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Published byJason Wilson Modified over 9 years ago
Perspective Plan District Sidhi Under Backward Regions Grant Fund 2007 to 2012
Madhya Pradesh District Sidhi
District Sidhi Map
T he programme is designed to redress the regional imbalances in development. Funds are available for supplementing and converging existing developmental inflows into identified districts. Panchayati Raj Institutions at all levels and Municipalities are the institutions for planning and implementation of the programme, through the participative preparation of district plans from the bottom upwards. Objectives
District Objectives Lower down the IMR & MMR Housing Facilities For SC/ST BPL Families. CC Link Road in the Villages. Rural Electrification of Majara Tolas. Emphasis on Quality Education. To encourage Games & Sports. Emphasis on PRI’s Training & Capacity Building. Public Facilities & Market Facilities.
BRGF consists of two funding windows, namely, a Capacity Building Fund and a substantially untied grant. The substantially untied grant is to be distributed among the districts as follows: (a) every district will receive a fixed minimum amount of Rs.10 crore per annum, and (b) the balance allocation under the scheme will be made on the basis of the share of the population and area of the districts in the total population and area of all the backward districts. Salient features of the BRGF Programme
Each Panchayat or Municipality within the backward district concerned will be the unit for planning under BRGF. Plans prepared by each Panchayat or Municipality will be consolidated into the District Plan by the District Planning Committee, constituted in During the consolidation of the District Plan, particular care shall be taken to ensure that the District Plan addresses issues relating to SC/ST development. Salient features of the BRGF Programme
The State Government will designate a department, preferably the Department of Panchayati Raj, as the nodal department at the State level, responsible for the management, monitoring and evaluation of the programme. A High Powered Committee headed by the State Chief Secretary and consisting of Members from various departments of State Government and the Central Ministries will consider and approve the proposed District Plans to be taken up under the districts component of the BRGF.
Basic Details of the District Area (in sq. km)10526 Total Inhabited Villages1812 Total Habitations5933 Forest Villages12 Towns (Class I to IV) and Major Towns4 (Source – District Statistical Hand Book – 2004)
Classification of panchayats and ULB’s on population basis S.No.Name of ULBNo of wardPolulationArea (Ha) 1Municipality Council Sidhi24457001231.49 2Nagar Panchayat Rampur naikin1599002474.83 3Nagar Panchayat Churhat15180013104.00 4Nagar palik nigam Singrauli4518782728646.00 TOTAL9924522745456.32 SNoPopulation Range of Village No of Panchayats 1500-1500 117 21501-2500 398 32501-3500 157 43501-4500 30 54501-5500 10 65501-6500 3 76501-7500 2 Total 717 Classification of panchayats and ULB’s on population basis
BlockTotal Rural Population Male/Female Ratio Population Density (2001) Decadal Growth per cent (1991-2001) 2001 Per/Sq. kmMaleFemale Sidhi 239439948332 22.3634.52 Rampur 191148945205 23.8230.63 Majholuli 12889394117526.9226.53 Kusmi 6510895849 24.9128.64 Sihawal 216386965290 24.7234.52 Devsor 243959951134 27.8124.84 Chitrangi 258489924133 25.5235.61 Waidhan 417721906220 24.4234.82 District 183115293217424.3833.99 (Source – District Statistical Hand Book – 2004)
S.No.Particulars Madhya Pradesh Sidhi District 1 Total Population 6,03,48,02318,31,152 2 Total Population of SC Community 91,55,177 2,17,026 3 Total Population of ST Community 1,22,33,4745,47,375 4 Proportion of SC Population 15.17 %11.85 % 5 Proportion of ST Population 20.27 %29.89 % 6 Total Share of SC and ST Population 35.44 %41.74 % 7 Total Share of SC and ST Population in Rural Areas 41.4 %44.96 % (Source – District Statistical Hand Book – 2004)
