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EUSO-SODC status report M.C. Espírito Santo Huntsville, May 2003.

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Presentation on theme: "EUSO-SODC status report M.C. Espírito Santo Huntsville, May 2003."— Presentation transcript:

1 EUSO-SODC status report M.C. Espírito Santo Huntsville, May 2003

2 1.Mid-Term Review  “EUSO operations: flight & ground” document  The comments  Replies & evolution 2.Towards the end of Phase A  Specific documents  Contribution to end of phase A report Contents

3 One of the documents requested for MTR package Prepared by SODC team, with collaboration of TEO, on IM request A description of EUSO operations concept, covering flight and ground segments. “EUSO operations: flight and ground” document

4 2EUSO system description 2.1The flight segment 2.2The ground segment 2.3End-to-end communications scheme “EUSO Operations: flight and Ground” 3EUSO operations concept 3.1Basic operational requirements and constraints 3.1.1 Telemetry and telecommand budget 3.2Operations overview 3.3Calibration 4Flight operations 4.1System functionalities 4.2System elements 4.3System interfaces 5Ground operations 5.1System functionalities 5.2System elements 5.3System interfaces

5 End-to-end communications scheme MCC-H WSGT TDRS COL-CC SODC COL-APM EUSO COL-APM: Columbus Attached Pressurized module TDRS: Track and Data Relay Satellite system WSGT: White Sands Ground Terminal MCC-H: Mission Control Center – Houston Col-CC: Columbus Control Center SODC: Science Operations and Data Center (EUSO) Ku-band S-band

6 Flight Segment Ground Segment AS MAP UIFEDBIF CICI ICR ICF ICR: Instrument Control and Readout ICF: Instrument Configuration Files CI: Communications Interface AS: Atmospheric Sounding system TCG: TC Generation TMH: TM Handling MADB: Mission Archive and DB TVF: Test and Validation Facility SWM: SW Maintenance MAP: Mission Activity Planning DPM: Data Processing and Monitoring UIF: User I/F EDBIF: External DB I/F MADBMADB TM TC TMH TCG Subsystems TVF DPM Operations concept

7 Flight operations The on-board operations system has different Operational States Power off Initialisation HK1 Standby HK1,HK2 Engineering mode HK1,HK2 Diagnostic HK1,HK2,SC5 Technical calibration HK1,HK2,SC4 Observation HK1,HK2 EECR Slow GLS calib SC1 SC2 SC3 In each mode given TM packets are generated and given TC are accepted Collection and pre-processing of the scientific data Collection and verification of HK data Preparation of TM packets TC handling Management of the trigger configuration Management of the different subsystems Management of emergency situations Interface to the atmospheric sounding system

8 The MTR comments On MTR preliminary report: 1. On-board operations: A.Level of autonomy defined as high but no precise info given B.Definition of on-board operations system unsatisfactory: processing power cannot be deduced 2. Calibration of the instrument undefined 3. Telemetry & telecommand budgets largely unspecified

9 On-board autonomy Definition of level of autonomy of on-board operations crucial for the dimensioning of EUSO flight and ground systems No permanent contact is provided Limited uplink capability More on-board processing capability and redundancy required Particular care with test and validation facilities  Clearly define operations concept  Be more concrete on definition of autonomy  Refer to appropriate (electronics) document for details on on-board system 1

10 On-board autonomy Transitions between states controled by on-board system and triggered by Time-tagged commands uplinked from ground Reception of ISS ephemeris parameters Exceptional events Within each operational state the on-board system is totally autonomous Most “routine” transitions can be performed autnomously (see next slide) Ground commands organised in schedule files containing only specific actions: calibration, system configuration setting Example: Shutter closing triggered by ISS ephemeris (position or time) and commanded autonomously by on-board system. Also: autonomous contingency procedure 1 Current concept:

11 On-board autonomy Discussions with P. Tua and A. De Masi 1 Power off Initialisation HK1 Standby HK1,HK2 Engineering mode HK1,HK2,HK3 Setting mode HK1,HK2,SC5 Technical Calibration HK1,HK2,HK3,SC4 HK1,HK2,HK3 Observation modes Slow SC2 EECR SC1 Science Calib SC3 Power_On/Off Ground TC Contigency HK1,HK2 Non-observation

12 Calibration Autonomy / ground command Procedures TM volume? TechnicalScientific e.g. diode system e.g. GLS Paragraph on calibration operations, vague at this stage Calibration working group ! 2 Calibration issues are a more general question Only operations point of view to be discussed in this document

13 Telemetry/Telecommands budget Current assumptions for available resources: 3 Telemetry Assuming 300 Kbit/s for 10 min. => 180 Mbit/orbit Telecommands EUSO: similar reasoning => 360 Kbit/orbit (TBC)

14 EUSO TM needs (TBC) Telemetry Type Telemetry volume/Orbit Scientific - EECR0.7 Mbit HK30 Mbit Atmopheric0.75 + 14.5 Mbit Calibration1 Mbit (GLS) + TBD Science - EECR data: GTU 1  s, 300 GTU, 1 event/orbit assumed, Baseline (X,Y, ph_cnt, 9 macrocells) (Pixel info: 12 Mbit ?) Slow events: ~EECR, rate TBD HK: FS + TCU + LIDAR (see P. Tua estimation) Atmospheric data: AS document: 25 Kb/s for 30 s on EECR 2.5 Kb/s continuous Calibration: GLS: assumptions of OM doc (30 Hz, 2  s, 30 s, once per 24 hours) Technical:can be critical Telemetry peaks in certain orbits 3

15 Telecommands In large autonomy scenario, uplink is: Time-tagged commands for “non-routine” operations (expected to be low) Updates of configuration parameters –Dominated by FS parameters –Of the order of 10 K parameters (TBC) –One configuration file per operation mode x several operation conditions ~ 200 Kbytes of configuration files (TBC) –Update rate: 10% in orbit (TBC) SW patches/upgrades: TBD Still many open questions: –Sizes and rates –Bandwidth during commissioning phase –Possibility of larger bandwidth for SW upgrades 3

16 EUSO operations: flight & ground 2.EUSO system description 3.EUSO operations concept –Observing plan –Basic requirements & constraints –Operations overview –Instrument calibration 4.Flight operations –System functionalities –System modes of operation Operation modes diagram On-board autonomy Configuration parameters HK parameters –System elements & interfaces 5.Ground operation 6.Telemetry & Telecommand budget

17 Towards the end of Phase A Two specific documents EUSO operations: flight and ground Phase A specification and design document for the EUSO SODC... And contribution to Final Phase A report

18 SODC document 1.Introduction 2.SODC objectives & lifecycle 3.SODC components and functionalities 4.SODC budget and timeline Unit 1 TCGTelecommand generation MAPMission Activity Planning TVF/SWMTest & validation Facility / SW Maintenance Unit 2 TMHTelemetry reception & handling MONData Monitoring PROCData Processing Unit 3 ADBArchive & database maintenance UIFUser Interface & Support EDBExternal databases interface “Phase A specification and design document for the EUSO-SODC”

19 Concluding... Section 7: Operations (C. Espirito Santo) Data products: C. Maccarone Closely connected to: Section 6: Mission overview (A. De Masi) Readout & control electronics (O. Catalano / P.Tua) 3. Final Phase A report 1. Updated version of MTR Operations doc under way 2. SODC specifications and design doc for end of Phase A


21 On-board operations Calibration Telemetry Keywords 123 Will discuss each of them separately A wider team of people needs to be involved Close colaboration with HW teams

22 The TCU Detailed capability description => Dimensioning of the system Preliminary technical description? 1

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