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Choose a category. You will be given the answer. You must give the correct question. Click to begin. (about Douglas MacArthur) Created By: Michael Ott.

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2 Choose a category. You will be given the answer. You must give the correct question. Click to begin. (about Douglas MacArthur) Created By: Michael Ott Period 4A

3 Click here for Final Jeopardy

4 Military Career Invasion of Japan After WWII 10 Point 20 Points 30 Points 40 Points 50 Points 10 Point 20 Points 30 Points 40 Points 50 Points 30 Points 40 Points 50 Points Philippine Islands Before WWII

5 Douglas MacArthur was born at this army post on January 26, 1880.

6 What is Little Rock, Arkansas?

7 Douglas MacArthur graduated from this military academy in 1903 at the top of his class, rivaling the marks of Robert E. Lee.

8 What is West Point?

9 While working in the War Department in 1916, MacArthur introduced plans for these units to fight along side regular soldiers in World War I.

10 What is the National Guard?

11 During World War I, MacArthur served in France in this division, where he was promoted to brigadier general.

12 What is the 42 nd Infantry Division, or the “Rainbow” Division?

13 After WWI, MacArthur served as this from 1919 to 1922; he was the youngest one to date!

14 What is superintendent of West Point?

15 After graduating from West Point, MacArthur received this commission as a second lieutenant.

16 What is Corps of Engineers?

17 MacArthur served in many Army posts and tours, during and between the wars, in the U.S., Panama, and this country (his most remembered and frequently visited one).

18 What is the Philippine Islands?

19 In World War II, MacArthur was later appointed to this commanding rank.

20 What is Supreme Ally Commander of the Pacific Theater?

21 This man was partner to MacArthur in the Pacific Theater as the commander of the naval fleet there.(He was also at Japan’s surrender).

22 Who is Chester Nimitz?

23 Because of his many brave military accomplishments, MacArthur received many awards, including this, the highest military award presented by the U.S. government.

24 What is the Medal of Honor?

25 In 1937, MacArthur returned to the Philippines as this, even though he was retired.

26 What is a military advisor?

27 As commander of the forces in the Philippines in 1941, MacArthur and his forces retreated to this peninsula after the Japanese advance couldn’t be stopped.

28 What is the Bataan Peninsula?

29 Knowing the defeat in the Philippines was inevitable, President Roosevelt recalled MacArthur and his close advisors to this land mass in 1942.

30 What is Australia?

31 This was the famous promise MacArthur said when he swore to return to the Philippines.

32 What is “I shall return”?

33 This was the battle at which MacArthur defeated the Japanese forces in the Philippines, making them little threat there and allowing recapture of the Philippines.

34 What is the Battle of Leyte Gulf?

35 MacArthur used this tactic to take over islands surrounding Japan in order to weaken the country.

36 What is “island- hopping”?

37 Because MacArthur forces couldn’t capture Japan, President Truman ordered this in 1945.

38 What is the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

39 Douglas MacArthur officially accepted Japan’s surrender aboard this battleship in the Tokyo Bay in 1945.

40 What is the USS Missouri?

41 Instead of punishing the emperor of Japan, MacArthur pushed for punishing its military figures, like this person, who was Japan’s head military warlord.

42 Who is Hideki Tojo?

43 MacArthur remained in Japan after it’s surrender in order to help rebuild the country and introduce this (just like in the Philippine’s government).

44 What is a democratic constitution?

45 After freeing the Philippines, MacArthur reminded the U.S government that the Philippine Islands had been democratized, which eventually lead to this in 1946.

46 What is the Independence of the Philippines?

47 During the rebuilding of Japan after World War II, MacArthur, under the jurisdiction of Japan’s new constitution, gave the power of the emperor to this legislative group.

48 What is “the Diet”?

49 Before war was declared on Korea, this countries forces pushed back MacArthur’s forces to defend Korea.

50 What is China?

51 Because this U.S president didn’t agree with MacArthur’s plans to blockade and use atomic weapons on China, he relieved MacArthur from his command in 1951.

52 Who is President Harry Truman?

53 MacArthur was a considered candidate for president in 1952, but lost the candidacy to this general(he led the invasion force of U.S. and British soldiers into northwest Africa).

54 Who is Dwight Eisenhower?

55 Make your wager

56 Noted by biographers as his “quixotic” attempt, this was MacArthur’s most conspicuous failure in his life.

57 What is the promoting of Christianity in Japan?

58 Thanks For Playing!

59 Resources Magill, Frank N. Great Lives From History American Series. Volume 3. Pasedena, California: Salem Press, pp.1425-130. Print. Political and Military Leaders. Volume 6. Danbury, Connecticut: Grolier Educational Corporation, 1994. pp.154-156. Print. Boyer, Paul. American Nation. Austin, Texas: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 2003. pp.803-804,814,821-822. Print. Fisher, Kristi and Mark. "Douglas MacArthur." Douglas MacArthur (1880- 1964) American General. CarpeNoctem, November 2010. Web. 6 Feb 2011.. "MacArthur, Douglas (1880-1964)." UXL Biographies. Online ed. Detroit: UXL, 2003. Student Resource Center - Bronze. Web. 6 Feb. 2011. "MacArthur, Douglas." The Columbia Encyclopedia. 6th ed. Columbia University Press, 2000. 23746. Student Edition. Web. 6 Feb. 2011. Trueman, Chris. "Douglas MacArthur." Military Commanders of World War Two., 6 Feb 2011. Web. 6 Feb 2011..

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