Population MP and Sidhi (Source – District Statistical Hand Book – 2004)
MP and Sidhi SC ST Population (Source – District Statistical Hand Book – 2004)
Sr. No.Development Indicator Score of Sidhi District District’s Rank in the State 1.Human Development Index 0.55513 th from the bottom 2.Share of SC and ST Population 42.8 %Seventh Highest in the state 3.Female Literacy36.4 %Fifth from bottom 4.Workers’ Participatory Rate of Women 34.2 %Fourth Highest in the state 5.Infant Mortality Rate105 in 1000Seventh Highest in the state (Source – Human development reference book
(Source – District Statistical Hand Book – 2004)
Literacy Rate as Per 2001 Census Serial No. ParticularsMadhya Pradesh Sidhi District 1Total Literacy Rate63.7%52.3% 2Total Literacy Rate Among Males76.5 %68.03% 3Total Literacy Rate Among Females50.55%36.43% 4Rural Literacy Rate57.8%48.8 % 5Rural Literacy Rate Among Males72.1 %64.93 % 6Rural Literacy Rate Among Females42.96 %32.68 % Source: Census 2001
Total Literacy Rate Among Males & Females Source: Census 2001
Rural Literacy Rate Among Males & Females Source: Census 2001
BlockTotalBPLSCSTOBCMinorityLand lessMarginal farmers Small farm ers Rampur nekin37490266844460721288103591943748542393 Majholi2729715450131051804315281668756003163 Sidhi45696260914737911982944791552473423225 Sihawal430702717937475976143316961715632796744 Chitrangi4377121570281587388432221239863102862 Devsar44373226263753994365974141070580673854 Baidhan39733203803823562563868431098867382654 Kusmi132586450548414614188277522101465 Total2946881664302519055939380964302956704440026360 Block wise Details of BPL Families (No. of Household) (Source – District Statistical Hand Book – 2004)
BPL Family in Sidhi (Source – District Statistical Hand Book – 2004)
BlockTotal AreaForest LandWastelandNet sown areaDouble cropped Sidhi10208129910108284962014792 Rampur778771679978354102915249 Majholi724742523553952859411160 Kusmi1450011088615489171013734 Sihawal7448014176101104112217897 Devsor18455977091186215728517249 Chitrangi19229076022165176750023295 Waidhan19042489912232375097517833 Totoal103918643800698032353226121209 Land use Pattern and Land cover Block wise (Source – District Statistical Hand Book – 2004)
Forest in different Blocks of Sidhi District (Source – District Statistical Hand Book – 2004)
Irrigation Facilities S.NoSourceFacilities 1.Canal12667 2.Tube well6094 3.Well60193 4.Pond1104 5.Others9886 6.Total89944 (Source – District Statistical Hand Book – 2004)
Irrigation Facilities Chart Irrigation Facilities in Sidhi District Tube well 15% Canal 37% Well 32% Others 11% Pond 5% (Source – District Statistical Hand Book – 2004)
Strengths Low population density Good monsoon Perennial rivers Forest resources Experienced Panchayati Raj Institutions Cheap & abundant labour Experience of running participatory development programme Large Livestock population Ample and diverse bio-resources which include the local soil and water Sites of historical and ecological importance. Enabling environment in the district for collective actions/ convergence actions.
Weaknesses Unskilled human resource Low productivity of land Land distribution pattern averse to community development Low and uneconomic land holding among the targeted population. Undulating topography Large number of landless and marginal farmers Low productivity of cattle Low literacy rate Lack of value addition and packaging facilities for the N.T.F.Ps. Erratic power supply/absence of electrical infrastructure. Lack of industrial development Poor rail connectivity
Weaknesses Lack of quality education Weak marketing linkage Lack of value addition and packaging facilities for the N.T.F.Ps. Inefficient use of existing irrigation facilities and lack of water harvesting structures. Seasonal Migration of people in search of livelihoods Lack of modern inputs to agriculture Lack of field staff to provide services in rural areas particularly in Agriculture, health, and education. Poor connectivity of villages.
