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Welcome to Biology!. Science Fact of the Day: The world's smallest rodent is Pygmy Jerboa - measuring only a couple of inches in length - and can run.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Biology!. Science Fact of the Day: The world's smallest rodent is Pygmy Jerboa - measuring only a couple of inches in length - and can run."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Biology!

2 Science Fact of the Day: The world's smallest rodent is Pygmy Jerboa - measuring only a couple of inches in length - and can run as fast as a horse. Pygmy Jerboa

3 About Me I am Ms. Jones—your Biology teacher This is my 3rd year at Haltom (Go Buffs!!) I love science I was a chemistry major for 2 years at KU before I switched to psychology, which I got my degree in – I have a research endorsement from my university

4 What I did this summer…

5 Some Other Pictures

6 Supplies for Class The required 2’ binder (for all core classes) Paper Spiral –I got this Pencil/pen Highlighter Kleenex Paper towels

7 Entering Class Get all of your supplies (pencil, binder, etc.) Sit in your assigned seat Start your bellwork Have your phone put away **This should be done BEFORE bell**

8 Expectations B –Be sure to receive permission to handle things that are not yours U—Use materials appropriately F—Follow directions the first time F—Food and drink put away S—Stay school appropriate

9 Technology Expectations

10 Consequences 1 st time—verbal warning 2 nd time—verbal warning or discussion with teacher in hall 3 rd time—15-30 min. teacher d-hall 4 th time—office referral **Some things are 3 rd /4 th level offenses automatically. ***

11 Exiting Class Clean your area Be in your assigned seat Wait to be dismissed by teacher **7th period stack stools**

12 HHS Bell Schedule 2013-2014 1st per2nd per3rd per4th per5th period6th per7th per 7:30 - 8:17 (47) 8:23 - 9:10 (47) 9:16 - 10:03 (47) 10:09 - 10:56 (47) Lunch (30) 10:56- 11:26 Buff Time (27) 11:31- 11:58 Class 11:58- 12:56 (58) 1:02 - 1:48 (46) 1:54 - 2:40 (46) 7:30 - 8:17 (47) 8:23 - 9:10 (47) 9:16 - 10:03 (47) 10:09 - 10:56 (47) Buff Time (24) 11:02- 11:26 Lunch (30) 11:26- 11:56 Class 12:01- 12:56 (55) 1:02 - 1:48 (46) 1:54 - 2:40 (46) 7:30 - 8:17 (47) 8:23 - 9:10 (47) 9:16 - 10:03 (47) 10:09 - 10:56 (47) Class 11:02- 11:56 (54) Lunch (30) 11:56- 12:26 Buff Time (25) 12:31- 12:56 1:02 - 1:48 (46) 1:54 - 2:40 (46) 7:30 - 8:17 (47) 8:23 - 9:10 (47) 9:16 - 10:03 (47) 10:09 - 10:56 (47) Class 11:02- 12:01 (59) Buff Time (25) 12:01- 12:26 Lunch (30) 12:26- 12:56 1:02 - 1:48 (46) 1:54 - 2:40 (46)

13 Name Game We’re going to go around the room and the 1 st person will say their name and their favorite animal that starts with the same letter of their name. The next person will do the same and say the name/animal of the person before them. Ex. Person 1: Emily Elephant Person 2: Andrew Anaconda, Emily Elephant Person 3: Marco Monkey, Andrew Anaconda, Emily Elephant

14 Day 2

15 Science Journal Put your name, biology, and Ms. Jones on the front cover in sharpie Number every page front and back (1-140) in pen on the top right corner

16 Science Fact of the Day: The Atlantic Giant Squid's eye can be as large as 15.75 inches (40 centimeters) wide. It is the largest eye of any animal.

17 Syllabus—look at sections on desk with me If you want a copy let me know; otherwise it’s on my website

18 Restroom Policy You may not leave the first 10 minutes or last 10 minutes of class You may not leave during direct instruction You may not leave during Buff Time Otherwise, ask permission, sign the sheet, hand in your phone, and take the pass

19 REDO POLICY * Any grade of 69 or below MUST be redone within 5 school days (unless at end of 6 weeks) * The maximum possible grade will be an 80% *In order to qualify to re-do an assignment, you must demonstrate effort on your original work

20 Tutorial Schedule MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday Before School 7am After School2:45-3:30pm NO TUTORIALS 2:45-3:30pm By appointment

21 Grading 8 daily/3-4 test per six weeks I’ll give you 9 daily and drop the lowest HOMEWORK!!!! Projects (test grade) Tests will cover all information since previous test. ~10% of test questions will be frequently missed questions from prior tests “130” questions

22 EOC You must pass the biology EOC to receive credit for this course It is one of the required EOCs to pass for graduation!

23 IDs must be worn on a lanyard around the neck at all times while in the building picture, name, school year and grade level must be visible without writings or stickers on that side of the ID

24 Quiz Time How many days do you have to make up absent work? When can you start paying your $3 lab fee? When can you go to the restroom? When can you have your phone out? Does charging your phone count as having it out? Why is biology awesome? **last year’s students**

25 Direct Instruction CHAMP

26 Cornell Notes:

27 The Cornell note-taking system is a note-taking system devised in the 1950s by Walter Pauk, an education professor at Cornell University. Pauk advocated its use in his best-selling book How to Study in College. The Cornell method provides a systematic format for condensing and organizing notes. What the heck are Cornell Notes, anyway?

28 What the heck do Cornell Notes Look Like?

29 They are broken down like this…

30 Some Examples….

31 And some More examples…

32 What yours will look like for this class Name Date Essential Question Supporting Questions Or Main Topics Supporting Details Lists Definitions Bullet Points Summary/quick write. You are describing the lesson in your own words

33 Some common note taking abbreviations (save yourself some time!!)

34 m/watch?v=JiLb0I90pL Q&list=UUU0fdIYIYgSx ez22SiA4FKA Time to Practice! =-)

35 Cornell Notes You will take notes in Cornel Style for this class (all homework videos) To set up your page: follow the diagram on the board It’s ok to write phrases, abbreviations, etc. common abbreviations: (see pdf on website) You can do the main idea first or second We’ll do the summary in class the next day

36 Two Truths and a Lie On the index card I give you write 2 true statements and a lie (and your name) In any order, don’t label them, try to be tricky Once they’re in, we’ll try and guess your lie.

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