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My Name is Bond… Chemical Bond. Chemical Bonding Chapter 6.

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Presentation on theme: "My Name is Bond… Chemical Bond. Chemical Bonding Chapter 6."— Presentation transcript:

1 My Name is Bond… Chemical Bond

2 Chemical Bonding Chapter 6

3 Why does bonding occur? Knowing what you know about the stability of atoms…. Why do atoms want to form bonds?

4 Why do atoms form bonds?? To become more stable. Visual ConceptsVisual Concepts – to lower potential energy.

5 Types of Bonding Ionic –Transfer of electrons from one atom to another –Cations and anions attracting each other by opposite charges (electrostatic bond) –Metal bonds with nonmetal Visual Concepts

6 Covalent Sharing of electrons between the atoms Nonmetal bonds with nonmetal Visual Concepts

7 What is the general rule?

8 Back to Bonding! How did you do on the POGIL?

9 Review… Electronegativity: a measure of the ability of an atom in a chemical bond to attract electrons from another atom in that bond.

10 Determining bond type using electronegativity differences… If the difference is < 1.67 a covalent bond forms. If the difference is > 1.67 an ionic bond forms. Ex. Cl – Ca Ex. Cl – Br


12 Polar Covalent bond Cl: 3.0H: 2.1 Difference 0.9


14 Let’s look at some ionic compounds… Draw the molecular orbital diagrams for sodium and fluorine. How would the electrons transfer?

15 One unit of an ionic compound is a formula unit. Draw the molecular orbital diagrams for calcium and chlorine. How many chlorine atoms are needed to make calcium stable?

16 Criss-Cross Method We can determine the formula for a neutral ionic compound by looking at the charge of each atom.

17 Naming Ionic Compounds Name the metal first…. Name the nonmetal….. change the end to “ide” NaCl Sodium Chloride

18 Determine the neutral formulas and names for the following formula units. FPSI Be K Ba Cs

19 Warm Up Nickel has several stable isotopes. Below are the mass and percent abundance. Calculate the average atomic mass. Ni-5868.08% Ni-6026.22% Ni-611.140% Ni-623.635% Ni-650.9255%

20 Questions on Bonding WS1 and WS2?

21 Wonder Project Grading You should have turned in your final project yesterday! Now you get to help me grade them! Go to my website, unit 3, Wonder Project grading and follow the directions. Missing Work by 12/13

22 Vocabulary Terms Formula Unit- one molec..(oh! We can’t say that!) 1 unit of an ionic compound. Electrostatic force - the force that occurs when a + charge is attracted to a - charge (causes the bonds!) Salt- another name for ionic compounds

23 Characteristics of Ionic Compounds Crystal lattice is made of formula units, which repeat in a geometric pattern Creates a stable structure Visual Concepts

24 Characteristics of Ionic Compounds High melting and boiling points. Hard and brittle Many ionize in water- become good conductors.

25 Ionic Bonding with Transition Metals…. How would we name the following ionic compounds? NiCl NiCl 2 Transition metals can have more than one charge… here is where it gets a little tricky!

26 Ionic Bonding with Transition Metals…. Determine the neutral compound… Fe 3+ and Cl 1- The charge of the METAL is indicated using a roman numeral after the name. 1+ (I) 2+ (II) 3+ (III) 4+ (IV) 5+ (V)

27 Practice on your WS

28 Ionic Equations How is the formula unit going to dissociate in water? Barium chloride Calcium nitride Cobalt (III) oxide

29 You can do the following on Bonding WS 4 1, 2, 6, 7,10

30 Warm Up: Name the following compounds… CrO Cr 2 O 3 FeCl 2 FeCl 3 NiS CoCl 3 Now try going from name to formula!

31 Ionic Bonding with Polyatomic Ions Polyatomic Ions are covalently bonded groups of atoms that have a charge…..

32 Formula Units with Polyatomic Ions… what is the charge for each? NO 3 SO 3 CN0202 Ca K Ba Name the metal… name the polyatomic ion

33 Exceptions All d block elements get a roman numeral EXCEPT Zn 2+, Cd 2+, Ag 1+ Metals in the p block- No roman numerals EXCEPT Sn and Pb.

34 Homework Finish Bonding WS4 Start Criss Cross- Determine molar mass for these 10. Names for all of them!

35 Lewis Structures… Represents the valence electrons on the atoms with dots… top, side, bottom, side Visual Concepts

36 Lewis Structures for Ionic Cmpds Draw the Lewis Structures for K and Br. Show the movement of electrons when the bond forms. Why is each atoms stable?

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