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Synchronous Classroom Interaction: Using technology to take advantage of being face-to-face Ben Bederson, Anne Rose Human-Computer Interaction Lab University.

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Presentation on theme: "Synchronous Classroom Interaction: Using technology to take advantage of being face-to-face Ben Bederson, Anne Rose Human-Computer Interaction Lab University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Synchronous Classroom Interaction: Using technology to take advantage of being face-to-face Ben Bederson, Anne Rose Human-Computer Interaction Lab University of Maryland – College Park @bederson, @annetrose

2 Student engagement is important but HARD

3 Do you do HCI research? A. Yes B. No C. Kind of Do you do HCI research? A. Yes B. No C. Kind of Interactive Classroom Response Systems

4 Green t-shirts Awesome colleagues History – we’ve been here for 31 years! International Children’s Digital Library Kids team Computer scientists’ minds Innovation Intellectual stimulation Colleagues Noobie Dogs come to visit Interdisciplinary research Cool hackerspace demos! Kitchen Chemistry Brown bags Research techniques, like bags of stuff Lots of chocolate Our annual symposium Working with people from all over campus Hockey jerseys! CHI papers clinic NetCHI Lab – studying people and networks Eating lunch together Award-winning research StoryKit Working on real-world problems Inclusive Design Lab 3D-printer – cool! The HCIL running club Travel awards for students The people Timeline on the lab wall Great alumni Interesting seminar series Diverse talents and expertise HCIM students … What do you like about HCIL?

5 Challenge Meaningfully categorize responses quickly Colleagues Diverse talents and expertise Awesome colleagues Working with people from all over campus HCIM students Great alumni The people PEOPL E International Children’s Digital Library Innovation Interdisciplinary research Kitchen Chemistry Cool hackerspace demos! Research techniques, like bags of stuff NetCHI Lab Award-winning research Working on real-world problems Inclusive Design Lab StoryKi t Kids team RESEARCH Dogs come to visit Green t-shirts Lots of chocolate Hockey jerseys! Eating lunch together The HCIL running club Timeline on the lab wall 3D-printer – cool! FUN STUFF

6 Q&A Tool

7 Crowdsource Categorization Cascade, Chilton et al., 2013

8 Crowdsource Categorization


10 How It Works Submit Responses

11 How It Works Submit Responses Suggest Categories Best CategoriesSuggest Categories Categorize Responses Categorize Responses Categorize Responses

12 Categorize Responses Categorize Responses Categorize Responses Categorize Responses Categorize Responses How It Works Match Categories Best Categories

13 Generate results now



16 Discuss

17 Initial Classroom Use

18 What holds you back from being more innovative in your teaching? SLLC Showcase on Innovative Teaching

19 What is one impact from having your phone know your location in a precise way? American Studies undergraduate course

20 What single characteristic defines us as human? Kinesiology undergraduate course

21 Helpful to see other students’ responses

22 Creating categories can be hard What single characteristic defines us as human? The ability to ask this question Let me think...

23 Users want to further refine results Subcategory for research with Kids Where should travel awards go?

24 Anonymity vs. Authentication

25 Go to Want to try Q&A in your class?

26 This work was funded in part by the National Science Foundation, Google, and Huawei. Learn more @ or, email ?

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