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Artificial Selection. People (instead of nature) select which organisms get to reproduce and which traits have a better chance of being passed on No longer.

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Presentation on theme: "Artificial Selection. People (instead of nature) select which organisms get to reproduce and which traits have a better chance of being passed on No longer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Artificial Selection

2 People (instead of nature) select which organisms get to reproduce and which traits have a better chance of being passed on No longer matters what is “most fit”

3 Purpose of artificial selection Higher yield of offspring in plants Improved quality Reduced production costs Faster growth rates Greater resistance to diseases Cosmetic Hypoallergenic

4 Who participates in artificial selection? Farmers All crops Breeders Farm animals Dogs Horses Scientists

5 Why is artificial selection often referred to as selective breeding?

6 Examples of artificial selection

7 How has corn changed over the years? Why is this beneficial?

8 Examples of artificial selection Dogs Originally domesticated for hunting, shepherding, and pest control. Eventually became companion animals

9 Examples of artificial selection Horses Draft horses Racehorses

10 Genetic Modification / Genetic Engineering -Genetic engineering techniques are used to alter DNA -DNA is altered and combined with other DNA to create an entirely new set of genes -Creates genetically modified organisms (GMO’s) -Occurs everywhere -85% of US corn and 91% of US soybeans are genetically engineered

11 Artificial Selection versus Genetic Modification Which one is more effective? Genetic Modification/Engineering Quicker More Effective No limitations

12 Why are people who support artificial selection often against genetic engineering?

13 Weird examples of genetic engineering For each of the examples try to answer the following questions Do you support the example? Should we continue to genetically engineer organisms?

14 Glow in the Dark Cats

15 Pollution-Fighting Plants

16 Venomous Cabbage

17 Web-spinning goats

18 Fast-growing salmon

19 Flavr Savr Tomato

20 Banana Vaccines

21 Less-flatulent Cows

22 Fast Growing Trees

23 Medicinal Eggs

24 Super Carbon-Capturing Plants

25 Genetic Modification of Humans Should we allow it? What specifically should we allow? Where is the limit? How much is too much?

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