Opportunities Land under cultivation can be increased. Percentage of irrigated land can be increased through tapping the available water resource. Supply of food grains, vegetables, fruits, milk and animal products to the consumers in the district and also nearby cities. Conducive agro-climatic condition for horticultural crops. N.T.F.P. based value additions particularly bamboo, mushroom, chirongi, mahua, etc. Large cattle resources (Cow) Availability of bio –diverse food crops. Eco- tourism Skill development and capacity development of community based institutions particularly SHGs, farmers etc.
Threats Erratic monsoon and intensive rain. Competition in horticultural crops from other players in the market. People bound to traditional methods of cultivation. Seasonal Migration Naxalite problem recently reported in 41villages of District.
India resides in villages. 73.54% and 86% of the total population of the state and district reside in the rural area respectively. Different villages have different requirements/Demands and thus have different vision regarding the development but some of the common needs/requirement have emerged out in each village by working out the requirements putforth by villagers on different meeting, discussion and stake holder meeting. The major common demands which came out from each village are- The buildings for aganwadi centres, ayurvedic and veterinary dispensaries, sub health centres and primary health centres, community buildings etc. Village connecting CC Roads. Rural Electrification of the majara tolas. Drinking water problem- have also been reported in some of the villages. Rural housing problem- have also been reported in most of the villages belonging ST/SC families living below the proverty line. To overcome all these problem and to fulfill the requirements of the village people, the appropriate strategies have been under taken in BRGF plan. Gram Panchayat
Janpad Panchayat Different JP’s have different requirents/needs and thus have different vision. The common requirement in each janapad panchayat have been taken care of. The common vision in each janapad panchayat was – To develop infrastructure in health, education and public facilities like drinking water, regional training centres and stadium/play ground development. All high school and higher secondry school buildings, hospitals dispensaries have been proposed under BRGF plan. Similary, Regional training centres at each Janpad Panchayat and statdium/play ground development have also been proposed. Panchayat community buildings and boundry walls for some of the institutions under various departments have also been demanded.
District Panchayat The district vision has been nothing but compilation of the vision of above two PRI’s. The district vision have been emerged out after various discussions, meetings and stake holder's meetings at the district level and suggetions from MP’s, MLA’s, Departmental heads and DPC members. Improvement in health and education, public facilities, rural electrification, drinking water facilities etc. have unanimously been advised. Equal importance has also been given on the development of the games and sports. The need for regional training centres has also been felt by the district. The need for rural CC link roads has equally been felt. Thus taking into consideration the vision at all the three tiers of PRI's appropriate works / Structures have accordingly been incorporated in the district five year pers pective plan of BRGF to fulfill the needs / demands of the people and thus to bridge the critical gaps identified in the lead sectors
