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20 NOV 2014 Bell Activity: use this time to review the vocabulary. The final will include vocabulary from both Vocab Units #1 (chapters 1-12) & Vocab Unit.

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Presentation on theme: "20 NOV 2014 Bell Activity: use this time to review the vocabulary. The final will include vocabulary from both Vocab Units #1 (chapters 1-12) & Vocab Unit."— Presentation transcript:

1 20 NOV 2014 Bell Activity: use this time to review the vocabulary. The final will include vocabulary from both Vocab Units #1 (chapters 1-12) & Vocab Unit #2 (Chapters 13-22) Today’s Agenda: FINISH THE NOVEL REVIEW FOR TOMORROW’S TEST. IF YOU ARE ABSENT TOMORROW YOU WILL BE EXPECTED TO TAKE THE TEST AFTER SCHOOL WITHIN THE FIRST COUPLE OF DAYS AFTER YOU COME BACK.

2 J.T. Disposition Considerations Digger He is only 13 No criminal history Needed at home He is only 13 No criminal history Needed at home Peer pressure from Digger Good home life Taught about values Violent home life Angry at father Knows his Dad’s behavior is wrong Was the judgment fair?


4 HOW TO PLAY BLUFF The class is divided into 2 teams (the north and the south). The north team will choose a slide number. Each slide has a review question. When the slide is shown on the white board the south team will be given the opportunity to answer. After the question is read the students on the answering team are to stand up if they know the answer and stay seated if they do not. After the teacher counts to 5 the students standing are the only ones that may answer. The asking team then chooses one student from the answering team to answer the question. It the chosen student answers correctly their team earns as many points as there are team mates standing. If they answer incorrectly their team loses as many points as there are team mates standing.

5 1.Teacher calls on a player to choose a number. 2.Teacher shows the slide and reads the question assigned to that number. 3.Every player on the other team who knows the correct answer stands up. 4.The player who chose the number, then chooses a standing player to answer the question. 5.If the answer is correct the answering team gets a point for every person standing. 6.If the answer is incorrect, the answering team loses a point for every person standing. 7.The opportunity to choose a number passes to the other team

6 SIDE RULES: TO KEEP THINGS SIMPLE o The same person cannot be called on to answer two turns in a row. o Once a question is answered – either correctly or incorrectly - it is dead. The other team cannot answer it for points. o The teacher decides whether the answer given is correct or not. o The teacher is the only ref.

7 o If anyone blurts out an answer or tries to help the person who has been called on, the question is dead and their team loses a point for each person standing. Plus the blurter is suspended from the game for the next 5 questions. o If anyone blurts a second time, they are suspended for the rest of the game and the other side is awarded the points just earned by the team containing the blurter. This is a double whammy as the blurter’s team must subtract the points from their score, plus the opposing team gets to add the points to their total. o The same rules apply to someone on the opposing team trying to confuse their opponents by blurting out false answers. o The ref (the teacher) is the judge in both cases. DOWNSIDE RULES: TO KEEP THINGS FAIR

8 IDENTIFY THE THEME OF THE CLASSIC STORY OF SLEEPING BEAUTY …. A.Love B.An angry fairy puts a curse on a princess at her christening, which causes her and everyone in her castle to fall into a 100 year coma when she turns 16 and pricks her finger on a spinning wheel. However, a young prince finds her castle and when he sees her he falls instantly in love with her, so he kisses her. Since it is “true love’s kiss” she wakes up and everyone lives happily ever after. C.Kissing can cure certain sleep disorders D.True love can conquer all.

9 Spell the vocabulary term from Red Kayak that fits the following definition… “a chuckle or snorting laugh”

10 1.A message or lesson about life or human nature that the writer shares with the reader. 1. THEME 2. PROTAGONIST 3. PLOT SUMMARY 4.LOGO *** DOUBLING OPTION*** 45 seconds: Provide the central theme of RED KAYAK & support your answer with a quote in the novel that provides evidence of the central theme of RED KAYAK

11 A character whose personality stays the same, who does not seem to learn, change or develop throughout the story is called a ______________ character.

12 Which of the following pictures depicts a most measly meal? A B C D

13 A character who is NOT well-developed, and who the reader learns very little about as a person is considered a _______________ character


15 The main character in a story, the focus of the action and the other characters, the character that must be involved in the central conflict, and the climax (or else it isn’t the central conflict and climax) is called the _________________________

16 “You done the right thing today, Brady.” IDENTIFY THE CHARACTER FROM RED KAYAK SPEAKING BELOW….

17 IDENTIFY THE FOLLOWING FORM OF FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE: “He asked the plumber for an exact estimate.” *** DOUBLING OPTION*** 10 seconds: Provide an original oxymoron (cannot be from the worksheets done or the book)

18 In literature and drama, the method of character development in which the narrator simply tells the reader what the character is like is called.. _______________________________

19 In the Red Kayak Brady thinks the sight of Ben’s hamster rolling around the room in his “glow in the dark” cage is _______________, because it seems almost dreamlike and not natural. PROVIDE THE VOCABULARY WORD THAT BEST FILLS IN THE FOLLOWING BLANK.

20 “ ‘The Italian stallion,’ he chortled, a dual reference to the heritage of our new neighbor, Marcellus DiAngleo, and his obsession with physical fitness” IDENTIFY THE CHARACTER FROM RED KAYAK SPEAKING BELOW….

21 1.When the author reveals a characters personality traits through the character’s actions, words, physical description and through the reactions and words of other characters instead of simply telling the reader what the character is like, the author is using 1. DIRECT CHARACTERIZATION 2. CHARACTERIZATION 3. INDIRECT CHARACTERIZATION 4. ROUND CHARACTERIZATION

22 Which of the following could typically be considered bona fide… a. a license to drive b. dinner c. water d. air

23 TO BE HARRIED IS TO BE…. a rush B.annoyed or bothered C.covered in fur

24 1.A character or force in conflict with the protagonist: 1. SETTING 2. DYNAMIC 3. THEME 4. ANTAGONIST


26 “ I brung a lot of shame on him, but I’m the only one here in this room is to blame.” IDENTIFY THE CHARACTER FROM RED KAYAK SPEAKING BELOW….


28 “Down at the dock, there’s a lovely old boathouse that we’ve never cleaned out.” IDENTIFY THE CHARACTER FROM RED KAYAK SPEAKING BELOW….

29 What made Digger change his mind about never admitting to what he had done? *** DOUBLING OPTION*** DOUBLING CHALLENGE: PROVIDE ACCEPTABLE QUOTED EVIDENCE OF YOUR ANSWER FROM THE BOOK IN 30 SECONDS.

30 “ You are not a puppet. You could have said no. You could have walked away. But you didn’t.” IDENTIFY THE CHARACTER FROM RED KAYAK SPEAKING BELOW….

31 “The most important thing you boys need to learn is that what you did was so reckless and so unthinking that a little boy lost his life.” IDENTIFY THE CHARACTER FROM RED KAYAK SPEAKING BELOW….

32 Brady imagined an awful ______________, which washed over him “like a sudden chill…” WHICH VOCABULARY WORD BEST FITS COMPLETES THE FOLLOWING SENTENCE

33 By using the lifesaving techniques he had learned from the firemen, Brady _______ Ben. WHICH VOCABULARY WORD BEST FITS COMPLETES THE FOLLOWING SENTENCE

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