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20 In-Trail Climb experience and an airlines view of ASAS opportunities Captain Rocky Stone United Airlines Manager – Flight Systems Technology.

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Presentation on theme: "20 In-Trail Climb experience and an airlines view of ASAS opportunities Captain Rocky Stone United Airlines Manager – Flight Systems Technology."— Presentation transcript:

1 20 In-Trail Climb experience and an airlines view of ASAS opportunities Captain Rocky Stone United Airlines Manager – Flight Systems Technology

2 ASAS – Making it happen 20 FLIGHT OPERATIONS TECHNOLOGY Innovations in flight 2 ITC experience In-Trail Climb procedure developed in 1994 using TCAS –First procedure to make use of a Cockpit Display of Traffic Information (CDTI) (the TCAS traffic display) –Niche application - probably the only procedure that could be developed using TCAS for a benefit other than traffic awareness or collision avoidance Not a big benefit – estimate 500-3,000 pound fuel savings per use

3 ASAS – Making it happen 20 FLIGHT OPERATIONS TECHNOLOGY Innovations in flight 3 Limited Approval Trial procedure approved by FAA for use in Oakland and Anchorage FIRs –Only United and Delta approved for Phase 1 trials (10/94 – 3/96) Both aircraft (the lead aircraft, and the one performing the ITC) had to be qualified (i.e. either United or Delta) –Trial scope limited due to pilot training issues and the inadequacy of some TCAS traffic displays

4 ASAS – Making it happen 20 FLIGHT OPERATIONS TECHNOLOGY Innovations in flight 4 CDTI Function during ITC TCAS used to positively identify traffic and determine the distance behind traffic –Traffic positively identified by transponder cycled from “on” to “stand-by” and back to “on” –Minimum distance = 15 miles –Maximum distance = TCAS Surveillance limit (typically 25-40 miles) No change in pilot/controller separation responsibilities –ITC based on existing distance-based non-radar procedures

5 ASAS – Making it happen 20 FLIGHT OPERATIONS TECHNOLOGY Innovations in flight 5 Phase 1 ITC trials 68 ITCs requested and 37 ITCs performed in first 18 months of trial (10/94-3/96) –Limited utility due to Both aircraft had to be participating (i.e. United and/or Delta) Limited TCAS range, unreliability of TCAS at longer ranges to reacquire traffic when transponder cycled (data compiled courtesy of Jim Cieplak - MITRE)

6 ASAS – Making it happen 20 FLIGHT OPERATIONS TECHNOLOGY Innovations in flight 6 Phase 2 trials Phase 2 added in-trail descent, and expanded air carrier participation Phase 2 trials languished –Limited opportunities –Minimal operational benefits United removed ITC procedures from our Aircraft Flight Manuals in 2000 –United is currently involved in trying to bring back the ITC/ITD in the Pacific, primarily as a tool for turbulence avoidance

7 ASAS – Making it happen 20 FLIGHT OPERATIONS TECHNOLOGY Innovations in flight 7 ITC Lessons Learned Radio terminology –Phraseology for coordination between lead/trail aircraft –Phraseology for ITC request with Air Traffic Service Provider Aircraft climb performance limitations

8 ASAS – Making it happen 20 FLIGHT OPERATIONS TECHNOLOGY Innovations in flight 8 ASAS Opportunities Future Oceanic Applications –ITC/ITD using ADS-B –In-trail following Terminal Area Applications –CDTI Enhanced Flight Rules (CEFR) procedures –Wake vortex avoidance

9 ASAS – Making it happen 20 FLIGHT OPERATIONS TECHNOLOGY Innovations in flight 9 Future Oceanic Applications ITC/ITD using ADS-B In trail following –ADS-B required tracks –Minimum and maximum distances specified –Automated traffic monitoring with aural alerts Minimum certification level –Can application be done using CDTI not in pilot’s primary field of view (such as a side mounted EFB)?

10 ASAS – Making it happen 20 FLIGHT OPERATIONS TECHNOLOGY Innovations in flight 10 Terminal Area Applications CDTI Enhanced Flight Rules (CEFR) procedures –Extends visual approach rules to lower weather minimums Improved arrival rates Wake vortex avoidance applications –Use ADS-B “on-condition” reports to broadcast necessary data for wake vortex avoidance

11 ASAS – Making it happen 20 FLIGHT OPERATIONS TECHNOLOGY Innovations in flight 11 Conclusion: TCAS in-trail climb successfully implemented in the Pacific –But, ADS-B is the way to do it! Solves positive ID task by displaying Flight ID on CDTI Much improved range performance, much fewer dropped targets Future ADS-B applications in oceanic airspace can include ITC/ITD and co-altitude in-trail following ADS-B in the terminal area can improve arrival rates to capacity constrained runways

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