2006-2007 S.No. Programme Name Expected Resource Inflow 1National rural employment Guarantee Scheme 14062.00 2Integrated Child Development Services 184.00 3Mid Day Meal 1155.87 4Sarva Shiksha Ahiyan and Adulat Education 4300.00 5Swarna Jayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana 141.00 6National rural Health Mission / Family Welfare 409.00 7Total Sanitation Campaign 796.12 8Accelerated Rural Water Supply Programme / Swajaladhara 148.00 9Indira Awaz Yojana 344.00 10Rural Infrastructure Development Fund 0.00 11Paradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojna 4500.00 12Non Convectional Energy Schhemes 0.00 13 Accelearated Power Development Programme and Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana 2600.00 14Jawaharlal Nehru Urban Renewal Mission / IHSDP 0.00 15DPIP 369.00 16PWD 2567.84 Total 31576.83
Sl.No.Programme NameExpected Resource Inflow 1National rural employment Guarantee Scheme 14062 2Integrated Child Development Services 184 3Mid Day Meal 1155 4Sarva Shiksha Ahiyan and Adulat Education 4300 5Swarna Jayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana 678 6National rural Health Mission / Family Welfare 409 7Total Sanitation Campaign 796.12 8Accelerated Rural Water Supply Programme / Swajaladhara 148 9Indira Awaz Yojana 344 10Rural Infrastructure Development Fund 0.00 11Paradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojna 4500 12Non Convectional Energy Schhemes 0.00 13Accelearated Power Development Programme and Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana 2600 14Jawaharlal Nehru Urban Renewal Mission / IHSDP 0.00 15DPIP 369 16PWD 2567.84 17Grand Total31576.83 Details of fund distribution from different Projects Tip: Amount written in Lakhs
Details of BRGF fund distribution SNOParticularAmount in lakhs each year Amount in lakhs Five Years 1Training and capacity buildings100.00500.00 2Development fund1481.007405.00 Total Received Amount each year1581.007905.00 1Development fund for rural area on population basis (86%) 1273.006365.00 2Development fund for urban area(14%)208.001040.00 3Reserved fund for rural(5.1% of the Development fund for outsourcing and encouragement) 65.00325.00 4Reserved fund for urban(5.1% of the development)10.6053.00 Net development fund 1Rural area1208.006040.00 2Urban area197.40987.00 100.00 lakhs Tied fund available each year will be utilized as under 1Construction of resource centres at each block Rs 15 lakhs 2Training of PRI’s representatives and Govt officials- as per SIRD module 3Establishment expenditure on staff- as per DC office 4Communication facilities like telephone computer etc. at all three levels of PRI’s.
Working Process & Methodology
Gram Shabha Ward Shabha Data Collection from Gram Shabha and Ward shabha Database Creation Priority base selections of works and approval Gram Panchayat Ward Shabha Zila Panchayat Nagar Panchayat / Nagar Nigam DPC Approval Submitted to high power committee Janpad Panchayat
Details of Infrastructure District Sidhi Status of Infrastructures Existing/Need and Proposed(Under BRGF) S.No.Name of InfrastructurePresent Status (2006-07)Demand of DistrictFrom B.R.G.F. 1Primary School1307158SSA 2Middle School70798SSA 3High School15214 4Higher Secondary School13020 5Kitchen Shed2014256MDM 6Anganbadi Building2049699456 7Sub Health Centar2878158 8Aryurvedic Hospital6725 9Missing link Road17626557 10PHC40292 11Sport Complex29388 12Bus Stand12161 13Vetnary Hospital & A. I. Center14622 14Rural Godown346250Dept. 15Apna GharN/A4832 16Regional Training center cum meeting HallN/A99 17Boundary Wall45935659 18Rural Electrification146634671 19Drinking Water Facilities2868732300 20Community BuildingN/A717137
District- Sidhi (M.P.) BRGF 5 (Five)YEAR PERSPECTIVE PLAN Urban Area ( 2007- 2012 )
