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Radio CI Pesto. Topics this class Radio Communication Facilities Phonetic Alphabet Aircraft Call Signs Time Standard Phrases Priority of Communication.

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Presentation on theme: "Radio CI Pesto. Topics this class Radio Communication Facilities Phonetic Alphabet Aircraft Call Signs Time Standard Phrases Priority of Communication."— Presentation transcript:

1 Radio CI Pesto

2 Topics this class Radio Communication Facilities Phonetic Alphabet Aircraft Call Signs Time Standard Phrases Priority of Communication Distress, Urgency and Safety

3 Why use a Radio?? Communication with each other over large distance Creates a visual of the traffic over wide areas Weather information Safety

4 Radio Communication Facilities Automatic Terminal Information Services (ATIS) Control Tower Ground Control Flight Service Stations (FSS)

5 ATIS Non control information relating to weather - Ceilings, visibility, runway conditions, NOTAMS etc. It is on a continuos loop pre recorded by tower personnel Labelled by a letter - EX. “This is information Echo” and it is updated throughout the day when there are any changes

6 Control Tower Ensures the efficient and safe movement of air traffic They are in charge of all landings, take offs and all VFR traffic within the airspace

7 Ground Control Responsible for all traffic on the ground except for the aircraft landing and taking off

8 FSS Personnel are trained to provide flight safety service to pilots Can also be used to file flight plans and get weather information along a planned route

9 All of the specific frequencies for any airport will be in the Canadian Flight Supplement

10 Phonetic Alphabet A- alpha B- bravo C- charlie D- delta E- echo F- foxtrot G- golf H- hotel I- india J- juliett K- kilo L- lima M- mike N- november O- oscar P- papa Q- quebec R- romeo S- sierra T- tango U- uniform V- victor W- whiskey X- xray Y- yankee Z- zulu

11 Aircraft Call Signs All plane registration’s need to be expressed in the phonetic alphabet On initial contact, you must give the type of aircraft followed by the four letters of registration Only once the controller has begun using the last three letters of your reg. then you may

12 Time The 24 hr system is used when expressing time The first two numbers symbolizing the hour and the last two numbers symbolizing the minuets past the hour Starting at 0000Z and ending at 2359Z

13 Standard Phrases Standard phrases are used in radio talk to create a unified speech that is clear, precise and easy for everyone to understand You may not talk using the standard phrasing, however, it is easier

14 Standard Phrasing Cont. Acknowledge - Let me know you have received and understood the message Affirmative- Yes Break- I now indicate the separation between portions of the message Confirm- My version is.... is that correct? Correction- I have made an error. The correct version is....

15 Cont. Do you read?- I have called you more than once, if you can hear me, please reply Go ahead- Proceed with your message How do you read me? I say again- I will repeat Negative- No Out- My transmission is ended. I do not expect a reply

16 Cont. Over- My transmission is ended. I expect a reply Read back- Repeat this message back to me Roger- Okay, I have received your message Say again- Repeat your last transmission (Never say the word “repeat” as it is used for military proposes) Speak slower

17 Cont. Stand by- I must pause for a little bit That is correct Verify- Check the information Wilco- Your instructions are received, understood and I will comply with them

18 Priority of Communication 1) Emergency Communications- Distress and Urgency 2) Flight Safety Communication- ATC clearances, airport advisories, position reports and airfile flight plans

19 Cont. 3) Scheduled Broadcasts 4) Unscheduled Broadcasts 5) Other air-ground communications

20 Distress First call should be on your air to ground frequency that is in use at the time Then on the general distress frequency 121.50 MHz It should be repeated in intervals until answered

21 Cont. The distress call format is the word MAYDAY three times followed by your aircraft identification three times If time permits, your message should include; position, altitude, type of aircraft, your emergency and your intended action

22 Urgencey This call signals concern for safety of a ship, or aircraft or some person on board or within sight The urgency format is the word PANPAN three times followed by your message

23 Safety This signals a station about a transmission concerning the safety of navigation or important meteorological warnings to aircraft in flight The format of the call is the word Security repeated three times

24 That’s all Folks!

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