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Gamma-Ray Bursts: Things that REALLY Go Bang in the Night Andy Fruchter STScI.

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Presentation on theme: "Gamma-Ray Bursts: Things that REALLY Go Bang in the Night Andy Fruchter STScI."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gamma-Ray Bursts: Things that REALLY Go Bang in the Night Andy Fruchter STScI


3 Primary Topics An Historical Introduction The Beppo-Sax Era and Beyond HST Images The Astrophysics of the Bursts The Nature of the Hosts

4 The Electromagnetic Spectrum Gamma-rays observed in Gamma-Ray Bursts have about 10 to 100 times the energy of the X-rays

5 What is Redshift? Ever since the big bang the universe has expanded with time As the universe expands, so do the photons in it --- their wavelengths get longer, and thus they become redder Astronomers use “z” to characterize this effect -- with the relative size of the universe equal to 1/(1+z)1/(1+z)

6 The Sky at Different Wavelengths Radio Infra-red Gamma-Ray

7 The Vela Satellites: Protecting the Nation from Illicit GRBs Designed to detect nuclear tests (in violation of the test ban treaty), the Vela satellites discovered GRBs

8 Demonstrating the Cosmic Origin of Gamma Ray Bursts

9 Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory

10 Taken from BATSE GRB Sky Distribution




14 Beppo-Sax Localization BeppoSAX X-ray images of GRB 990123


16 GRB 970228 STIS: 4 September 1997NICMOS: 24 February 1998


18 GRB 970508 2 June 19975 July 1998

19 OT GRB970508

20 OT Spectrum of GRB 970508 Metzger et al. 1997 z=0.83


22 Chicken or Egg? (or Red Herring?) GRB 980425 Error CirclesSN 1998bw

23 What is a Hypernova? “Royal Ahold, the international food retailer, opened its first hypermarket in the Czech capital of Prague. 'Hypernova'… is open every day - including Sunday - from 9 to 9.” Sales to date are well above expectations. My thought, exactly.

24 Daddy, where do stars go when they die? White Dwarf Neutron Star?


26 To Beam or Not To Beam Two primary mechanisms predict a change in the behavior of the light curve when 1/Γ~ θ c 1. Mésáros and Rees: Edge Effect => 2. Rhoads; Sari and Piran: Physical Expansion =>

27 GRB 990123 The brightest SAX burst yet Detected in optical during gamma-ray burst, with peak Keck and NOT spectroscopy find metal absorption lines => z=1.6z=1.6 Resulting ergs OT faded by a factor of 4 million in two weeks

28 GRB 990123: The First Ten Minutes

29 ROTSE-1

30 GRB 990123 Going…......going….…....gone +16 days+59 days +380 days


32 Are Gamma Ray Bursts “Searchlights”? The extreme energy needed to produce a GRB could be reduced dramatically if the bursts are collimated “searchlights”. Two predictions for collimated GRBs: –There should be “orphan afterglows”, and –Afterglows of collimated GRBs should fade more rapidly at late times. There are now a number observations of rapid late time fading.


34 Beaming Statistics Frail et al. 2001

35 What GRB 990123 Lacks: A SN of Its Own Not its fault: at z=1.6, NICMOS or ACS would have been required to detect the SN component Numerous bursts show a late-time red excess 0.5 to 1.0 mags fainter than SN1998bw -- only one convincing case of a missing SN (Price et al. 2002) -- and limit is only 1.5 mags > 1998BW. At least one burst (GRB 020410; Levan et al. 2003) has been discovered by the late-time excess

36 What 990123 Lacked: Hjorth et al. 2003 (Nature, submitted) GRB 03032/SN2003dh

37 A Galaxy on (nearly) Every Burst

38 GRB 000301c 6 March 20003 April 2000

39 HST/STIS UV Spectrum of GRB 000301c Smette et al. (2000)


41 Star z<1 1<z<2 2<z z undetermined GRB


43 Neon Signs Bloom et al. 1998

44 GRB 990510 Convolved to FWHM = 0.”3 Native Resolution ~1 Year After Burst

45 Vreeswijk et al. 2000

46 Gamma Ray Bursts and the Deaths of Massive Stars Afterglow data suggests that … GRBS occur in galaxies with active star formation, often in regions with a lot of gas, which is where new stars form and where the most massive stars spend their entire brief lives. And may often (always?) have underlying SNe However, GRBs are so rare that only a tiny fraction of massive star deaths could produce them.

47 Effects of Gamma Ray Bursts on their Environments Gamma ray bursts are not nice neighbors. The high energy photons they produce can evaporate interstellar dust grains up 100 light years away, and ionize interstellar gas out to may light years. The ionized gas will fluoresce as it gradually recombines, and might be used to look for GRB remnants in nearby galaxies.

48 What if a GRB happened nearby? It could be spectacular: GRB 990123 reached 9 th magnitude at a redshift z=1.6. A GRB in our Galaxy would ionize atmospheric gasses, creating NO x compounds which destroy ozone (Thorsett 1995). Volcanic eruptions, industrial emissions, etc can have similar effects. Once in 100 million years, a GRB might be close enough to be more dangerous than Mt. Pinatubo. An asteroid will probably get us first.

49 The Shape of Things to Come SWIFT, a NASA MidEx mission, is approved and should fly in September. Yield: 300 good positions per year? These will open the way for systematic study of afterglows, including the still- mysterious short bursts.

50 Tomorrow’s Questions Upcoming space missions, better coordinated followup, and ongoing theoretical work all promise continued rapid progress in GRBs. Specific questions: Do the short GRBs have afterglows? Host galaxies? Are they caused by the death of massive stars, merging neutron stars or ….? Do all long GRBs have associated supernovae? And, ultimately…. Is every GRB the birth of a new black hole?


52 Conclusions In all cases evidence is found that the GRB lies in a host galaxies. The optical transients display power-law decays for a substantial fraction of the time (in log time), and some display possible evidence of beaming or SNe, but no one model explains all variaitions form power-law decay The hosts are blue, have strong [OII] emission, and a steep luminosity function -- all indicating a high star-formation rate. GRBs may provide a unique probe of a high-redshift star- forming galaxies.

53 GRB 990712

54 Loveday, Tresse and Maddox (1999) M*M* α Hi [OII] Med [OII] Low [OII]

55 A Galaxy without an (optical) Afterglow

56 The SED of GRB 980329 Fruchter (1998)



59 Through Every Cloud a GRB May Shine From Galama and Wijers, 2000


61 Light Curve of GRB 990510

62 GRB 980405 SN1998bw

63 Luminosity Functions by Play Dough




67 The Evidence Gets Beta Chary, Becklin and Armus (2002)

68 (nearly) Every GRB Is Above Average

69 Berger et al. 2002



72 Through Every Cloud a GRB May Shine From Galama and Wijers, 2000

73 From Fruchter, Krolik and Rhoads (2001)

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