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Published byCory Dawson Modified over 9 years ago
LHC results on open heavy quarks and quarkonia 1 E. Scomparin (INFN-Torino) Heavy quarks and quarkonia in thermal QCD Trento, 2-5 April 2013
A new episode of a long story…. 2 …27 years after the prediction of J/ suppression by Matsui and Satz … 17 years after the prediction of radiative energy loss by the BDMPS group
A new episode of a long story…. 3 …27 years after O beams were first accelerated in the SPS …13 years after Au beams were first accelerated at RHIC … and barely 2.5 years (!!!) after Pb beams first circulated inside the LHC
Are LHC results matching our expectations? 4 Definitely yes !
..and RHIC is keeping pace 5 …but we will focus today on LHC
Heavy quark energy loss… 6 Fundamental test of our understanding of the energy loss mechanism, since E depends on Properties of the medium Path length..but should critically depend on the properties of the parton Casimir factor Quark mass (dead cone effect) E quark < E gluon E b < E c < E light q which should imply R AA (B) > R AA (D) > R AA () S. Wicks, M. Gyulassy, JPG35 (2008) 054001
… and v 2 Due to their large mass, c and b quarks should take longer time (= more re-scatterings) to be influenced by the collective expansion of the medium v 2 (b) < v 2 (c) Uniqueness of heavy quarks: cannot be destroyed and/or created in the medium Transported through the full system evolution 7 Can the unprecedented abundance of heavy quarks produced at the LHC bring to a (final ?) clarification of the picture ? J. Uphoff et al., PLB 717 (2012), 430
LHC, 3 factories for heavy quark in Pb-Pb 8 ALICE ATLAS CMS
A (slightly) closer look to experiments: CMS 9 “Global” muons reconstructed with information from inner tracker and muon stations Further muon ID based on track quality (χ2, # hits,…) Magnetic field and material limit minimum momentum for muon detection p T cut for J/ Tracker p T resolution: 1-2% up to p T ~100 GeV/c Separation of quarkonium states Displaced tracks for heavy-flavour measurements
A (slightly) closer look to experiments: ALICE 10 Main difference with respect to CMS: PID over a large p T range, down to low p T (~0.1 GeV/c) TPC as main tracker slower detector, lower luminosity “Intermediate” situation for the forward muon arm Faster detectors, can stand higher luminosity
“Indirect” measurements Semileptonic decays, the shortcut to heavy quark production (pioneered by RHIC and also SPS!) ALICE: HF muons at forward rapidity (-4<<-2.5) Non-negligible background issues
Results Forward muon spectrometer Background from /K extrapolated from mid-y (assuming y-dep. of R AA ) Factor ~3-4 suppression for central events, weak p T - dependence Reference: pp at 2.76 TeV Muon ID: matching track/trigger, rejects hadronic punch-through 0-10% 10-20% 20-40% 40-60% 60-80%
What about central rapidity ? 13 ATLAS measures muons from HF in ||<1.05, 4<p T <14 GeV/c No pp at 2.76 TeV reference available, use R CP rather than R AA R CP subject to statistical fluctuations use R PC too! ~flat vs p T up to 14 GeV/c, different from inclusive R CP ! HF yield through fit of templates for discriminant variable C If ~no suppression for 60-80% central ~ forward suppression
Electron ID in ALICE 14 Low-p T electrons identified mainly via dE/dx in the TPC for MB events High-p T electrons: EMCal becomes essential (in addition to TPC) Check matching of the distributions in the common p T region
Electrons at midrapidity 15 ALICE measures inclusive electron production at midrapidity “Photonic” background subtraction through invariant mass reconstruction (pair candidate with other e and reject low masses) Contribution from J/ ee also subtracted Suppression in 3<p T <18 GeV/c (factor up to ~3) Hints for less suppession at high p T ? Reference: pp at 7 Tev + FONLL
Reconstructing D-decay topology 16 ALICE: good vertexing resolution + PID study D-decay topology Topology of the decay resolved via the reconstruction of secondary vertex Combinatorial background reduced via topological selections (e.g. cos point ) PID using TOF and TPC to further suppress background Invariant mass analysis c ~ 300 m c ~ 120 m
More complex topologies 17 D*: look for soft pion from primary vertex (strong decay) 100-200 MeV momentum, detection in the ITS (no PID) Small Q-value, signal at the beginning of m plot, background not too large D s : small c factor wrt D + 2K PID helps removing background, but not enough Selection around -mass
