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The International Council on Systems Engineering Introduction & Orientation Membership Committee Co-Chairs Lew Lee, TRW, Dona Lee, Dynamic.

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Presentation on theme: "The International Council on Systems Engineering Introduction & Orientation Membership Committee Co-Chairs Lew Lee, TRW, Dona Lee, Dynamic."— Presentation transcript:

1 The International Council on Systems Engineering Introduction & Orientation Membership Committee Co-Chairs Lew Lee, TRW, Dona Lee, Dynamic Systems, April 1999

2 2 April99 Mission INCOSE is a professional society for systems engineers whose mission is to foster the definition, understanding, and practice of world class systems engineering in industry, academia, and government.

3 3 April99 Goals Provide a focal point for dissemination of systems engineering knowledge Promote collaboration in systems engineering education and research Establish professional standards for integrity in the practice of systems engineering Improve the professional status of all people engaged in the practice of systems engineering Encourage support from government and industry for research and educational programs to improve the systems engineering process and its practice

4 4 April99 Benefits of Membership Network with 3000+ multi-national systems engineering professionals Receive Insight, Quarterly Newsletter Receive Systems Engineering, the Journal of INCOSE Contribute through INCOSE technical committees Collaborate with experts and practitioners Download membership directory from the World Wide Web Lowest prices on INCOSE publications purchases

5 5 April99 Membership Dues Supports Annual international symposia Local chapter operations INCOSE World Wide Web and online resources INCOSE listservers (for online discussions) INCOSE representation on standards committees Professionally operated INCOSE office

6 6 April99 Communications and Publications Provides members with newsletters, a technical journal, electronic bulletin boards, and discussion groups World Wide Web site on the Internet Internet listservers for discussions using email e-mail with ONLY the following in the BODY of your message: subscribe discuss your_email_address your_name

7 7 April99 Publications & Products Insight, quarterly newsletter Systems Engineering: The Journal of the INCOSE Annual Proceedings (from the symposia) 1991-94, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998 Proceedings on CD-ROM Products from Technical Committees -Measurement Primer -- free download from web -Products available for purchase through INCOSE

8 8 April99 INSIGHT, the Newsletter of INCOSE Published Quarterly 40 to 60 pages Special theme in each issue. In 1999: -International Educational Needs and Accomplishments -Commercial Activities in INCOSE -Process Modeling/Management in the Product Development/SE Field -TBD 1998 Covers:

9 9 April99 Journal of Systems Engineering Published quarterly under contract with John Wiley & Sons Dr. Andrew P. Sage (GMU), Editor-in-Chief

10 10 April99 World Wide Web resources include: -Online SE bibliography -SE Tools evaluations -INCOSE Paper Abstracts 1991 to present -General SE resource guides -Download Publications -Extensive reporting from technical committees and working groups Members Only Area -Download Measurement Primer in Adobe Acrobat PDF -On-Line version of SE How-To Handbook

11 11 April99 Activities Annual international symposium around July Annual international workshop in January Local chapters meet regularly Regional conferences Technical working groups Extensive professional networking

12 12 April99 International Symposia After 1999 2000 (10th Annual), Minneapolis, Minnesota, US -July 16-20 -Systems Engineering: A Decade of Progress -- A New Century of Opportunity 2001 (11th Annual), Sydney, Australia -July 8-13 2000 Regional Conferences -Region II - Colorado Chapter -Region V - Washington (D.C.) Metro Area

13 13 April99 Regular Membership 3400+ members (April 99) (includes SESA members) 19 Countries USAMembers represent -Over 1200 companies and organizations -Including 80 colleges and universities -Including 100 government organizations -34 Chapters and many starting up International -Systems Engineering Society of Australia Affiliate -Chapters in Canada, U.K., The Netherlands, Germany, and Norway

14 14 April99 Role of Chapters Facilitate professional networking and information exchange Source of local activities -Meetings (many are monthly) -Tutorials, workshops, mini-conferences and vendor fairs -Contributions to working groups Disseminate announcements and news Helps Central Office maintain membership information Grows the membership Develop local initiatives. Examples: -Tutorials, Handbooks -Certificate Programs -Activities with other professional organizations

15 15 April99 INCOSE Regions III V V VI I I IV II

16 16 April99 INCOSE Structure Started in August 1990 by 35 senior technical managers Incorporated as nonprofit technical society in January 1992 Board of Directors and Executive Committee Corporate Advisory Board Technical board, technical committees, working groups Administrative Committees Central Office (Executive Management)

17 17 April99 Executive Committee & Board of Directors President President-Elect Past President Secretary Treasurer 15 Directors -2 from each region -3 at-large directors

18 18 April99 Technical Structure Technical Committees -Chartered by the Technical Board -Consists of a chair, co-chair, Working Group chairs, and up to three at-large members -Chair appointed by the President Working Groups -Created by interested members -Open to all INCOSE members -Chartered by Technical Committees -Comply with INCOSE WG procedures -Maintain a critical mass -May publish INCOSE Information Papers following document approval process

19 19 April99 Technical Committees Education & Research Systems Engineering Applications Measurement Modeling & Tools Systems Engineering Management Processes & Methods Standards

20 20 April99 Administrative Committees Communications -Publishes INSIGHT -Manages the resources on the Internet Chapters -Assists startups -Facilitates communications among chapters Membership -INCOSE Office manages the database Symposium -Ensures continuity between symposia Ways & Means -Policies, financials, and growth

21 21 April99 Central Office Shirley Bishop, Inc -Seattle, WA -email: -+1-206-361-6607 (1-800-366-1164 toll-free in U.S.) -fax: +1-206-367-8777 Provides executive management services Serves as single point-of-contact Manages membership Publications sales Got a question? Ask the Central Office

22 22 April99 Your Expectations What do you want from INCOSE? How can INCOSE best serve you?

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