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The swan theater. London 1593: The Place of the Stage.

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Presentation on theme: "The swan theater. London 1593: The Place of the Stage."— Presentation transcript:

1 The swan theater

2 London 1593: The Place of the Stage

3 Theater as “play”

4 Dating Shakespeare A.Born 1564; Dies 1616 B.Writes during the Elizabethan (1558-1603) and Jacobean (1603 - 1625) periods C.Writes during the Renaissance D.Writes during the early modern period E.Does not write Old English (Beowulf, e.g.: Hwæt! We Gardena in geardagum ) or Middle English (Chaucer, e.g.: Whan that Aprill, with his shoures soote) but Early Modern English

5 Who are you? ModernPre-modern IndvidualSubject (thrown under) Citizen


7 The Renaissance: God creates Adam From the Sistine Chapel ceiling, painted by Michelangelo (1512) An image of the Renaissance: God transfers the divine spark of creation to Adam, and his descendent the artist, who mirrors God's creation by creating the painting of it.

8 The Renaissance

9 Rules/Roles: Absolutism and Order

10 The Wife's Duties To her silence and patience she must add the acceptable obedience, which makes a woman rule while she is ruled. This is the wife's tribute to her husband. For she is not called his head, but he is called her head. --Henry Smith, A Preparative to Marriage (1591)

11 Disorder: Social Mobility The motto is "non sans droict" ("not without right"); mocked in a Ben Jonson play as "not without mustard"; one of the examples from a complaint about the herald involved creating false genealogies.

12 Disorder: Gender The cucking stool


14 Marriage or Friendship? Thus I have chalked the way, to prepare you unto Marriage …. Remember that this day ye are made one, and therefore must have but one will. And now the Lord Jesus in whom ye are contracted, knit your harts together, that ye may love one another like David and Jonathan. --Henry Smith, A Preparative to Marriage (1591)

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