of worship.

23 The Dome of the Rock Mosque in Jerusalem Mount Moriah Rock where Muhammad ascended into heaven.

24 Other Islamic Religious Practices  Up to four wives allowed at once.  No alcohol or pork.  No gambling.  Sharia  body of Islamic law to regulate daily living.  Three holiest cities in Islam: * Mecca, Medina, Jerusalem.

25 Food 002.172 O ye who believe! Eat of the good things that We have provided for you, and be grateful to God, if it is Him ye worship. Forbidden: Meat of animals found dead blood the flesh of swine Alcoholic beverages (such as beer and wine) and intoxicants Meat on which name of God is not invoked at time of slaughtering or meat on which some one else’s name is invoked Permitted: food of the People of the Book

26 Muslim Students Ramadan, Eidul-Fitr Ramadan, Eidul-Fitr Eidul-Adha, Hajj Eidul-Adha, Hajj Head scarves by Muslim girls Head scarves by Muslim girls Christmas and Halloween are not Muslim religious holidays Christmas and Halloween are not Muslim religious holidays Dating, Prom are not permitted Dating, Prom are not permitted Sex Education: abstinence Sex Education: abstinence out of marriage sex and homosexuality are grave sins out of marriage sex and homosexuality are grave sins

27 Essential Question: Why was Islam able to spread so quickly and convert so many to the new religion?

28 The Spread of Islam  Easy to learn and practice.  No priesthood.  Teaches equality.  Non-Muslims, who were “Peoples of the Book,” were allowed religious freedom, but paid additional taxes (jizya tax).  Easily “portable”  nomads & trade routes.  Jihad (“Holy War”) against pagans and other non-believers (“infidels”).

29 Review / Warm-up Questions 1. How is the Quran and sharia different? How are they alike? 1. How is the Quran and sharia different? How are they alike? 2. How did early Muslim empires generally treat conquered, non-Muslim peoples? 2. How did early Muslim empires generally treat conquered, non-Muslim peoples? 3. What contributed to Islam’s rapid spread in its early years (7 th and 8 th centuries C.E.)? 3. What contributed to Islam’s rapid spread in its early years (7 th and 8 th centuries C.E.)?

30 Essential Questions #1 How/when did Islam become divided into Sunni and Shia sects? How/when did Islam become divided into Sunni and Shia sects? What makes the two different from one another? What makes the two different from one another?

31 Sunni vs. Shia Muslim

32 Muslims in the World Today

33 Countries with the Largest Muslim Population 1.Indonesia183,000,0006.Iran62,000,000 2.Pakistan134,000,0007.Egypt59,000,000 3.India121,000,0008.Nigeria53,000,000 4.Bangladesh114,000,0009.Algeria31,000,000 5.Turkey66,000,00010.Morocco29,000,000 * Arabs make up only 20% of the total Muslim population of the world.

34 Essential Questions #2 Analyze the role and status of women in the Islamic world. How has their status changed over time? Analyze the role and status of women in the Islamic world. How has their status changed over time? –Consider: 1. What is the status of women as far as the Quran is concerned? 1. What is the status of women as far as the Quran is concerned? 2. The Veiling of women (where did it come from? Why was/is it done; what does it reflect / significance?) 2. The Veiling of women (where did it come from? Why was/is it done; what does it reflect / significance?) 3. Segregation of the sexes (where, why, how)? 3. Segregation of the sexes (where, why, how)?

35 The expansion of Islam, 632- 733 C.E.

36 Silk Roads – During the time of Islamic expansion

37 Battle of Talas River – 751 C.E. Diffusion of paper manufacturing from China to the Arab world Diffusion of paper manufacturing from China to the Arab world

38 The Compass First developed by the Qin Dynasty c. 200 BCE First developed by the Qin Dynasty c. 200 BCE Diffused to the Muslim world Diffused to the Muslim world

39 Lateen Sail Greater maneuverability for ships Greater maneuverability for ships

40 The Astrolabe Diffused to the Muslim world from the Mediterranean Diffused to the Muslim world from the Mediterranean Used to calculate latitude Used to calculate latitude

41 The Islamic World – The “Heartbeat” of the Eastern Hemisphere’s Trading Network -Large-scale business conducted -Currency exchangers -Branch banks with credit (sakks – checks) Islamic law recognized business ventures

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