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THE FIRST LUNAR LANDING 1.Apollo 11 Crew 2.Time Table 3.Saturn V 4.Planning Ahead 5.Docking with Eagle 6.Science Experiments.

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Presentation on theme: "THE FIRST LUNAR LANDING 1.Apollo 11 Crew 2.Time Table 3.Saturn V 4.Planning Ahead 5.Docking with Eagle 6.Science Experiments."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE FIRST LUNAR LANDING 1.Apollo 11 Crew 2.Time Table 3.Saturn V 4.Planning Ahead 5.Docking with Eagle 6.Science Experiments

2 Neil Armstrong Mission Commander Edwin Aldrin Lunar Module Pilot Apollo 11 Crew 1 Michael Collins Command Module Pilot

3 Apollo 11 Time Table Launched: July 16 th 1969 Landed on Moon: July 20 th 1969 Returned to Earth: July 24, 1969 2

4 3 1.Most powerful rocket ever built 2.363 ft. high and 7.5 million lbs. of thrust at lift off 3.Combined horsepower of 543 jet fighters 4.50 tons accelerated to 24,000 mph.

5 3 Major Components of the Saturn V Rocket 1.Launch Escape System 2.Command Module 3.Service Module 4.Lunar Module 5.Third, Second and First stage - Columbia or CSM - Eagle or LM

6 Was Apollo 11 aimed at the Moon? Apollo 11 was aimed at the future position of the Moon. 4

7 5 This image shows the Eagle inside the stage 3 section of the Saturn rocket. Explosive panels released the Eagle from Stage 3.

8 The docking procedure was a combination of automated and manual controls. The command module had to turn around and connect with the LM. 5

9 Science Experiments It provided data on the interior of the Moon. Passive Seismic Experiment 6

10 Science Experiments It provides data on the Moon’s retreat and plate tectonics. This is the only Apollo experiment still providing data. Laser Reflector 6

11 Laser beam aimed at Moon by a telescope at McDonald Observatory 6

12 Science Experiments Solar Wind Detector It provided data on the structure and composition of the Sun. 6

13 Assignment for the remainder of class: Pg. 226 Rev. #15

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