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1. Please pick-up your handouts on the computer counter at the front right of classroom (under the glass wear cabinets). 2. Please quietly sit in your.

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Presentation on theme: "1. Please pick-up your handouts on the computer counter at the front right of classroom (under the glass wear cabinets). 2. Please quietly sit in your."— Presentation transcript:

1 1. Please pick-up your handouts on the computer counter at the front right of classroom (under the glass wear cabinets). 2. Please quietly sit in your assigned seat and take out your summer assignments and a sheet of paper to complete this writing prompt in complete sentences: 1. What is your main goal(s) for this school year? 2. How are you going to achieve your goal(s)? Be specific! Teach CHAMPS procedures for Starter!!

2 Introduction Discuss Handouts How to take Cornell Notes Writing Smart Goals Learn Safety rules Homefun: Sign and print syllabus, lab safety back Explore Mr. Lam’s webpage and take Cornell notes of the PPT slides ahead of time Lab safety quiz online

3 A. Myself A. Background i. Born in Vietnam

4 A. Myself A. Education A. B.S. Zoology (OSU) B. M.S. Biology (UTSA)

5 MacArthur HS JECA Substituting Middle Schools- High Schools Tutor at University EOC Results 2011-2012: 100% Biology 2012-2013: 100% Biology and Chemistry 2013-2014: 100% Biology 2014-2015: 100% Biology 2015-2016: 100% expected also!!!

6 1. Students who work-hard, be nice, and loving 2. Students who are responsible, have strong work ethics and pride in their work (ex: turn work in on time, no form of cheating, utilize time wisely, well-organized etc…) 3. Students who pay attention in class, ask questions, and participate in class 4. Students who listen and follow rules and instructions the first time asked

7 Play “Conga Line”! Shake hands briefly introduce each others (Name, Middle School, favorite foods and drinks) *Teach procedure “Welcome Back!”

8 A. ID expectations B. Practice Fire Drills, Lockdown etc…) C. Syllabus (5-10 minutes reading) (teach champs for independent work)

9 **Expect you to check my webpage daily to do your homework (take Cornell notes using posted powerpoint slides)

10 Create Journal Leave the first 4 pages blank 1 st page is name, date, class period 2 nd – 4 th page, table of contents (date, period, table of content)

11 Number the pages starting on page 5 (as page 1) Page 1 syllabus Page 2 lab safety contract Page 3 Formal lab rubric Page 4 STAAR quick reference chart Page 5 “8 TEKS VERBS” Page 6 Cornell Notes (take notes on how to write using Cornell notes)





16 Number the pages starting on page 5 (as page 1) Page 1 syllabus Page 2 lab safety contract Page 3 Formal lab rubric Page 4 STAAR quick reference chart Page 5 “8 TEKS VERBS” Page 6 Cornell Notes (take notes on how to write using Cornell notes) Page 7 Notes on What are SMART GOALS

17 Specific: State exactly what you want to accomplish (who, what, where, why) Measurable: How will you demonstrate and evaluate the extent to which the goal has been met?) Achievable: stretch and challenging goals within ability to achieve outcome. What is the action- oriented verb? Relevant: How does the goal tie into your key responsibilities? How is it aligned to the objectives? Timely: Set one or more target dates (including deadlines, dates and frequency), the “by when” to guide your goal to successful and timely completion

18 1. I will lose weigh 2. I will lose weigh by June 1 st by walking 20 minutes a day.

19 Write your own SMART goals for: 1 st semester Year goal Class goal

20 Number the pages starting on page 5 (as page 1) Page 1 syllabus Page 2 lab safety contract Page 3 Formal lab rubric Page 4 STAAR quick reference chart Page 5 “8 TEKS VERBS” Page 6 Cornell Notes Page 7 Notes on What are SMART GOALS Page 7 Notes on Lab Safety Rules


22 List 3 safety rules you have learned in your previous science classes.

23 Rule #1 Read and understand all safety instructions before you begin.

24 Rule #2 Follow directions and use the equipment only as instructed.

25 Rule #3 Locate the emergency exit and safety equipment, including the eye/face wash, fire extinguisher, fire blanket, and alarm.

26 Rule #4 Wear all required safety equipment (including goggle, apron, gloves, long pants, and closed toe shoes). Tie back hair and loose clothes.

27 Rule #5 Pour acid into water; Not water into acid.

28 Rule #6 Pin specimens to pan. Do not dissect while holding them in your hand.

29 Rule #7 Avoid contamination. Do not return unused chemicals to original source. Keep the correct spatula and/or stopper with its container

30 Rule #8 Report all accidents, spills, and broken glass to the teacher.

31 Rule #9 Avoid eating, drinking, or directly smelling chemicals (waft instead).

32 Rule #10 Keep metals and water away from electrical equipment.

33 Rule #11 Point test tubes that are being heated away from you and others.

34 Rule #12 Never horse-playing in the Lab.

35 Rule #13 Clean up your area, tools, and hands when done.

36 Rule #14 Turn off equipment. Recycle or dispose of materials properly.

37 What’s wrong with these pictures?

38 You have looked up the hazards of the chemicals you will be using in a particular lab, and found out that they are mild health hazards, requiring you to avoid skin contact and vapor inhalation. Therefore, when in lab you should: a.wear short shorts and sandals b.wear long pants, closed toed shoes, and a lab apron c.wear gloves d.b and c e.a and c

39 If the fire alarm sounds, you should: a. do nothing - it is probably a false alarm b. shut down your experiment, get your stuff, then leave the building c. leave the building immediately following fire alarm protocols d. grab a fire extinguisher and/or safety wash

40 1. Quietly write at least 5 sentences in your “note journal” summarizing what you have learned today. 2. If you finish early and have any question for me, please write on a post-it-note and stick it to the “parking lot”. 3. Please wait for me to dismiss the class! You are wonderful! Love having you in class! Thank you!:

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