Proposed Work List of ULB SNOULB NameWard NoWork Name Amount in Lakh s Proposed work Year 1 Rampur Naikin-NP7CC Road, Rewa-Sidhi main road to degree college8.6207-08 2Rampur Naikin-NP7AI Centers at Veterinary hospital campus1.4007-08 3Rampur Naikin-NP1CC Road, Bakaiha basti to ward no 39.0008-09 4Rampur Naikin-NP1Boundry Wall in Statidium3.0008-09 5Rampur Naikin-NP3 and 4CC Road, Bakaiha ward no 3 to ward no 4 harijan basti9.0009-10 6Rampur Naikin-NP1 and 4Drinking water facility2.0009-10 7Rampur Naikin-NP5 and 6CC Road10.0010-11 8Rampur Naikin-NPVariousShav dah grih construction2.0010-11 9Rampur Naikin-NP10CC Road, Ward no 10 kolaan to garhi10.0011-12 10Rampur Naikin-NP15Ward no 15 kolaan3.0011-12 11 Churahat NP6CC Road Nirman From Rest house to Barahai Road15.0007-08 12Churahat NP6CC Road, Barahai Road to Navoday Vidyalaya15.0008-09 13Churahat NP6Ghat and Plateform construction near koldaha bridge10.0009-10 14Churahat NP6Nali Construction from Resthouse to navodaya vidyalaya15.0010-11 15Churahat NP1CC Road, khammauniya road15.0011-12 16SIDHI MC RCC-NH75-Baniya koloni tiraha-SP benglow, Rotarary Club-SP office-Collectorate Chowk. And Nali and Footpath construction at both sides 147.8007-10 17SIDHI MC Installation of water supply Main pipe line from Hospital chowk to bus stand 40.0010-11 18SIDHI MC Construction of Howker's corner Zone near Community Bhawan for Street Banders 5.0010-11 19SIDHI MC Construction of swimming pull and sport complex in civil line area50.0011-12
20SIGARAULI NN40 and 41CC Road from Waidhan to Beejpur121.5609-10 21SIGARAULI NN40Waidhan, Community Building Construction14.0010-11 22SIGARAULI NN40Veterinary hospital and AI Centre construction15.0010-11 23SIGARAULI NN40Construction of Girl Higher Secondry School15.0010-11 24SIGARAULI NN40Boundry Wall Construction at Vety Hospital Campus10.0011-12 25SIGARAULI NN40OPD Building construction at CHC Waidhan15.0011-12 26SIGARAULI NN05 and 7Gorabi, community Building construction28.0011-12 27SIGARAULI NN16Plateform construction at Indira market3.8110-11 28SIGARAULI NN28RCC Road Construcction in Majan Colony18.2611-12 29SIGARAULI NN1Nali Construction near Pidar tali school1.6409-10 30SIGARAULI NN10Nali construction in Medhauli harijan basti3.0310-11 31SIGARAULI NN4CC Road Construction Near CITI16.0011-12 32SIGARAULI NN4Nali Construction near Adiwasi Basti CITI10.7711-12 33SIGARAULI NN1Kusawai, Nali construction3.0309-10 34SIGARAULI NN1Kusawai, hume pipe culvert construction in kuswai3.9810-11 35SIGARAULI NN39Culvert construction on main road at Talkies marg4.0010-11 36SIGARAULI NN40 and 41Nali Construction from Bansu harijan's home to nala3.1010-11 37SIGARAULI NN40 and 41Waidhan,Water supply scheme330.002009- 2011 987.00 SNOULB NameWard NoWork Name Amount in Lakhs Propose d work Year
District- Sidhi (M.P.) BRGF 5 (Five)YEAR PERSPECTIVE PLAN “Ditail” 2007-08-09-10-11-12 Rural Area ( 2007- 2012 )
Backward Regions Grant Fund 5 Year Perspective Plan District Sidhi SectorProposed WorksNo. of WorksPer unit costTotal Cost 12345 Rural Health Primary Health Center215.531.00 Sub Health Center Buildings585.5319.00 Ayurvedic dispensary Buildings255.5137.50 Vitenary SectorVetinary Hospital Buildings225.5121.00 Education SectorHigher Sec. School Buildings2029.5590.00 High School buildings14 196.00 Women & Chield Welfare Sector Anganwadi Buildings4562.51140.00 Public FacilitiesDrinking Water Facility3000.6180.00 Village Connecting CC Roads57--355.20 Bus Stand with Public convenience Centers13737.00 ElectrificationRural Electrification Works71--270.00 Panchayat RajPanchayat / Community Buildings1375.15705.55 Boundry Wall59--363.00 Apna Ghar 48320.251208.00 Sport ComplexStedium Construction825200.00 Capacity BuildingRegional Training Centers920.75186.75 Total6071 6040.00