D-meson R AA 18 ALICE: D-mesons at central rapidity Invariant mass analysis of fully reconstructed decay topologies displaced from the primary vertex D 0, D + and D* + R AA agree within uncertainties Strong suppression of prompt D mesons in central collisions up to a factor of 5 for p T ≈ 10 GeV/c Reference 7 TeV scaled to 2.76 with FONLL Use FONLL shape if no pp
Comparisons: what do we learn? 19 To properly compare D and leptons the decay kinematics should be considered (p T e ≈0.5·p T B at high p T e ) Similar trend vs. p T for D, charged particles and ± Hint of R AA D > R AA π at low p T ? Look at beauty
Charm(ed) and strange: D S R AA 20 First measurement of D s + in AA collisions Expectation: enhancement of the strange/non-strange D meson yield at intermediate p T if charm hadronizes via recombination in the medium Strong D s + suppression (similar as D 0, D + and D* + ) for 8<p T <12 GeV/c R AA seems to increase at low p T Current data do not allow a conclusive comparison to other D mesons within uncertainties
Beauty via displaced J/ 21 Fraction of non-prompt J/ from simultaneous fit to + - invariant mass spectrum and pseudo-proper decay length distributions (pioneered by CDF) Background from sideways (sum of 3 exp.) Signal and prompt from MC template
Non-prompt J/ 22 Suppression hierarchy (b vs c) observed, at least for central collisions (note different y range) Larger suppression at high p T ? (Slightly) larger forward suppression
The new frontier: b-jet tagging 23 Jets are tagged by cutting on discriminating variables based on the flight distance of the secondary vertex enrich the sample with b-jets b-quark contribution extracted using template fits to secondary vertex invariant mass distributions Factor 100 light-jet rejection for 45% b-jet efficiency
b-jet vs centrality/p T 24 b-fraction ~constant vs both p T and centrality b-fraction similar (within errors) in p-p and Pb-Pb Pb-Pb/pp
Beauty vs light: high vs low p T 25 Low p T : different suppression for beauty and light flavours, but: Different centrality Decay kinematics High p T : similar suppression for light flavour and b-tagged jets Fill the gap!
HQ v 2 at the LHC 26 Indication of non-zero D meson v 2 (3 effect) in 2<p T <6 GeV/c First direct measurement of D anisotropy in heavy-ion collisions Yield extracted from invariant mass spectra of K candidates in 2 bins of azimuthal angle relative to the event plane
EP dependence of R AA (30-50%) 27 Raw yield in and out of plane in 30-50% Efficiencies from MC simulations Feed-down subtraction with FONLL Reference: 7TeV pp data scaled to 2.76 TeV More suppression out of plane with respect to in plane: longer path length at high p T, elliptic flow at low p T
Electron v 2 28 As for single-electron R AA, different detection techniques according to p T Magnitude of v 2 comparable at RHIC/LHC in the common p T range HFE v 2 >0 observed in 20-40% >3 in 2<p T <3 GeV/c Suggests strong re-interaction with the medium
Data vs models: D-mesons 29 Consistent description of charm R AA and v 2 very challenging for models, can bring insight on the medium transport properties, also with more precise data from future LHC runs
Data vs models: HFE 30 Simultaneous description of heavy-flavor electrons R AA and v 2 Challenge for theoretical models
Heavy quark – where are we ? Abundant heavy flavour production at the LHC Allow for precision measurements Can separate charm and beauty (vertex detectors!) Indication for R AA beauty >R AA charm and R AA beauty >R AA light More statistics needed to conclude on R AA charm vs. R AA light Indication (3) for non-zero charm elliptic flow at low p T Hadrochemistry of D meson species:first intriguing result on D s
Intermezzo: multiplicity dependence of D and J/ yields 32 Should help to explore the role of multi-parton interactions in pp collisions The ~linear increase of the yields with charged multiplicities and the similar behaviour for D and J/ are remarkable….. …but need to be explained!
Charmonia – the legacy 33 The first “hard probe” to be extensively studied Several years of investigation at SPS and RHIC energies After correction for EKS98 shadowing In-In 158 GeV (NA60) Pb-Pb 158 GeV (NA50) PHENIX Suppression beyond cold nuclear matter effects (firmly) established Role of (re)generation still under debate Still producing new results !
Great expectations for LHC 34 …along two main lines 1) Evidence for charmonia (re)combination: now or never! Yes, we can! (3S) b (2P) (2S) b (1P) (1S) 2) A detailed study of bottomonium suppression Finally a clean probe, as J/ at SPS
Once again, the main actors 35 Will LHCb join the club ? CMS J/: |y| 6.5 GeV/c ALICE J/: |y|<0.9,2.5<y<4 p T >0 ATLAS | | 3 GeV/c Complementary kinematic coverage!
