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Year 13 Parents’ Information Evening 18 th September 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Year 13 Parents’ Information Evening 18 th September 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Year 13 Parents’ Information Evening 18 th September 2012

2 Outline of session Post AS examinations - resits Workload Targets vs predicted grades Extracurricular development UCAS applications the process Making a successful application Key dates

3 Year 12 into Year 13 Examination results Resits Timetable Change in approach Preparing for lessons

4 You could try reading the following books. They will all help you understand what you need to do to become successful in the sixth form and beyond. Ultimately, your success will depend on what you DO, not what you say. Though, what you DO is a reflection of the way you THINK. All the material in the books will help you become successful in your studies and your wider life.

5 Workload 5 hours / per subject outside of lessons Managing resits Part time work Extra-curricular activities Work experience / voluntary work Research – career / UCAS etc School ambassador commitments Exam period and coursework / BTEC assignment deadlines Social life

6 Extra-curricular development Increasing employability Work experience / voluntary work / part time work / supporting clubs / playing sport competitively etc Employers wish list

7 ...what can you do? conversations questions listening ideas understanding keep the school informed

8 Targets vs predicted grades Target calculated from prior performance and contextualised dataTarget calculated from prior performance and contextualised data Predicted grades – professional judgment UCAS

9 Choosing a course Stamford test Course search UCAS tariff Subject combination

10 Making an application UCAS online application system called APPLY Four choices - medicine, veterinary science, dentistry One choice - Oxford or Cambridge All other courses - five choices

11 How do institutions make a decision on who to give offers to? Predicted grades and all entry requirements satisfied GCSE results AS grades and number of resits Reference Personal statement Quality of application Interview Extra assessments BMAT / UKCAT / Step exams etc Contextual data

12 How to apply? On line application system – easy! How to Apply How to Apply Cost Number of applications - £12 or £23? Personal statement Reference Timeline

13 Student finance and results Results day Thursday 15 th August 2013 Clearing & Adjustment

14 The Steps Choosing course Applying Offers (UCAS extra) Student finance england online application Results Next steps (clearing and adjustment) Starting university / college

15 Key Dates 15 th October 2012 - deadline Oxbridge, medicine, dentistry and veterinary science Approx. 15 th January 2013 - deadline for all other applications (apart from some Art & Design courses with 24 th March 2013 deadline) 30th June 2013 - applications entered after this date go straight into clearing

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