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Prepared by Tablígh Sub- Committee of ISIJ of Toronto A`amál on the day of `Áshúra 1)Four raka`áts, divided into two prayers, in the following manner:

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1 Prepared by Tablígh Sub- Committee of ISIJ of Toronto A`amál on the day of `Áshúra 1)Four raka`áts, divided into two prayers, in the following manner: a ) First prayer: In the first raka`a, after Súra al- \amd, recite Súra al-Káfirún (Súra # 109). In the second raka`a, after Súra al-\amd, recite Súra al-Ikhlá# (Súra # 112). b)Second prayer: In the first raka`a, after Súra al- \amd, recite Súra al-A<záb (Súra # 33). In the second raka`a, after Súra al-\amd, recite Súra al-Munáfiqún (Súra # 63).

2 Prepared by Tablígh Sub- Committee of ISIJ of Toronto A`amál on the day of `Áshúra 2)Ziyárat of `Áshúra. (Mafáti<ul Jinán, Pg. 456) 3)Two rak`áts for Ziyárat of `Áshúra. 4)Cursing the enemies of the Ahl al-Bayt 100 times. (Mafáti<ul Jinán, Pg. 457)

3 Prepared by Tablígh Sub- Committee of ISIJ of Toronto A`amál on the day of `Áshúra 5)Saláms on the martyrs of Karbalá 100 times. (Mafáti<ul Jinán, Pg. 458) 6)Cursing the killers at Karbalá. (Mafáti<ul Jinán, Pg. 458) 7)A short du`á in Sajda. (Mafáti<ul Jinán, Pg. 458)

4 Prepared by Tablígh Sub- Committee of ISIJ of Toronto A`amál on the day of `Áshúra 8)Du`á of `Alqamah. (Mafáti<ul Jinán, Pg. 458) 9)Walking forwards and backwards seven times reciting the phrase recited by Imám \usayn (a.s.) on the day of ` Áshúra. 10)Ziyárat of Ta`ziyah (Condolences). (This is recited after `A#r.) (Mafáti<ul Jinán, Pg. 291)

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