ALICE, focus on low-p T J/ 36 Electron analysis: background subtracted with event mixing Signal extraction by event counting |y|<0.9 Muon analysis: fit to the invariant mass spectra signal extraction by integrating the Crystal Ball line shape
J/, ALICE vs PHENIX 37 Compare with PHENIX Stronger centrality dependence at lower energy Systematically larger R AA values for central events in ALICE Is this the expected signature for (re)combination ? Even at the LHC, NO rise of J/ yield for central events, but….
R AA vs N part in p T bins In the models, ~50% of low-p T J/ are produced via (re)combination, while at high p T the contribution is negligible fair agreement from N part ~100 onwards J/ production via (re)combination should be more important at low transverse momentum Different suppression pattern for low- and high- p T J/ Smaller R AA for high p T J/ Compare R AA vs N part for low-p T (0<p T <2 GeV/c) and high-p T (5<p T <8 GeV/c) J/ recombination 38
R AA vs p T 39 Expect smaller suppression for low-p T J/ observed! The trend is different wrt the one observed at lower energies, where an increase of the with centrality was obtained Fair agreement with transport models and statistical model
CMS, focus on high p T Muons need to overcome the magnetic field and energy loss in the absorber Minimum total momentum p~3-5 GeV/c to reach the muon stations Limits J/ acceptance Midrapidity: p T >6.5 GeV/c Forward rapidity: p T >3 GeV/c..but not the one (p T > 0 everywhere)
CMS explores the high p T region 41 (Maybe) we still see a hint of p T dependence of the suppression even in the p T range explored by CMS Good agreement with ALICE in spite of the different rapidity range (which anyway seems not to play a major role at high p T ) Centrality dep. in pTpT y bins
CMS vs STAR high-p T suppression 42 (Re)combination effects should be negligible CMS: prompt J/ p T > 6.5 GeV/c, |y|<2.4 0-5% factor 5 suppression 60-100% factor 1.4 suppression STAR: inclusive J/ p T >5 GeV/c, |y|<1 High p T : less suppression at RHIC than at LHC
Rapidity dependence 43 Rather pronounced in ALICE, and evident in the forward region (~40% decrease in R AA in 2.5<y<4) More difficult to conclude between mid- and forward-rapidity Not so pronounced at high p T (see CMS, previous slides) PHENIX-like ?? Shadowing estimate (EPS09, nDSg) Compatible with central, NOT with forward y More general CNM issue
Does the J/ finally flow ? 44 First hint for J/ flow in heavy-ion collisions (ALICE, forward y) ! The contribution of J/ from (re)combination should lead to a significant elliptic flow signal at LHC energy Significance up to 3.5 for chosen kinematic/centrality selections Qualitative agreement with transport models including regeneration
J/ at the LHC: a “summary” plot 45 Main “qualitative” features now explored Effect of “inclusive” (ALICE) vs “prompt” (CMS) expected to be small Precise theory calculations are now needed! “Onset” of regeneration at small y, p T ?
J/ and open charm, more questions 46 Is the apparent similarity of D and J/ R AA telling us something ? In principle suppression mechanisms are different (en. loss vs suppression) but….
(2S): CMS vs ALICE 47 (2S) much less bound than J/ Results from the SPS showed a larger suppression than for J/ (saturating towards central events ? One of the landmarks of stat. model) No results from RHIC in Au-Au Seen by both CMS (much better resolution!) and ALICE, different kinem. Expectations for LHC ?
Enhancement/suppression ? 48 At SPS, the suppression increased with centrality (the opposite for CMS) Overall interpretation is challenging ALICE vs CMS: should we worry? Probably not, seen the size of the errors Large uncertainties: signal extraction, pp reference Work needed to reduce systematics CMS: transition from strong (relative) enhancement to suppression in a relatively narrow p T range ALICE excludes a large enhancement
Finally, the 49 LHC is really the machine for studying bottomonium in AA collisions (and CMS the best suited experiment to do that!)
Strong suppression of (2S), wrt to (1S) Separated ϒ (2S) and ϒ (3S) Measured ϒ (2S)/ ϒ (1S)double ratio vs. centrality centrality integrated no strong centrality dependence Upper limit on ϒ (3S) centrality integrated One of the long-awaited signatures ?
First accurate determination of suppression 51 Suppression increases with centrality First determination of (2S) R AA : already suppressed in peripheral collisions (1S) compatible with only feed-down suppression ? Probably yes, also taking into account the normalization uncertainty Compatible with STAR (but large uncorrelated errors): expected ? Is (1S) dissoc. threshold still beyond LHC reach ? Full energy
What did we learn ? 52 26 years after first suppression prediction, this is observed also in the bottomonium sector with a very good accuracy R AA vs binding energy qualitatively interesting: can different p T coverage be seen as a way to “kill” recombination ?