Backward Regions Grant Fund 5 Year Perspective Plan-Year-wise [Physical and Financial] District Sidhi Proposed WorksSec tor Per unit cost 07-0808-0909-1010-1111-12District Sidhi 123NoRsNoRsNoRsNoRsNoRsNoRs Health Primary Health Center 15.5 2312 Sub Health Center Buildings 5.533181.519104.52112 2 58319 Ayurvedic dispensary Buildings 5.51793.5316.521115.521125137.5 Veterinary Sector Veterinary Hospital Buildings 5.5949.5105515.51 1 22121 Education Sector Higher Sec. School Buildings 29.59265.57206.54118 20590 High School buildings 144568112001141 196 Women & Chield Welfare Sector Anganwadi Buildings 2.571177.57418588220143357.5802004561140
Public Facilities Drinking Water Facility 0.660366036603660366036300180 Village Connecting CC Roads -- 42252.715102.557355.2 Bus Stand with Public convenience Centers 37 1 1 Electrific ation Rural Electrification Works -- 71270 71270 Panchaya t Raj Panchayat / Community Buildings 5.1536185.432164.822113.32010327139.0 5 137705.55 Boundry Wall-- 11834828059363 Apna Ghar 0.25672168130432612483121178294.5430107.548321208 Sport Complex Stedium Construction 25 82008 Capacity Building Regional Training Centers 20.75 5103.75120.75362.259186.75 Total 9111212.915171206.315031200.5514611220.46791199.860716040 Proposed WorksSector Per unit cost 07-0808-0909-1010-1111-12District Sidhi 123NoRsNoRsNoRsNoRsNoRsNoRs
District- Sidhi (M.P.) BRGF 5 (Five)YEAR PERSPECTIVE PLAN Block “Sidhi” ( Rural Area ) ( 2007- 2012 )
Backward Regions Grant Fund 5 Year Perspective Plan-Year-wise [Physical and Financial] Block-Sidhi SectorProposed WorksUnit07-0808-0909-1010-1111-12Sidhi 123NoRsNoRsNoRsNoRsNoRsNoRs Health Primary Health Center15.5 Sub Health Center Buildings 5.52112 2 2 2 1055 Ayurvedic dispensary Buildings 5.5316.521115.51 0738.5 Veterinary Sector Veterinary Hospital Buildings 5.5 01 1 1 1 422 Education Sector Higher Sec. School Buildings 29.5259388.5259 7206.5 High School buildings141 1 1 342 Women & Chield Welfare Sector Anganwadi Buildings2.51025512.510251537.5102550125
Public Facilities Drinking Water Facility 0.663.66 6 6 6 3018 Village Connecting CC Roads -- 850 8 Bus Stand with Public convenience Centers 37 Electrificatio n Rural Electrification Works -- 2144 2144 Panchayat Raj Panchayat / Community Buildings 5.15210.32 2 525.755 1682.4 Boundry Wall-- 10441044 Apna Ghar 0.2522255.5200501002520050 722180.5 Sport Complex Stedium Construction 25 1 1 Capacity Building Regional Training Centers 20.75 241.52 Total248194.9221192.4145188.9239202.8538195.35891974.4 SectorProposed WorksPer unit cost 07-0808-0909-1010-1111-12Sidhi 123NoRsNoRsNoRsNoRsNoRsNoRs
District- Sidhi (M.P.) BRGF 5 (Five)YEAR PERSPECTIVE PLAN Block “Sihawal” ( Rural Area ) ( 2007- 2012 )
Backward Regions Grant Fund 5 Year Perspective Plan-Year-wise [Physical and Financial] Block-Sihawal SectorProposed WorksPer unit cost 07-0808-0909-1010-1111-12Sihawal 123NoNo RsNoRsNoRsNoRsNoRsNoRs Health Primary Health Center 15.5 Sub Health Center Buildings 5.5316.53 0633 Ayurvedic dispensary Buildings 5.521115.51 211633 Veterinary Sector Veterinary Hospital Buildings 5.5 01 1 Education Sector Higher Sec. School Buildings 29.5259129.5 388.5 High School buildings 142282 456 Women & Chield Welfa re Sector Anganwadi Buildings 2.5 45112.5 45112.5
Public Facilities Drinking Water Facility 0.663.66 6 6 6 3018 Village Connecting CC Roads -- 15102.515102.5 Bus Stand with Public convenience Centers 37 Electrificati on Rural Electrification Works -- 23101 23101 Panchayat Raj Panchayat / Community Buildings 5.15 1 1682.4 630.923118.45 Boundry Wall-- 1183 1183 Apna Ghar 0.2530075400100 700175 Sport Complex Stedium Construction 25 1 1 Capacity Building Regional Training Centers 20.75 1 1 Total315193.1415193.7546192.562199.131193.75869972.2 SectorProposed Works Per unit cost 07-0808-0909-1010-1111-12Sihawal 123NoRsNoRsNoRsNoRsNoRsNoRs
Pictorial Presentation of work Distribution in District Sidhi Under BRGF Project
Aganwadi in District Sidhi