Quarkonia – where are we ? 53 Two main mechanisms at play 1)Suppression in a deconfined medium 2)Re-generation (for charmonium only!) at high s can qualitatively explain the main features of the results ALICE is fully exploiting the physics potential in the charmonium sector (optimal coverage at low p T and reaching 8-10 GeV/c) R AA weak centrality dependence at all y, larger than at RHIC Less suppression at low p T with respect to high p T CMS is fully exploiting the physics potential in the bottomonium sector (excellent resolution, all p T coverage) Clear ordering of the suppression of the three states with their binding energy as expected from sequential melting (1S) suppression consistent with excited state suppression (50% feed-down)
CNM: will pA help ? 54 In principle, yes ! In practice, it is often difficult to Understand the results Use them to calculate CNM for AA SPS RHIC We might be a bit more lucky at LHC since shadowing might become the only CNM effect Crossing times ~10 -3 fm/c Much smaller than formation times
News from pA run 55 Goal: 30 nb -1 integrated luminosity reached Data taken for p-Pb AND Pb-p: maximum forward rapidity coverage p-Pb peak luminosity > 10 29 cm -2 s -1 ALICE Asymmetric energy of the two beams s=5.023 TeV y=0.465
A taste of what’s coming 56 Calibrate CNM effects within reach for both HF and quarkonia!
Conclusions 57 LHC: first round of observations EXTREMELY fruitful Many (most) of the heavy-quark/quarkonia related observables were investigated, no showstoppers, first physics extracted Many (most) of the heavy-quark/quarkonia related observables need more data to sharpen the conclusions full energy run, 2015-2017 upgrades, 2018 onwards RHIC: still a main actor, with upgraded detectors Lower energies: SPS, FAIR Serious experimental challenge High- B region of the phase diagram unexplored for what concerns heavy quark/quarkonia below 158 GeV/c
Recent news from RHIC 58 STAR: direct charm measurement vs p T, in bins of centrality pp reference consistent with FONLL upper limit Suppression at high-p T in central and mid-central collisions Enhancement at “intermediate” p T (consistent with resonance re-combination model) J. Bielcik
PHENIX, b vs c 59 PHENIX VTX tracker Larger suppression for beauty Challenging result ! TO BE UNDERSTOOD Charm to bottom ratio is obtained from the fit to the DCA distribution of measured electrons Good agreement with previous NPE results and with pp b/c ratios R. Akimoto TO BE BETTER UNDERSTOOD !
PHENIX, b vs c 60 Charm and bottom contributions in electron from heavy-quark decay is measured directly from the electron DCA distribution (VTX) Bottom fraction in pp consistent with published data (from e-h correlations ) and with FONLL Look forward to forthcoming Au-Au results! R. Akimoto
STAR, on R AA and v 2 61 1 nb -1 sampled luminosity (Run2010) new measurement of NPE with a highly improved result at high p T v 2 tends to zero at low s lighter charm-medium interactions ? Strong suppression of HQ (consistent with D), pure energy loss disfavoured Finite v 2 at low p T, increase at high p T (jet corr., path length dependence) Simultaneous description of R AA and v 2 challenge for models M. Mustafa
PHENIX – new systems/energies 62 Old system (Au-Au) at new energy: still a balancing of suppression and regeneration ? Theory seems to say so…. New system (Cu-Au) at old energy: Cu-going finally different! (probably not a CNM effect) A challenge to theory SPS went the other way round (from S-U to Pb-Pb…) M. Durham
PHENIX – CNM 63 First study of a charmonium excited state at collider energy Seems contradicting our previous knowledge p T dependence of R dAu Increase vs p T at central/forward y Reminds SPS observation But different behaviour at backward rapidity Not easy to reproduce in models! Overall picture still not clear !
STAR – J/ 64 STAR measures high-p T J/ up to 10 GeV/c Fair agreement with models including color screening and recombination (the latter becomes negligible at low p T ) First measurement of J/ v 2 (will become final ?) Compatible with zero everywhere In contrast with recombination picture ? B. Trzeciak
STAR - 65 Bottomonium: the “clean” probe 3 states with very different binding energies No complications from recombination But not that easy at RHIC! …and this has been split into 3 centrality bins…. Compatible with 3S melting and 2S partial melting M. Calderon
Hints from theory 66 Theory is on the data ! Fair agreement, but…. … one model has no CNM, no regeneration …the other one has both CNM and regeneration Still too early to claim a satisfactory understanding ?
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