Apana ghar in District Sidhi
Aurvedic Dis BUilding in District Sidhi
Higher Sec. Buildings in District Sidhi
Rural Electrifications in District Sidhi
Sub Health Centers Building in District Sidhi
Panchayat Buildings in District Sidhi
Drinking Water Facilities in District Sidhi
Training Centers in District Sidhi
Summary Of Expected Outcomes ObjectiveSchemeDirect Output/ Time Frame Indirect Outcome / Time Frame Improved electrification. Intensive electrification of villages and hamlets. 71 majras will be intensively electrified. Electrification of villages. Low fluctuation in voltage. S.S.Is. may develop in the long run. Missing LinksConstruction of 57 village connecting CC Roads Villages will get connected to the main road and other parts of the village and district thereby ensuring better quality of life for the population Marketing of produce will become easier. Development of small enterprise thus generating employment and numerous other economic benefits of social and financial value. To control Naxlite problem in affected areas. Improvement in quality of education through increased enrollment, retention etc. and to encourage games and sports. Construction of High school and Higher Secondary School Buildings and Sport complex/Stadium at each block headquarters. 14 HS, 20 HSS buildings and 8 sport complex will be constructed. Increase in attendance, enrollment, retention rate, and transition rate. Girls enrolment and literacy rate. Better quality of education and to develop sport mainship and to encourage games and sports and thus overall development of students.
Cont… Public facilitiesBus Stand at Majhauli1 Bus Stand with provision of pucca plateform, Drinking water facilities, toilet, waiting hall etc for passengers will be constructed. It will provide easy and comfortable journey and pleasant waiting hours. Boundry wall59 Boundary wall constructed at schools, Hospitals and panchayat bhavan It will give security and protection to the institution and keep premises neat and clean. Drinking water facility300 hand pumps will be setup at ST/SC gram panchayat having drinking water problem. It will provide neat clean drinking water for SC/ST families that will keep there live healthy. Community Building and Regional Training Centres 137 Community Building and 9 regional training centres will be constructed. It will provide a definite place for gathering meetings and cultures activities, and training centres will provide a definite and better place for organising different kinds of training for govt. officer and employees and also to PRI’s representatives and other public concerns.
ST / SC sub plan under BRGF Five Year Perspective Plan of District Sidhi, M.P. The population of district Sidhi comprises of 29.89 % and 11.85 % STs, & SC's respectively that is to say about 42% of the total population. Under BRGF five years perspective plan due care has been taken to incorporate such works / structures benefiting ST / SC population more than 50% of the total fund available under the scheme. Details of structures and works proposed under the project are as under :-
S.No.Name of works / StructuresNo.Amount. (in lacs) 1.Apna Ghar48321208.00 2.Drinking water facilities (Hand pumps) in ST/SC's Grampanchayat having criticle drinking water problem 300180.00 3.Community building at ST/SC's reserved Gram Panchayats. 137705.55 4.Rural electrification in majara tola's having ST/SC majority. 71270.00 5.Village connecting C.C. Roads. in ST/SC majority villages & Tolas. 57355.20 6.Aganwadi center's are specially proposed in SC/ST majority villages. 4561140.00 Total58533858.75 Thus about 63% of the total fund available under BRGF scheme has been proposed for SCs & STs.
Fund Flow
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